


  • cmcollins001
    cmcollins001 Posts: 3,472 Member
    "Research suggest that cinnamon also improves insulin sensitivity, by making receptor sites on cells “pick up” insulin better. One type of cinnamon in particular, Cassia cinnamon, can lower fasting blood glucose by 18% to 30%. Researchers have also found that taking cinnamon extract can lead to significant increases in lean body mass and a reduction in overall body fat. Cinnamon also has antioxidant properties that can fight aging and help your heart."

    I found this on the internet, so it HAS to be true. Actually, I'm finding it a lot of places online. I'm going to talk with my doc about it when I see him in a couple of weeks.
  • awmejia
    awmejia Posts: 147 Member
    I have never heard of cinnamon for weight loss. I love the taste of it though even sprinkle it in my coffee even during the 300lb years. So i definitely didn't work for me.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    I love cinnamon! Great for fall recipes. Because it tastes good. Always has and always will.
  • My husband took it for a while, he is diabetic and it didnt help. But he took it in the morning at the same time as fish oil capsules. He said Cinnamon-Fish burps are not pleasant.
  • drmerc
    drmerc Posts: 2,603 Member
    Anyone want to buy a bridge?
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,228 Member
    I dare ya to swallow a teaspoon of cinnamon dry!!! I double dog dare ya!

    PICS or it didn't happen!!
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    I dare ya to swallow a teaspoon of cinnamon dry!!! I double dog dare ya!

    PICS or it didn't happen!!

    Other people already tried this and failed.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Cinnamon, just another in a long line of money making schemes by the supplement industry. While there is limited evidence that it can help diabetics manage blood sugar, it does not do anything else.

    It doesn't speed up your metabolism. It doesn't magically build muscle and burn fat. These are myths to get people to waste their money on supplements and make supplement companies a ton of money. Hence the, "*these statements have not been evaluated by the FDA, and this product is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat or prevent any disease," quote on the bottle. In other words, this product doesn't actually do anything but separate you from your money.
  • SouffleBoy
    SouffleBoy Posts: 65 Member
    There's a woman on youtube who ate a ladle full of cinnamon and lost 100lbs in 5 days. I think her username was bullsh*t995
  • Cliffslosinit
    Cliffslosinit Posts: 5,044 Member
    Doesn't she dance in da club?
  • Sthrncupcake
    Sthrncupcake Posts: 79 Member
    yes. try eating a big spoonful of cinnamon at every meal. it has really helped me out!!!

    LOL!!! I :heart: you!
  • Iron_Feline
    Iron_Feline Posts: 10,750 Member
    I like it on popcorn.........
  • ndwyer0910
    ndwyer0910 Posts: 86 Member
    :noway: I think I got more jokes than helpful responses but thank you. But hey doesnt hurt to try. Im only going to do the tsp on apples or in oatmeal though once a day. I cant eat it three times a day thats a little much for me. :sick:

    To those with the first :flowerforyou: unless you're to chicken :devil:
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    :noway: I think I got more jokes than helpful responses but thank you. But hey doesnt hurt to try. Im only going to do the tsp on apples or in oatmeal though once a day. I cant eat it three times a day thats a little much for me. :sick:

    To those with the first :flowerforyou: unless you're to chicken :devil:

    It is especially delicious on apples!!
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,228 Member
    :noway: I think I got more jokes than helpful responses but thank you. But hey doesnt hurt to try. Im only going to do the tsp on apples or in oatmeal though once a day. I cant eat it three times a day thats a little much for me. :sick:

    To those with the first :flowerforyou: unless you're to chicken :devil:

    What makes you think we haven't already done it? :wink:
  • Here's the reason why cinnamon is good in your helps to keep your blood sugars level. That's why diabetics use it! :)
  • NikkiSixGuns
    NikkiSixGuns Posts: 630 Member
    I don't know about any metabolism increasing properties. That just sounds too gimmicky.

    However... I can say from personal experience that it can lessen MY appetite a bit. It's not a fix-all and it doesn't stop me from feeling hungry when I really should eat, but it does help alleviate some of the cravings/munchies I get sometimes. I usually sprinkle a bit on my cereal in the morning (probably about 1/8 tsp) and sometimes on various planned snacks during the day (apple slices, cinnamon toast, in yogurt with fruit, etc.)

    Hey, it works for me...
  • DonaA123
    DonaA123 Posts: 337 Member
  • Treece68
    Treece68 Posts: 780 Member
    You should check if it real Cinnamon or what we use and call Cinnamon because there is a diffrence real cinnamon and cassia
  • rextcat
    rextcat Posts: 1,408 Member
    i vote bs:bigsmile: