Dukan newby... also posted in the dukan group

Hi All

I am on day 3 of the attack phase. I have to confess I am finding it hard, I have cravings for carby things something cronic, I feel a bit light-headed and spaced out. Is this normal?

I have everyone urging me to quit, my other half thinks I am being ridiculous doing this, but my wedding is in 2 months and I want to look and feel fabulous.

I am 5ft 3, I started dukan at 143.4 and this morning I weighed in at 141.2. Ideally I would like to get to 130 for my big day, I have been on MFP for over 500 days and not really made any difference. I started at 147, my lowest on here was 138. I did alot of exercise, lots of weight training to get to 138, but then I got a bit slack, got a new job, got stressed, got engaged, booked a wedding (that same year) and bought a house so I've kinda been stressed out and comfort eaten and maybe let the fitness slide.

I currently have no energy to do my usual exercise, is this normal with Dukan? I usually do spin once / twice a week, body pump once or twice, fatburner and legs bums and tums.

Thanks x


  • blondepsychobrat
    blondepsychobrat Posts: 55 Member
    It's normal to feel light-headed in the beginning, your brain has no carbs to run on and will have to switch to part ketones.
    I had zero energy for jogging, etc. in the beginning. I stuck to weights and very light cardio. When I got to the cruise phase, I would work out on the protein-veggie days as I felt I had more energy then, from the carbs in the vegetables.
    Stress is a major factor, especially with women as it wil program your body to store fat. (cortisol, etc.) As a full-time working mom with 2 kids, I have to say it's easier said than done to "quit stressing!"

    People also tried to discourage me in regards to the Dukan diet, that it can't be healthy etc. However, I've been reading just about everything on the planet in regards to nutrition, and the Dukan diet is definitely healthy if you eventually add some fats back to the diet!

    Don't get discouraged, the beginning is very hard but after a while, it gets easier and you find more strength again.
  • blondepsychobrat
    blondepsychobrat Posts: 55 Member
    oh, and I wanted to mention that I got some multivitamins, and that even though it may be a placebo effect, they helped me feel less tired.