Strange Question for all women out there

Here goes....Lately, I've noticed that I've lost in places I didn't really want to lose (my boobs). I'm still like a 38 - 40 around but the cup, probably a B instead of a C, maybe even smaller :(

I'm 173 and losing inches everywhere. I feel like I look like one of those major runners that are really flat chested.

Anyone else suffer from this?

Is there anyway I can exercise to at least "lift" up what I've already got. I'm 39, so everything is sagging down because of gravity and the 3-4 years I spent nursing the kids.



  • LittleMissDover
    LittleMissDover Posts: 820 Member
    I have the opposite problem I'm afraid, I lose everywhere but my boobs, I end up looking like a cartoon character the slimmer I get!

    Any 'pec' exercises will help lift a little but sadly age and childbearing (not breastfeeding though apparently) mean all of us with more than an A cup go South eventually :frown:
  • cre8vecheryl
    I am also breast-gifted lol - not flat - but I have a good exercise for you as a fellow mother who nursed! Take a pair of 5 lb weights (or heavier if you like) and bend them toward your face, elbows touching, open your arms (butterfly) and press up perpendicular to shoulders, back down and repeat. Do as many as you can for 1 minute. Works arms, chest and shoulders and I have found lifts the girls back up where they belong. :) Hope that makes sense!
  • GeekyGoddess
    I lose boobage too. And usually its the only place I lose. I have a "gigantic *kitten*" according to my BF, so, not having boobs to balance it out is lame. I have no advise for you, maybe someone else does. I just commiserate with your problem.
  • faithchange
    faithchange Posts: 311 Member
    I am also breast-gifted lol - not flat - but I have a good exercise for you as a fellow mother who nursed! Take a pair of 5 lb weights (or heavier if you like) and bend them toward your face, elbows touching, open your arms (butterfly) and press up perpendicular to shoulders, back down and repeat. Do as many as you can for 1 minute. Works arms, chest and shoulders and I have found lifts the girls back up where they belong. :) Hope that makes sense!

    Thank you! I'll try this!!! :)
  • tenaheff
    I think some of this is perception. We like to say that we lose it first in our boobs and never seem to gain it back, but if that were true we would all have sunken chests:bigsmile: . Much of our breast is fat. When we lose fat, we lose breast. For me, I don't think I end up looking flatchested, but I do notice my breasts are not as full when I lose weight.

    One recommendation is to be sure to exercise so that you gain muscle.
  • JustLindaLou
    JustLindaLou Posts: 376 Member
    Not only do I lose from the boobs, but unevenly too.... Right Boob - AA cup, Left Boob - B cup.... I despise bra shopping but I am tired of sports bras (which just flatten them puppies so you can't tell they are uneven....)... Tried all kinds of inserts, pads, cutlets, etc... *sigh* I guess it's back to stuffing them with kleenex, which at least comes in handy during allergy season!!! :laugh:
  • missmayeb
    missmayeb Posts: 182 Member
    I am also breast-gifted lol - not flat - but I have a good exercise for you as a fellow mother who nursed! Take a pair of 5 lb weights (or heavier if you like) and bend them toward your face, elbows touching, open your arms (butterfly) and press up perpendicular to shoulders, back down and repeat. Do as many as you can for 1 minute. Works arms, chest and shoulders and I have found lifts the girls back up where they belong. :) Hope that makes sense!

