Crystal Light

edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
Does anyone drink Crystal Light and include that in their water count?
I know you still have to count the calories, but generally your "water intake" is supposed to be water in its natural additives. I have been drinking close to, if not, a gallon of water a day. I need a little variation without all the calories and sugar of juice. Help?


  • geicko
    geicko Posts: 151
    I do count it as water !

    I just can seem to drink over 40 oz of plain water a day, but I drink an extra 40 in no time if it's flavored.
  • bwilton77
    bwilton77 Posts: 93 Member
    I do however I drink the walmart version that has no calories but lots of flavor.
  • Yes. I just make sure I watch the salt it contains.
  • yes, i count that, but i also buy the walmart version, and with the new packaging, now contains a slight calorie intake that was not there before, so make sure you add those calories in as well.
  • yes, i count that, but i also buy the walmart version, and with the new packaging, now contains a slight calorie intake that was not there before, so make sure you add those calories in as well.

    Thanks...I will be on the look out!
  • Crystal Light is sugar and calorie free.....that's what makes it so great. I do count it as my water, but no more than 24 oz/day, that's usually the amt of water I mix it in.
  • Crystal light has artificial sweeteners in it that is very unhealthy for you. I would suggest adding a little bit of lemon or lime juice to your water for a little bit of flavor. If it's too sour for you, put a little less juice in the water, and/or put a little bit of Stevia in it to sweeten it up a little. Tastes like lemonade/limeade. Stevia can be found in most grocery stores by the natural/organic foods. It is much sweeter than sugar, so you only need a tiny bit...1/4 tsp is equivalent to a whole tsp of sugar. It is a natural sweetener without any kinds of artificial sweeteners in it, it comes from the leaf of a Stevia plant. It is actually beneficial to you because 2 tsp of Stevia has the same amount of fiber as 1 bowl of cereal, among other benefits that are listed on the label. There are no calories, fat, cholesterol, or sodium, and only 1 gram of carbs.
    BTW...lemon and lime juice also help get your metabolism going too!
  • I also like the Special K Protein Water. It has 30 calories, but 5g of protein which is good if you are working out. I don't like drinking plain water, so I definitely count it as my water total.
  • sara_f
    sara_f Posts: 29 Member
    I drink ALOT of crystal light every day and I count it as water and I dont count it in calories, it is calorie and sugar free!!! ( .7 is not enough to count) I think it is more important to take in crystal light than no water at all....I HATE water and WONT drink it.

    Artificial sweetner is in everything now days, It is NOT that bad for you....Diabetics use it in place of sugar.....I have NEVER had or heard of major health problems due to it! And I think many of us using this site have been taking in far worse than artificial sweetners so I think the change from the real thing to artificial is a good step and expecially if we are cutting out alot of the CRAP we used to eat!!!

    So I say quit with the "its not good for you" crap.........its better than what we were eating and if we made the change then GOOD FOR US!!! Being obese is far worse than artificial sugar!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
  • amanda0328
    amanda0328 Posts: 5 Member
    I was wondering the same thing. I haven't been adding it to anything. I don't like flavor water, but I've been tired around 3 or 4 in the afternoon and needed something to boost my energy up. Someone recommended to me recently Crystal Light the Energy Drink Mix flavor Wild Strawberry. I bought Great Value because it is cheaper and looking at the nutrition facts it has 5 calories. This energy drink is giving me a boost of energy, so definitely recommend it if you are fatigue or tired. Since it seems as though most people are counting it, I think I will start doing that.
  • Shannonigans84
    Shannonigans84 Posts: 693 Member
    I drink it and count it. I'm not worried about the health concerns of artificial sweeteners though, if I had to be cautious about everything that could harm me I'd probably be living in a bubble. I do use Stevia instead of sugar though. :)
  • I use it, love it, and count it!
  • sara_f
    sara_f Posts: 29 Member
    I drink it and count it. I'm not worried about the health concerns of artificial sweeteners though, if I had to be cautious about everything that could harm me I'd probably be living in a bubble. I do use Stevia instead of sugar though. :)

    Amen!!!! I second that! I hate hearing how its not good for you!!! LOL
  • kellygirl5538
    kellygirl5538 Posts: 597 Member
    I don't drink it anymore ..........5 calories per serving adds up fast!
  • Thanks everyone for your thoughts.

    Artificial sweetener doesn't scare me! lol :happy: I have consumed A LOT worse.

    I am going to start drinking it again, and counting it. I need a little variation, and it sure is better than a Diet Coke...I am sure!
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,493 Member
    I count it as water intake also.
  • jenng38
    jenng38 Posts: 105
    mmmmm i LOVE crystal light my favorite is the raspberry green tea. and those single serving packets for bottled water are only 10 calories per packet. I have 2 per day and the rest of the time I drink water.
  • jenng38
    jenng38 Posts: 105
    hey princes are right crystal light is totally better than a diet coke. the carbonation is terrible for the urinary tract and the phosphoric acid rots your teeth enamel! trust me I know I was a terrible diet coke fiend! have a good day!
  • In Response To Sara_f...

    YES ARTIFICIAL SWEETENERS ARE EXTREMELY UNHEALTHY FOR YOU!!! I don't know where you get your info from, but you are not putting the correct info out there by saying it is actually healthy for you. It is like putting poison in your body and they ARE known to contribute to many health issues. Yes, they are in many things now days, but that DOES NOT mean they are healthy for you. High fructose corn syrup is in almost everything and is extremely unhealthy for you as well. Take cigarettes for example, just because they are available to purchase in the stores does not mean they are good for you. That is an extreme example in comparison to foods, but none the less, it is an example. Yes, most of us using this great site have obviously taken in many things that are not good for us, either wise we wouldn't need the help to lose the extra weight we have packed on. However, this site is here for us for many helpful reasons, one of them being to share healthy/helpful tips and pointers...which is what I was trying to do by posting my previous comment. You are entitled to your opinion, but keep it just as that! Don't sit there and try to tell people misinformation that you clearly have absolutely nothing to back it up! Of course cutting out sugar is one way to lose weight and get healthy, but that does not mean you should replace it with another unhealthy product. There are many HEALTHY ways to cut out sugar and other unhealthy foods in your diet without having to resort to unhealthy things such as artificial sweeteners that many mistake as 'healthy' just because it's lower in calories. A prime example of a healthy choice/change in your diet is substituting sugar with STEVIA PLUS which has no calories at all and includes many other benefits for you, which I also previously stated. You are right about one thing, all of us who are putting forth the effort in reaching each of our personal goals every day should be very proud of ourselves no matter what. I'm just saying there are some ways to do so that are healthier and better for you than others. Think about it...putting something natural...FROM NATURE...into your body...OR, something made by man...ARTIFICIAL?!?!? Makes A LOT of sense to me!!

    BTW: I DO know what I am talking about AND have the knowledge to back it up! My mother has a degree in Naturopathy-which is the study of natural health.

    Go to a search on Nutra-Sweet and Splenda...there you will find many interesting facts and results of studies done on artificial sweeteners. Maybe then you can come to the realization that you DON'T know what you were talking about and that indeed the information you were trying to relay to fellow MFP participants WAS an uneducated speculation.

    Dr. Mercola nutra sweet and splenda
  • I respectfully would like to say that the website you have provided is trying to sell products. It may not be the best source for information. I looked at the National Cancer institute website and the FDA website. The FDA regulates artificial sweeteners. The National Cancer Institute has also said that they have no evidence of cancer being caused by artificial sweeteners.
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