Hello All... Take two...

Well about 20 months ago, I joined MFP and successfully lost almost 80 pounds.. From 230 to 150... I felt great, was really strong athletically, could run 6miles in 57 minutes, and was debating being a certified trainer/ zumba instructor... Well.... I moved from where my gym and all my support was, got in some hard situations, and got very depressed... Needless to say, I weighed in tonight at 226. Yup. So Here I go again, I have the tools, and the knowledge. I just got a gym membership, and I am helping my aunt out with her weight loss goals as well which will help me stay on track as well... So I'm back. My last mfp account was nisharae. I deleted it, just to have a fresh start as last time as i lost weight I was very unhealthy in my thoughts and was severally harsh on myself, which caused a lot of self hate, and on... and on.... So here I am, happy with the person I am inside, now just want to make the outside match. :) So there is my heart and soul.. Open and poured out before you know... To everyone on this journey... Keep working! It is so worth the reward that comes with it, I've never felt so good as at 150.. Here's to getting there again... Cheers!
~ Tanisha... Age 23..


  • K3ll0ggs
    K3ll0ggs Posts: 8 Member
    Wow, your initial weight loss and energy is phenomenal. Despite the hard times, you haven't given up and that's what's important. I'm glad you're back :flowerforyou: You can add me as a friend.
  • Inspired2run
    Inspired2run Posts: 74 Member
    You've got this! Welcome back! You can add me and I'll do the best to support you.
  • jen14128
    jen14128 Posts: 24 Member
    I love that you don't get depressed about gaining the weight back. I love your motivation! I have lost weight in the past (although not as successfully as you), and I too have gained it back. Im back on track and so excited to see results again! best of luck to you on this journey, I know you can do it again! Feel free to add me. Im always looking for new MFP friends.
  • LadyRhodes01
    LadyRhodes01 Posts: 88 Member
    Hi and welcome back. Congrats on your previous weight loss. You have awesome motivation and a very positive attitude. Add me as a friend and we can definetely support eachother. You will obtain your previous goal again. I too have lost weight in the past and have gained it back. My thing was to not maintain my healthy eating habits and continuing to work out even after I reached my goals. I now understand it is a lifestyle change. Each time I gained the weight back it was higher each time. The final time I got bad news concerning my health and had to make the livestyle change. But God is good, I'm still here:wink: