I rarely post NSV's, but here's mine for today!

Today was weigh in day. I weighed in at 168.2 (started at 214). I was happy, but had hoped for more. It's a 2lb loss from last week (and 13 weeks into my diet, I should be extatic I'm still able to 2 pounds a week) but 2 days after my last weigh in I was 168.8 so just figured I would be at 167 by now. Anyway, NOT a big deal... I'll take a 2 pound loss for sure! I need to stop setting myself up for failure by expecting to see a certain number each week. Anyway, on to the NSV!

After getting on the scale, I grabbed my pants I hadn't worn in 2 weeks or so. (I live in Hawaii so pretty much live in pajama shorts lol) I pulled the pants on and off without even unbuttoning them!!! They are loose enough to not even be able to wear anymore, I'd constantly be pulling them up! They are size 16s. I bought a pair of size 14 shorts last week that are already getting pretty loose. EEP!! :D:D:D

I met a girlfriend at the mall and decided to go into American Eagle. I haven't been buying clothes because my reward for meeting my goal is replacing my wardrobe but I fell in love with this dress!! I grabbed a large, held it up to myself and figured it would fit just perfect in a few pounds. I got home, tried it on and the top fits great, but the bottom part is so loose! I need a MEDIUM!!!! AHHH!!! I was so excited! lol

I also found out recently I've inspired THREE of my friends to lose some weight. I'm happy my success is helping my friends make healthier choices!

Anyway, wanted to share :D


  • Valley83
    Valley83 Posts: 78 Member
    That is awesome, it's weird how it takes our minds a while to catch up, I always find myself still reaching for the xl or l. We have a very similar starting weight and goal feel free to add me if you would like, I'm always looking for more friends with like goals.
  • MindyG150
    MindyG150 Posts: 1,296 Member
    Congratulations, WTG!
  • eramos126
    eramos126 Posts: 11 Member
    YAY! Great job! Cant wait till I get there!
  • sixrings
    sixrings Posts: 96 Member
    that happened to me when I was losing weight earlier this year...I found it depressing and vowed to only weigh in every two weeks so it would seem to be a more dramatic weight loss.
  • julimonster
    julimonster Posts: 243 Member
    Congrats, you look fabulous! Have fun shopping!
  • Lonestarlesa
    Lonestarlesa Posts: 33 Member
    Excellent NSV! Those are the things that keep us going! WTG!! ~ Lesa
  • heather_huggins
    heather_huggins Posts: 194 Member
    lol i'm the same way, i'm still in the mind set of like 1-2 sizes larger, then when i try them on, i'm like "oh wait, duhhh i can go a size smaller" it's mind baffling, really. congrats girl! you look great!
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