My Hubby is NOT helping!

Just venting here. My husband is proud of me when I've lost weight and to be fair he tries to be supportive. But he is always cooking stuff like mac and cheese (homemade with 8 cheeses in it) and lasagna and all kinds of other high fat and high calorie stuff. Ansd always saying "Honey, try some of this or some of that! I already KNOW how good his cooking is. If it wasn't I wouldn"t need to be here now! So I'm just frustrated and ranting.


  • jcompton3821
    Rant away!!! I would feel the same as you do!!! I won't tell you to "talk" to him about your feelings because I'm sure you've done know if you ever need to "vent"....go ahead!!!
  • princesspurple
    He loves you for who you are, so he doesn't see your weight, he just wants to love you and if he is anything like mine-he loves to show his love w/ food!
  • jesse1117
    jesse1117 Posts: 124 Member
    I feel the same way!!!!! Especially when I'm tired and don't feel like cooking and he'll say "let's just have burgers and shakes."
  • cvtga
    cvtga Posts: 118
    Ugh, men. Will they ever get it? Rant away honey
  • Crystal_Baby86
    I agree, you need to vent! And if you must, start cooking your own meal so you kno what your eating is what you need. Id be just as annoyed as you are if I were in your shoes...
  • pocostef
    My hubby picks at his dinner and then goes out and gets potato chips and soda, and he buys me some!!! OMG!!! I can't even sit next to him because I can smell it.
  • Arienna
    Arienna Posts: 913
    I know exactly how you feel! My husband can eat whatever he wants and doesn't gain an ounce..and he does eat whatever he wants. In the past three weeks, he's gotten pizza or fast food like 8 times. I don't say anything though, cause in a way it kind of makes me proud to know I can resist! It's very frustrating though.
  • EmilyStrick
    my husband was the same way before we got married...that's why i started cooking (and i had to learn since at that point i could barely boil water)! :wink:
  • LivyJo
    LivyJo Posts: 355 Member
    Totally worth a rant. My hubby has the same problem. I've started eating whatever pasta he makes on a big bed of fresh spinach. I know it sounds weird, but it mixes really well w/ pasta, and fills me up so i can have a much smaller portion of what he is making.
  • mtfisherwoman
    I cook my own stuff but it's hard when he calls and says "Hey I got off early and I'm making steak and augratin potatoes for dinner!" Which he did a while ago and it got me started cuz I love augratin. But I can resist! I already planned out my menu for the day and I WILL STICK TO IT!
  • kiffypooh
    kiffypooh Posts: 1,045 Member
    My husband (who will probably read this because he recently joined MFP) use to do that kind of stuff. Once our daughter was born (2 1/2 years ago) I made a rule that we only have whole grains in the house (except hot dog buns because those are CRAZY expensive) and if I would send him to the store to pick up bread he would show up with Wonder Bread. I really think that he was testing me to see if I really meant all the changes I've made. Then again, I may be giving him too much credit :laugh: The past month or so he's realized how important it is to me to be healthy and eat healthy and he's stopped doing that kind of stuff. Much like raising kids, be consistent and he will figure it out. Until then, i TOTALLY know what you are saying :flowerforyou:
  • sporters
    We as a family decided just over two weeks ago to get serious about our health and eat right and work out. He is "working out" with us about 4 days a week. While I am on the treadmill for 30 minutes, he will get on it for 10-15 not break a sweat, then sit and watch other's workout while he waits for me and the kids to finish up. When we see his exercise journal, he claims he burned 400 or more calories. When I tell him he is only hurting himself, he says otherwise. Today when we got home from the gym, he baked eight cinnamon rolls!! I told my daughter to take them to her boyfriend's parent's house to get them out of our here. That's over 1000 calories right there!! He said he wanted to get rid of the sweets we had left...If that's true, then just throw them away!! My kids and I apparently are ready to make the change to good health and he isn't, but just going through the motions. I just wish he wouldn't sabotage what we are trying to accomplish...
  • njjswim
    njjswim Posts: 178 Member
    <a href=""><img border="0" src="; /></a><p style="text-align:center;width:420px;"><small>Created by MyFitnessPal - <a href="">Free Calorie Counter</a></small></p>

    Oh I can totally relate only my hubby is cooking for the kids too so he buys the junk and they eat it and I just try to go in the kitchen and cook healthy then stay out but weekends and nights are the hardest. I had 2 whole days now eating healthy but all the junk around OMG it drives you crazy...
  • njjswim
    njjswim Posts: 178 Member
    I am trying something new to just drink a glass of ice water every time I want to reach for a snack or something un healthy well fresh fruit too, but it has only been a few days...

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • jord232002
    jord232002 Posts: 19 Member
    i hear this comment!!! i woke up this morning feeling SO PROUD of myself for how my clothes were FINALLY starting to feel a bit more loose again... did i say FINALLY :) --- and guess what? my husband greeted me at the door with a bunch of chocolate chip cookies! he did take the time to make whole wheat cookies, but cookies none-the-less. how do you deal with that!?!?
  • RMakar
    RMakar Posts: 6
    I have a husband who keeps telling me that he "loves me just the way I am" and that I don't need to change. Not the motivation I need!
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    Maybe he could switch out some of those high fat unhealthy ingredients for low-fat and whole-grain ingredients. Then you could eat a small portion and not mess with your diet too much. I struggle with this as well. My husband and son eat pizza nearly every night. I just sit with them and eat my healthy meal. I also cook twice a week and just make sure I keep to the portion size allotted to me. Drinking a diet soda, then exercising and drinking lots of water before I eat and drinking lots of water while I eat really helps keep me from eating too much of anything.
  • SammiAnne11
    SammiAnne11 Posts: 158 Member
    I understand...vent away!!!!
  • princesspurple
    I cook my own stuff but it's hard when he calls and says "Hey I got off early and I'm making steak and augratin potatoes for dinner!" Which he did a while ago and it got me started cuz I love augratin. But I can resist! I already planned out my menu for the day and I WILL STICK TO IT!

    Yup-I will have my stuff ready to go-and he says, you are only having one-don't you want 2, and I say-FINE, I will have 2! I told him he has to not egg me on to eat more, I have my arm twisted very easily! It was fun in the begining, I didn't mind being 5lbs heavier, but then it go out of control! I am on my way....and I am pushing him also because he gained 40lbs!