Thin Mint Girl Scout Cookies - they are taunting me!!

Brenna Posts: 126 Member
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
So, I have a box of thin mints in my office fridge that was brought in by a colleague. After years of buying Girl Scout cookies, they are decidely the best cookie choice...

I decided to check out the best bang for your buck with girl scout cookies. As in, which box of cookies could I buy and be able to eat the most with the fewest calories. The answer is not clear from this article that I came accross: It looks like they all have different serving sizes and bakers (?).

I suppose I should just stick to my fav and just TRY not to devour the whole box!!! :laugh:

Any insight on the matter fellow Girl Scout Cookie consumers???


  • KT923
    KT923 Posts: 3
    OMG!!! THOSE ARE THE MOST AWESOMELY HORRIBLE THINGS EVER. I can eat a whole box - no problem - in one sitting. =( I actually made a commitment to not buy any this year...feel a little guilty for not helping them out...but really need to focus more on what's good for me for a change!!!!

    Maybe I could buy some to give to others, but I truly feel that'd be too tempting. Definitely good step in trying to find the best choice for your health, however - sorry I couldn't be much help. I've never bought any kind but Thin Mint. ever.
  • I'm buying a bunch, but keeping them in my friends deep freezer until I reach my fitness goal. I don't have the willpower to keep them in the house.
  • lilchino4af
    lilchino4af Posts: 1,292 Member
    You could always buy those snack bags and divy up the cookies by serving amount and when you want some just grab one bag. That way, when the bag is empty you don't accidently eat more than that one serving amount. Granted, I think one serving for those is only 2 cookies so that may be overkill lol.
  • The mint ones are my favorite! I try to be good and just have one serving a day as a snack but I could easily eat half the darn box in one sitting.
  • krislew
    krislew Posts: 46 Member
    I have 4 boxes of Samoas coming. Help me now...they have to be the worst ones out there!
  • cassandra1220
    cassandra1220 Posts: 284 Member
    Take a few cookies home with you. You wont be tempted to overdo it if you only have a small amount at your fingertips. Have a sensible dinner and the cookies as a dessert. If you keep fighting it you are going to fail but if you set yourself up for success (have a SERVING) then your overall goal will not suffer.

    OR you can lick them all and put them back in the box....just kidding.
  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,849 Member
    On the form I've seen here there's a spot where you can donate boxes. You would be giving money to the GS but the cookies would go somewhere else. The one I saw went to the local food bank. not sure why the food bank needs GS cookies, but it might be a good way to go if you want to donate but not get the cookies.

    Me, I bought 5 boxes from my cousin. I ordered 4, but they ordered some pizza from me so I ordered another to equal out cost. Yikes. Good thing my kids will eat these in like 2 days.
  • Just remember, if you still want to help out the scouts without buying the cookies, you can buy boxes for donation. The girls will send the boxes directly to the charity without you having to touch the boxes!!! No temptation needed!!
  • I love love love them and I could eat the whole box if it was in front of me! Good for you for trying to stay away from them. They are like Pringles though... once you pop you just can't stop so BE CAREFUL!!!!
  • Ashia1317
    Ashia1317 Posts: 415
    OMG! I'm jealous! I dont' get mine until Feb!!! I want them soooo bad!!! And the Tagalongs too!!

    Oh! And I LOVE LOVE LOVE the Dairy Queen Thin Mint Blizzard! It's the best!!
  • April0815
    April0815 Posts: 780 Member
    I just put my order in for thin mints, and 4 other kind. I will send them offshore with my husband!!!!
  • Go on the girl scout cookies website ( , click on 'meet the cookies' up top, and then at the bottom of hte pop up menu click the nutrition facts) and you can look up the various calories and decide which is the most bang for your buck so to speak. Also they have low calorie ones this year, which I am certain are not as nice as thin mints, the peanut butter ones, or the caramal coconut ones, but still. I personally had to refrain from buying them completely though as I have no will power what so ever and my husband (who is also on this) has less will power than me (and twice my daily calorie allowance, sooooooooo not fair).
  • angelwings2000
    angelwings2000 Posts: 357 Member
    I lvoe Girl Scout cookies and usually have to order about 8 boxes. This year no one asked me......not even the little girl across the street who I watch occasionally on weeknights and just dropped off at ehr meeting last night.
    I guess God is trying to prevent me from having to deal with the temptation!!
  • dujennifer
    dujennifer Posts: 162 Member
    Serving sizes should equal a whole sleeve....who can eat any less? I usually freeze them to get them out of sight and eat less. Even more dangerous is thin mint ice cream. My favorite dessert, icecream combined with my favorite cookie, just cruel!
  • Reeder
    Reeder Posts: 20
    What's scary is this.....I used to order 10 boxes of Thin Mints every year. They would be gone by Sept! Back then, the weight didn't hold as well. I couldn't keep them in my system(if you know what I mean).
    This time I ordered 2 boxes!! I will have to see how that goes!
  • is it that time of year again??? I'm in trouble
  • Reeder
    Reeder Posts: 20
    What's scary is this.....I used to order 10 boxes of Thin Mints every year. They would be gone by Sept! Back then, the weight didn't hold as well. I couldn't keep them in my system(if you know what I mean).
    This time I ordered 2 boxes!! I will have to see how that goes!
  • ractayjon
    ractayjon Posts: 365
    As a GS leader and a "cookie mom" say GO BUY GS cookies!!! But as a dieter trying to lose weight - I say support GS buy a box and have the seller donate it to Gift of Caring. You give them the $ for the cookies and they donate that box to a local worthy cause. That way you did a good deed without the temptation - trust me on the temptation part in a few weeks I will have over 600 boxes in my living room!
    But, if you are determined - buy a box and limit yourself to 2 a day.. they arent going to kill your diet if you can control your portions.
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    Those little demons :devil: actually came to my door the other night! I told the dad I didn't know the Girl Scouts went door to door any more and he said, "We do." :laugh: So I ended up buying three boxes. :tongue: I bought a box of thin mints for my son, a box of the Samoas (yum yum yum!!!) for me and a box of lemon filled. :ohwell:
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