Protein Shakes for Newbies...

Hiya :smile:

I know there have seen a few posts about Protein Shakes, although the ones that I have found don't seem to answer my questions.

1. Do you use them as a meal replacement or a snack?
2. If used as a meal replacement, how long does 1 shake typically keep you feeling full?
3. Do you think consuming a protein shakes help you lose weight?
4. How do you prepare them?
5. Which do you use?
6. Would you recommend a certain way to start consuming a protein shake for a newbie?

I've purchased a few samples from Sprouts:

Jay Robb - Vanilla which was yuckky, chocolate & strawberry have not tired yet.
Amazing Meal/Grass - Vanilla Chai Infusion which was actually not bad at all.
Vega One -Chocolate, Vanilla Chai & Berry have not tried yet.

I'd appreciate any constructive feedback. Thank you in advance!


  • christinechipchase
    Bump I would like similar info, I am just starting to exercise and think it might be helpful to keep me full. xx
  • NiagaraCheryl
    NiagaraCheryl Posts: 56 Member
    bump...I'm looking for info on this as well
  • McBully4
    McBully4 Posts: 1,270 Member
    I know there have been a few posts about Protein Shakes, although the ones that I have found don't seem to answer my questions.
    Few...more like a few per hour.
    1. Do you use them as a meal replacement or a snack?
    2. If used as a meal replacement, how long does 1 shake typically keep you feeling full?
    Not as long as you'd like
    3. Do you think consuming a protein shakes help you lose weight?
    they help you get to your protein goal on a deficit, which can be difficult at times.
    4. How do you prepare them?
    Typically mix with milk or water, but there are people out here with some bat **** crazy recipes putting everything under the sun in them.
    5. Which do you use?
    ON Whey Double rich chocolate, imo even mixed with water it could pass as chocolate milk.
    6. Would you recommend a certain way to start consuming a protein shake for a newbie?
    I'd appreciate any constructive feedback. Thank you in advance!
    you are very welcome
  • thinby40
    I buy some protein shakes from a local fitness expert who is on Dr. Oz a lot. I like the chocolate protein shake the best. It's very tasty and fills me up. I always have one for breakfast and for lunch or snack. They help me to stay in control and it has a lot of protein!
  • vanessadoulames
    There's one protein shake I make sometimes for breakfast (meal replacement) that I found on some website awhile back. It was called a Birthday Cake Protein Shake and I love it.... it has more of an ice cream consistency so it kinda satisfies that craving for me.
    Basically it's 14.5oz (1/2 cup) of fat free cottage cheese, 1 scoop of vanilla designer whey protein, 1 tbs of a vanilla/cheesecake/white chocolate flavored Jello sugar free/fat free instant pudding mix, 1/3 cup skim milk, 3 drops of almond extract, 10+ ice cubes and blended until smooth. Even if you're not into cottage cheese, try it anyways. It blends smooth and has zero cottage cheese flavor.
    The nutritional info is 212 calories, 18g carbs, 1g fat, and 33g protein. It usually keeps me full till about lunch time.
  • McBully4
    McBully4 Posts: 1,270 Member
    I've purchased a few samples from Sprouts:

    Jay Robb - Vanilla which was yuckky, chocolate & strawberry have not tired yet.
    Amazing Meal/Grass - Vanilla Chai Infusion which was actually not bad at all.
    Vega One -Chocolate, Vanilla Chai & Berry have not tried yet.

    I've tried vanilla, peanut butter and mocha flavors(not the brand you mentioned). All were decent but the flavor got very old quickly, the chocolate flavor I mentioned above has lasted with out me growing tired of it.
  • breza262
    breza262 Posts: 40 Member
    I don't know a whole lot about this since I am a little newer to this as well. What I DO know is that all protein shakes ARE NOT created equal. Look for shakes that use quality ingredients. I used ISAGENIX as a meal replacer. Very reputable brand and even through it was pricey, I really liked them. I would drink one every morning for breakfast (mixed with ice and water) and it would last me a good portion of the morning. If I added a TBSP of peanut butter or half a banana, it easily would last me until lunch. And I did end up losing weight and feeling much more energized. Now I am using Tera's whey and mixing it with ice and almond or coconut milk. This is one that is much lower in calories and is not recommended to be used as a replacer, just a supplement to healthy eating. However, it does fill me up and I usually wait an hour or two after before I eat my morning yogurt. This is a local company (Wisconsin) that prides themselves on quality organic ingredients and sweeteners, which make me feel good about using them. Good luck!
  • sunshine_gem
    sunshine_gem Posts: 390 Member
    I'll try to answer what I can but these are purely my own opinions.

