Need to lose over 100 pounds too?

Hello all you beautiful on the inside people! So it is time to get truly serious about all this diet stuff. When you realize you can't cross your legs, your feet hurt and it is difficult to tie your shoes..well it is time to get really I am looking for people who are serious about being a support team (community). When you have this much to lose, it is impossible to do on your own. I was hoping for some accountability partners that would help me succeed and for me to do the same. I am a youth minister who has a busy lifestyle, but in the last 5 years (because of my weight) I have broken more bones than for them, for me and for my family, I have to do something. I am almost 50 now and really don't want to die early. Reality is crashing in as I get older and I think it is time to search for a true lifestyle and not a yoyo fix that has you losing and I see to always put on more than I lose. How about you? Are you up for the challenge and do you need support to? Hope So!!!


  • chinatbag
    chinatbag Posts: 249 Member
    I need to lose about 70 lbs. When I reach the 240 or 220 lbs mark, I'm going to start incorporating exercises and continue with the diet I'm on. I'm doing a low carb, moderate protein, moderate fat diet. I highly suggest reading into it, I've lost 15 lbs thus far in about a month. I'm also eating at a huge caloric deficit (I'm a big guy). I figure that this is probably the best way, but it's also a self experiment. I don't recommend doing the high deficit that I'm at, but since I'm in the health care field, I figure that if anything is going on, I'll notice it fast enough.

    Best of luck on your journey, I'm working on mine too :D
  • bradphil87
    bradphil87 Posts: 617 Member
    I'm on the last leg of a 106 lbs weight loss goal. I have 19 left to go. You CAN do it!!!!! It's not easy, you will fall down, you will want to quit....but don't!!!! Just keep going!!!! The best advice I can give is two fold: 1. Don't look at it as 100 lbs to lose, look At it as 10 lbs to lose, then 10 more. Break it down into smaller goals. Mine is right now to get to 190 lbs, (I'm at 199 and 6' 1") after that it will be get to 180.
    2. And people always do this....myself included in the past. NO TIME SENSITIVE GOALS!!!! Like "I want to lose this much weight by this date" why? What's the point? You have a whole lifetime to make these changes, and if you want keep it off that's how long it's going to take lol that's my best advice I can give. Good luck!!!! I'll be cheering you on in your journey :)
  • prayerseeker
    prayerseeker Posts: 38 Member
    Gentlemen!!! (maybe ladies will join us)...I hope you are successful in your journey as it is 19 pounds or 190 pounds....I realize that I now have completed half of my life and it is time to stop doing for others and do for myself..what better way to do for myself than to love myself and take care of myself.

    It is almost the middle of the day...have you gotten your water intake in?

    Just checkin!
  • holly1283
    holly1283 Posts: 741 Member
    I needed to lose over 100 when I started this year. I need to lose at least 45 more. I'm 11 years older than you are which says I waited too long to get started. Good for you now. If you want you can befriend me. If not that is ok, too. whatever you are comfortable with.
  • ktaqt3399
    ktaqt3399 Posts: 141 Member
    Im with you I need to lose over 100 too. We can do this feel free to add me
  • I just started my journey again today. I am doing really well today and feeling happy. I could use some friends to help with accountability as well.
  • LindaVas
    LindaVas Posts: 127 Member
    I'm working on losing over 100 too.

    Anyone can feel free to add me. :happy:
  • angelgirl2272
    angelgirl2272 Posts: 9 Member
    I'm almost half way to my goal of a 110 pound loss. I've been at it for almost 5 months. I was doing weight watchers but switched to my fitness pal about two months ago. It took a few weeks to figure out what my daily calories should be and I still refigure it every month or so as I lose weight. I try to have about a 1000 calorie a day deficit but I do a lot of exercise so I still eat around 1500 calories a day.

    For me the key has been journaling my food and adding activity to my day. I bought a heart rate monitor so I can track exactly how many calories I burn during exercise (helps with my calorie intake). I track my food, even on days I eat all the wrong foods and too much of them, so I at least know what I've eaten. I try to add my food to my journal BEFORE I eat it. Sometimes I decide not to eat something because it's just too high in calories. Other times I eat a high calorie item but I never feel guilty about it later because I'm making the choice to eat the food and it was not done out of weakness. I know I have a ways to go to get to my goal and I know I have to live a lifestyle that will keep the weight off. Fad diets and restricting the foods you eat will make that really hard. I strive for eating more healthy foods but still having those foods I love on occasion.

    And once you start exercising and realize a candy bar takes an hour of walking to burn off, you really think twice about eating the candy bar!

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • GeekGirl23
    GeekGirl23 Posts: 517 Member
    I need to lose over 150 more
  • bonemuse12
    bonemuse12 Posts: 20 Member
    In case you weren't aware, there's a group here on MFP that is catered to the 100+ to lose group. Check us out under groups! Of course, you can post anywhere you want, but there's a ton of support (see what I did there?) to help guide you on this lifelong journey. Best of luck!

  • Hi there, I am over 50 and need to lose 30 lbs. Right now I am not working and have become very lazy. I've started walking,but not alot. I will have to get my butt in gear. I would love to join you on your journey cause I really do need help. I've been on here about 3 weeks and have only lost 3 lbs. so I will friend you and hopefully we can do this together.
  • I'm 20 and need to lose 121 pounds.
    Feel free to add me :)
  • Hi! I need to lose 120. Feel free to add me :-) I could use alot of support!