    Do you know if there is a video or photos somewhere we can see for this workout? I am getting lost in translation. . . . .it must be the blonde in me.
  • MissAnjy
    MissAnjy Posts: 2,480 Member
    I never seem to lose boob, weird.
    My boobs are hormone induced though, seriously.
    I went from a B to a DD when I was pregnant with my kids....and they never left? I mean, they did SOMEWHAT, but I'm still a high C or low D.
  • schicksa
    schicksa Posts: 123 Member
    Building your pectoral muscles will help lift what's there out and up more, so it may not get any bigger cup-size wise but they will stick out more and look perkier! Basically this means anything with a press; chest press, push ups, etc. If you're a somewhat beginner with weights, I recommend starting with dumb bells until you're comfortable. Make sure to keep your elbows out at 90 degrees or wider to get the most benefit. Then eventually you can graduate to the bar (it weighs 45 lbs). Just keep those arms wide. For pushups, you can always do variations based on hand placement: Hands in a v, shoulder-width, wide, shoulder width with triceps going back....these are great because as much as they suck, they hit a lot of major muscle groups (including the treacherous arm flaps we all hate!).
  • tcchasse
    Unfotunately I have the opposite problem...mine seem to come off last. I am like the lady who talked about being a cartoon character. They are the first thing you see on me and I hate it. Wish I would lose them in porportion to the rest on my body. Happened the only other time I had to lose weight as well. :(
  • karaselby
    My breast also shrink when I lose weight. I do agree with one woman on here who said that it is because they are fat...makes sense. I also have came to the conclusion that although my boobs are getting smaller which sucks, I am okay with it because the rest of me is also getting smaller. I will sacrafice small boobs for a smaller body! lol! Good luck!
  • claporte69
    I definitely lose in the boobs first which I am ok with being somewhat chesty. I read somewhere you gain weight from the top down and lose it the same way so you notice weight lose it in your face or boobs first. Chest flies are a great exercise but do them on an incline and decline not just flat so you hit the entire pecs. Also be careful not to go to far towards the floor past your shoulders or you may injure your shoulder.
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,023 Member
    I can so relate, I have lost quite a bit in the boob department too at least a size smaller. I think doing exercises for your pecs will help. Look up on youtube, you can probably find some good exercises....I am going to check it out for sure
  • locherm
    locherm Posts: 2 Member
    Well the boob is the first place I lose.. I gained quite a bit of weight with the kids.. in my younger years I used to say I looked like a little boy.. flat on both sides! haha.. skinny and flat.. my BFF used to tell me skinny girls dont have boobs.. but now that I have had kids I have alot more curves.. but the first place I lose weight is in my boobs. sucks totally.. I really dont know of any exercises to lift them. just maybe some chest exercises. to strenghen the muscles underneath and that should help perk them up a bit.
  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    Here goes....Lately, I've noticed that I've lost in places I didn't really want to lose (my boobs). I'm still like a 38 - 40 around but the cup, probably a B instead of a C, maybe even smaller :(

    I'm 173 and losing inches everywhere. I feel like I look like one of those major runners that are really flat chested.

    Anyone else suffer from this?

    Is there anyway I can exercise to at least "lift" up what I've already got. I'm 39, so everything is sagging down because of gravity and the 3-4 years I spent nursing the kids.


    Join the club, I spent SIX years total nursing 3 kids. I went from a 36 B/C pre pregnancy to a 42DD while nursing my youngest ( and then again this year at my heaviest). Since February I have gone from a 42DD to a 40C, and now a 38D/DD. I think I'll be OK if I go down to a 36 band, but I don't think it is possible to go below a C cup size. They may hang down to my belly button, but there is plenty of volume!
  • heatherloveslifting
    heatherloveslifting Posts: 1,428 Member
    Kind of wishing I had your problem! I always wanted tiny boobs I could run on the beach with...
  • Cheri_Moves
    Cheri_Moves Posts: 625 Member
    This happened to me. I noticed them "gone" (from DDD at start to now barely a C) around March :grumble:

    But, somehow they have kinda tightened up! I do strength training 2-3 times a week (NROLFW) which might be the reason. Whatever the reason, I am thankful!

    Funny thing is I hadn't noticed, but hubby did! :blushing: :blushing: :blushing:
  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member
    Me, too. It is the first place I lose and the last place I gain.
  • Lina4Lina
    Lina4Lina Posts: 712 Member
    I had the opposite problem where my breasts got bigger as I lost weight. I wore a B and went up to a D. I think it is mostly I was losing elsewhere but my breasts stayed mostly the same.

    You could try working the underlying muscles but really breasts are made of fat and tissue, nothing to 'build them up'. I'd work on pushups and you could also do chest flys.
  • Pangui
    Pangui Posts: 373 Member
    For me, it's different every time I lose weight. Usually, the boobs go first. Oddly, this time around, I have lost nearly 100 pounds and I am still in the same cup size (DD to DD). I know it's just a matter of time before they start shrinking, but they are making the rest of my body look smaller by comparison. I am perfectly fine with it and I really hope they stay at a C when I get to goal.