    1) I personally don't use them as a meal replacement. I either add it on to a meal or have as a snack to up my protein.
    2) I like to have them first thing as they can help suppress my appetite for the rest of the day (that's just me though, might not be the same for you).
    3) When combined with healthy eating and exercise yes it can. Specifically if you're doing strength training as you'll need the extra protein to help repair your muscles.
    4) Depends how many calories I have. I usually just mix it with water and shake it and it's fine. Also takes the least amount of time. If I have a few extra calories then I'll use soya milk. I know a lot of people mix them with fruit but I prefer not to.
    5) Don't know where you are in the world but I've been using Prograde. Just ordered some different ones from the UK though as it's cheaper.
    6) Try them and see how you like it. If you can stomach it with just water then do that. If you prefer to mix fruit in or whatever then do that. Just try out a few different ways and see which works for you. There's no right or wrong way really.

    Remember these are just my personal opinions. You'll only really know the answers to some of these until you try it. Good luck!
  • Charliebarleymo
    I have a Maxitone Strawberry shake made with skimmed milk for breakfast before going to the gym. I didn't like it with water. It keeps me full about as long as anything else I eat for breakfast (porridge, eggs, cereal, toast...), so I usually have a little snack mid morning.

    I don't like having them for other meals as I like a plate of food in front of me!
  • McBully4
    McBully4 Posts: 1,270 Member
    a local fitness expert who is on Dr. Oz a lot.

    Dr. Oz and expert can not be in the same sentence.
  • txdahl
    txdahl Posts: 107 Member
    I have a friend that is a body builder and he suggested I drink one about 30-45 minutes before working out. I am a big girl and had to take a PE for college (Fitness Walking) and could hardly make it through the first 20 minutes of warm-up. I started doing as he said and found that I did better. It seemed to give me just enough extra to make it through the class.
  • h0kieerin
    h0kieerin Posts: 11 Member
    1. Do you use them as a meal replacement or a snack?

    I usually do a protein shake for breakfast. I don't eat and drink at the same time so this is all I have for breakfast.

    2. If used as a meal replacement, how long does 1 shake typically keep you feeling full?

    It keeps me full until the next time I need to eat (3 hours).

    3. Do you think consuming a protein shakes help you lose weight?

    Protein shakes weren't an option for me. I can only eat small amounts so they help me reach my high protein goals (120g per day).

    4. How do you prepare them?

    Light soy milk, protein powder, instant decaf coffee, unsweetened dark cocoa powder, and sugar free flavored syrup (I have about 20 different flavors). It's like having my very own Starbuck's each morning.

    5. Which do you use?

    I prefer the Vanilla Jay Robb Egg White protein. I can't tolerate any of the whey protein smells. Egg white protein was ok'd for me by my doctor. It has no smell and weirdly enough, I love the vanilla. Generally, I'm a chocolate lover.

    6. Would you recommend a certain way to start consuming a protein shake for a newbie?

    First you have to find a protein powder that you like. Protein is very subjective. What I love, other people hate. People rave about the Syntrax Nectar protein powder - the smell of it makes me sick.

    If you like Starbuck's-type drinks, I'd start there. If you have more questions let me know!

    Good luck!
  • michelle_mareshfuehrer
    Here is my perspective:

    1. I use them as a meal replacement---the way that I prepare them makes them higher in cals/carbs so they can't be a snack for me or I will go too high on my macros.

    2. It depends on the amount of protein in it, but I am usually full until it is time for my next snack or meal (3-4 hours).

