needing support before I loose my desire

So I started this weight loss adventure a few months ago. I have lost about 6 pounds but I always find an excuse on why not exercise and cheating. It seems as if im loosing that motivation and I need to add to my support group. I have so many reasons to continue to get to a healthier me. but so many excuses that sometimes seem to over power them. Life is tuff and there is just some things that you cant do on your own.


  • msperkey3
    msperkey3 Posts: 93 Member
    congrats on those 6 pounds you have lost. I think that its sooo hard to try to eat right, esp if you have people in your life that don't really care about what they put in their mouth. It makes it hard to stay focused and keep your willpower. I TRY to follow a plan from a book i recently read. Jackie Warner is a fitness instructor and she has in her book "this is why your fat" many, many helpful thoughts about weightloss. One thing is to eat clean ALL WEEK LONG... and then on sat and sun you can have 2 cheat meals. That way you dont feel deprived, because you know at the end of the week you can have that certain thing that you are really wanting! I dont eat perfectly by any means and love my junk food on the weekends, but I can try to motivate you as much as i can! I LOVE to exercise and do a program at home, trying to get my friends and family onboard!