Hey all! 24/F looking to make friends!

So after doing many diets like Atkins, Nutrisystem, going vegan, vegetarian, raw foodist, I've had enough and simply just want to watch what I eat and not be so strict on myself. Want to lose about 50 pounds!

I'm in the process of giving up breads and white carbs, but I haven't completely eliminated those from my diet yet =P Also...am hoping to get rid of this sugar addiction as well! My birthday is coming up and my favorite sweet is NUTELLA :) so I've been looking at recipes hehe...

Anyways, I'm really up for making new friends and getting/giving support for others.

I'm 24 from Connecticut - name is Michelle :)


  • shells72280
    HI! I'm Michelle, too. We're destined to be friends:) Good luck on your lifestyle change, you'll be at 50 lbs before you know it!! And if you figure out to get rid of your sweet tooth, PLEASE let me know as that's my main problem too (well, that and wine;)).
  • soniabogonia
    soniabogonia Posts: 778 Member
    Hi! I'm Sonia. Would like to make new friends on here as well. Looking to loose about 50pounds.

    I also have a sweet tooth....but, my worst enemy is the TV. I've spent too many hours sitting on the couch watching stupid tv.

    Hoping to use MFP to keep the TV off and live a more rewarding and fun life.
  • chivalryder
    chivalryder Posts: 4,391 Member
    Hey there!

    Anyone can feel free to add me if they wish!
  • bandsofblue
    bandsofblue Posts: 33 Member
    Hey there Michelle!
    My name's Jeremy and I'm from New York.

    Congrats on having the will power to go vegan/vegetarian and now trying your hand at giving up carbs. Kudos to you. I've only been able to accomplish giving up soda. MFP has been a huge help to me even if I've only lost a few pounds; I already feel so much better and will continue to make progress.

    I'm always looking to make new friends and I'm on here every day and provide great support, so feel free to add me!
  • joecollins9385
    joecollins9385 Posts: 355 Member
    hey im joe. im 27. looking to lose about 5% body fat. feel free to add me.
  • nadinab
    nadinab Posts: 124 Member
    Hi Michelle!

    I am Dina, from Melbourne - Aus! Welcome to MFP! I am new to this as well and really loving all the support on here! Be proud of yourself for making such a huge step, to get away from all those "diets" and to commit to healthy living! Well done! Good luck with your journey! x
  • helengetshealthy
    helengetshealthy Posts: 171 Member
    Hi! oooh it's my 24th birthday next month :) I'll add you x
  • schula10
    schula10 Posts: 15 Member
    I'm a 24 year old female from MN looking to lose about 30 lbs before my wedding in May - looking for friends as well to be encouraging and motivating!! Feel free to add me!
  • faithangel34
    hi my name is megan and this is my first time on here i am 34 years old
  • Awkward30
    Awkward30 Posts: 1,927 Member
    I just saw nutella love and wanted to give you the heads up about the nutritionally superior 17010006_lg.jpg

    I say nutritionally superior because the first ingredient on my dark chocolate dreams is actually peanuts. 1) That means more healthy fats, and 2) that means there is less sugar than nut... unlike nutella.

    I probably eat at least a serving a day ^^ it is so delicious, and since the stats are very similar to unflavored peanut butter, I don't have to feel guilty :)

    I sound like a salesperson...which would be an awesome job if they paid me in peanut butter.

    They have other flavors, but I'm a chocolate fiend, so I don't so much like them.
  • michellemhere
    Haha Award30...thanks?! May have to try that ;)

    Ok - I think I added everyone on here...but am definitely open to making new friends! Thanks for your responses!