    3. I don't know about helping me lose weight, but I have to be on a <100g carbs/day restriction, so it is certainly a healthier way for me to not overdo it on carbs, but still feel full and get my nutrition in.

    4. My favorite recipe is 1 cup almond milk, 1 cup ice, 1 scoop french vanilla protein, 5 raspberries, 2 large strawberries, and 10 blueberries. Mix in blender. YUM! My husband also makes an amazing "latte" by brewing some Starbucks coffee and then stirring the french vanilla powder in it. Also YUM!

    5. GNC Total Lean 25 in French Vanilla is my preference, but it really depends on your goals.

    6. I use mine as a breakfast replacement since that is the meal I would skip otherwise because of time constraint/rushing.
  • Culley34
    Hi! Just to give you some context -- I'm a 26 y/o male. I'm not in the midst of taking protein shakes, since I'm training for a marathon, but I'd be happy to share my experiences.

    (1) I used protein shakes as post-workout snacks. They're best when you take them -right- after a workout or before you go to bed-- both are times when muscles are looking to repair themselves.
    (2) It depends what you mix it with. I used 1% milk and since the lactose makes your stomach expand -- you feel a bit fuller, longer. With water - you don't feel nearly as full, but you don't absorb the calories of milk. I would say a few hours.
    (3) Indirectly, consuming portein helps you lose weight. It allows your muscles to regenerate and repair faster, so you can workout longer (i.e., burn more calories), and the more muscle you have on your body -- the higher your metabolism and the more calories you will burn. However, adding muscle will also cause you to gain weight on the scale, and muscle weighs more than fat.
    (4) I would use the Chocoloate "MuscleTech" whey protein. I would add in some 1% milk, crushed ice, and some Bolthouse "berry blend" and toss it in the blender so it's similar to a frappe. Bolthouse Berry Blend It's a smoothie addititive you can get at the grocery store. With proteins or supplements - always go simple on the flavors (chocolate or vanilla). In my experience, the more complex the flavor -- the worse tasting. So leave the Kiwi Chocolate Banana Explosion Surprise for another day... :-)
    (5) MuscleTech Whey Protein -- Here's a link: (You may have to copy and paste the link...). I can only use this one. Others contain supplements or additives that make it difficult for me to sleep.
    (6) It depends if you're looking to add muscle or not and how much protein you have in your diet. If you have specific questions, let me know.

    A few things to be aware of...
    They may make you burp a little bit...
    And, if you're taking excess protein... it comes out the other end and it's not pretty. Sorry to be graphic, just letting you know.
    Hiya :smile:

    I know there have seen a few posts about Protein Shakes, although the ones that I have found don't seem to answer my questions.

    1. Do you use them as a meal replacement or a snack?
    2. If used as a meal replacement, how long does 1 shake typically keep you feeling full?
    3. Do you think consuming a protein shakes help you lose weight?
    4. How do you prepare them?
    5. Which do you use?
    6. Would you recommend a certain way to start consuming a protein shake for a newbie?

    I've purchased a few samples from Sprouts:

    Jay Robb - Vanilla which was yuckky, chocolate & strawberry have not tired yet.
    Amazing Meal/Grass - Vanilla Chai Infusion which was actually not bad at all.
    Vega One -Chocolate, Vanilla Chai & Berry have not tried yet.

    I'd appreciate any constructive feedback. Thank you in advance!
  • rmhand
    rmhand Posts: 1,067 Member
    1. Do you use them as a meal replacement or a snack?
    Depending on my macros and time it could be either, typically an after workout supplement to rebuild lean muscle so I'd call it a meal

    2. If used as a meal replacement, how long does 1 shake typically keep you feeling full?
    About 2-3 hours, then again all my meals keep me full that long since that's how often I eat

    3. Do you think consuming a protein shakes help you lose weight?
    Not really, it helped me build lean muscle to burn fat which helped me lose weight.

    4. How do you prepare them?
    In a blender bottle (or with a tight lid so I can shake it) 6oz unsweetened vanilla almond milk, 1 scoop protein powder, 4oz water. Shake, Shake, Shake.

    5. Which do you use?
    Bodylogix (found at Meijer) both chocolate and vanilla are pretty good.
    Avoid SOY! So for straight whey (isolate or hydorlized are the most pure).

    6. Would you recommend a certain way to start consuming a protein shake for a newbie?
    They tend to be high in calories so make sure it fits in your macros, it will probably put you over your protein goal if you have the standard MFP settings (unless you are usually extremely low on protein).
  • willhare
    willhare Posts: 44 Member
    1. Do you use them as a meal replacement or a snack? Both. I typically would make one if it was too late to make/eat a real meal after a late workout, or if I'm not really that hungry, but I know I need to eat something.

    2. If used as a meal replacement, how long does 1 shake typically keep you feeling full? Not very long. A few hours, maybe.

    3. Do you think consuming a protein shakes help you lose weight? I think they're a delicious, high protein, low calorie option to fill the void of other things you might grab in certain situations, so yes…they'll help. Of course, if you drink too many, they won't help.

    4. How do you prepare them? I actually don't use protein, per se. I use plain greek yogurt, milk, frozen fruit, and some low-sugar juice. The greek yogurt and milk provides a lot of protein, reasonable calories, low fat, and thickens up the shakes. The frozen fruit allows me to skip adding ice.

    5. Which do you use? No powder mixes for me!

    6. Would you recommend a certain way to start consuming a protein shake for a newbie? I prefer them after a workout, or as a last resort for days that I don't have time to make a meal.
  • KLPlatinum
    1. Do you use them as a meal replacement or a snack?
    - I have a protein shake/smoothie every morning for breakfast.

    2. If used as a meal replacement, how long does 1 shake typically keep you feeling full?
    - Since I have them as a meal replacement, I add more calories with berries and powdered milk. I usually have it around 8:30am and I am full till around 12.

    3. Do you think consuming a protein shakes help you lose weight?
    - I think it's helping me lose weight because I am actually eating breakfast.

    4. How do you prepare them? In the Magic Bullet (one of the best things I have ever bought)
    - 2 scoops french vanilla protein powder
    - 1/3 cup fat free powdered milk
    - 1 cup of frozen mixed berries
    - 1 cup diet ocean spray cranberry pomegranate juice (only 5 Cal)
    - 4 ice cubes

    5. Which do you use?

    6. Would you recommend a certain way to start consuming a protein shake for a newbie?
    - Just start playing around with different brands and recipes and see what you like.
  • StephanieEmpson
    Bump :drinker:
  • olong
    olong Posts: 255 Member
    1. Do you use them as a meal replacement or a snack?
    Usually as between meal "snack", though sometimes an addition to a meal. I typically take two scoops (approx 250 calories).

    2. If used as a meal replacement, how long does 1 shake typically keep you feeling full?
    Just the same as a real meal, of same calorie count

    3. Do you think consuming a protein shakes help you lose weight?
    I tend to lose weight better when I make certain I eat my protein grams, not so much when I focus on overall calorie count.

    4. How do you prepare them?
    Mix with water in bottle with top, then add ice -- cold tastes much better than cool or warm.

    5. Which do you use?
    Body Fortress Super Advance Whey Protein.

    6. Would you recommend a certain way to start consuming a protein shake for a newbie?
    Find a flavor/brand you like the tase of and can afford. Some protein shakes and bars get expensive... make sure you like the flavor or can blend with fruit or peanut butter or whatever strikes your fancy to enhance the flavor.
  • AmyP619
    AmyP619 Posts: 1,137 Member
    I drink the Total Lean 25 shakes. They're very tasty! I mix them with almond milk. I drink them as my lunch, usually WITH something like veggies or fruit. I find myself to be hungry again a couple hours after lunch, but I always have an afternoon snack, and I typically eat dinner by 6:00 so it's fine for me. I find it helps get in more protein and it's quick and convenient without consuming a ton of calories in the middle of the day. They work for me. I've been drinking them for 4 months, and I've lost 30 lbs...NOT from the shakes...but because I log everything on MFP, I do P90X (started with Power 90), and I stick to a 1200 calorie diet most of the time. I really just like the convenience factor, but they're not for everyone!