Crystal Light



  • Lynnlin
    Lynnlin Posts: 16
    I LOVE CRYSTAL LIGHT!! I count it as my water, cause that is the only way I can drink water and not choke on it, literally! The Wild Strawberry is my kind! I love, love, love it! Here is what I think about Crystal Light, I used to drink Mountain dew A LOT! I quit it now going on one year and 3 1/2 months. *yay to me!* Pepsi was starting to be the next bad thing for me. I drank today a 12 oz pepsi (can) and that had like 120 calories in it....I think around there! Having Crystal Light, at only 10 CALORIES for each 25 oz bottle of water I use it in....yeah..I can drink 30 calories worth of Crystal Light a day, then drink 360 Calories of pop....

    So there you have it! If I didn't have my Crystal Light, I would go insane! :P
  • Actually, that site does have a pop-up trying to sell a product, but the site itself is not. The information provided does have a lot of substance to it. That is just one of the sites that was given to me by my mother that is used as a reference for those in natural health. There are many things out there that is said to be safe and has 'no evidence' of this or that. There have been studies done that have shown differently, that back up the information I gave. Like I said, believe what you want, do what you want with the information I gave and/or the info provided on that site or any similar sites. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, and in my opinion, the things that I have learned about on various topics related to natural health has much truth behind it and makes a lot of sense. Whether you (meaning anyone reading this) decide that there is truth behind this topic, or think it's bogus, it is a fact that 'natural' is always better/healthier for you than anything synthetic.
    Here's a question...if there is no evidence of artificial sweeteners causing cancer, why do some things that have nutra-sweet in them have warnings on them that say "may cause cancer"? Look at a pack of Carefree gum...
  • With all do respect to everyone, I posted this to get peoples personal opinions and to learn about others diet practices regarding "Crystal Light". I do not appreciate some of the things that have been posted and it really frustrates me. We are all here with a few different common goals....1)Loose Weight 2)Maintain a Particular Weight (be healthy). I think motivation is a key to the success and many choose to be a part of MFP not only because it is free or has great resources, but because it presents a certain level of comfort to not have to face people when we are not at the most confident place in our lives.

    I think everyone is entitled to their opinion and I believe there is a RESPECTFUL way to offer a difference in opinion.

    I must say that ANYTHING can be posted to the internet. A lot of websites try to persuade you to believe their "theory" on a particular topic by throwing statistics at you. Ask yourself: What is the basis for their numbers? Do they provide the study? How many people are surveyed or observed? What are the variables?

    Websites, magazines, and books all focus on the "Target Audience"...what sells.

    I am done with my rant! :smile: I leave saying what you write twice before posting and think how you would perceive it if you were on the opposite side.

    Prayers for much success to all...

    "Give Peace A Chance"
  • I completely agree with everything you said PrincessSara...I believe I was respectful by stating that everyone is entitled to their opinion while still stating what I believe in. I responded as I did after my initial post only because I was upset with the comments Sara_f made. The manner in which she stated her opinion is what irritated me. She could have stated her opinion in a much more tactful way. My initial comments to you were only given to try and help. Regardless of whether or not you think there may be some truth in what I said about artificial sweeteners, I still recommend the Stevia Plus as a sugar alternative when possible as there is absolutely zero controversy as to whether or not it is safe. Please keep in mind that there are misleading resources on both sides of the story. Just because the FDA and/or medical field say something is safe or what protocol should be for certain things, does not necessarily mean they are right. They do not know everything either and have been known to pass something off as okay to make a buck or two as well. I am fully aware of the fact that this is true of both sides too.
    This is one of many controversies pertaining to natural health. I knew there was the potential for dispute, but did not expect anyone to be rude when doing so.
  • I use 4c Flavor to Go. They have several flavors but my preference is Fruit Punch followed by Lemonade. Each with zero calories. It has helped me get my gallon of water in each day. I go about 50/50 drink mix /straight water.
  • no_worries
    no_worries Posts: 61 Member
    I drink that stuff too on occasion, I have the little packets so I can just dump it in my water quickly. You have to be careful, because it says 5 cals per serving but there are two servings in the on- the-go packets. Looking at the box, it says serving size is 1/2 a packet, tricky!
  • sara_f
    sara_f Posts: 29 Member
    Sorry I ruined your day.....Didnt mean to be so rude (? if I was) Just find it hard to believe that you have only eaten all natural organic foods and never consumed anything un natural. If you feel that strongly about it, then you must only eat organic. I am sure that most of what we eat has artificial something in it!! Never had a drink of alcohol?Because its so much worse than artificial sugar!! you sound like you work for the Stevia company or something! LOL

    I just thought I would put my last thought on the topic out there being that I apparently stirred something up, I will in the future try not to be so rude!!
  • Shannonigans84
    Shannonigans84 Posts: 693 Member
    sara_f you were not rude at all. Some people choose to live their lives being extra cautious about what they consume. Those that choose not to be so particular should not be chastised. It's simply not realistic to avoid all things bad for you. You have to pick and choose your battles. I feel good about my choices and that's all that matters. :) Don't apologize for being realistic.
  • I LOVE crystal lite!!! I recently started using the raspberry peach flavor because it has added fiber!!! MAjor plus! Something else I do...but it has more calories is heavily dilute 100% fruit juice! I too enjoy diet sodas and try to avoid them...sometimes when I want one I mix a little fruit juice with club soda and a spritz of lime!!! Its very good =)
  • deedeehawaii
    deedeehawaii Posts: 279 Member
    Well to add to the conversation, there is NO SCIENCE behind the advice that you need to drink 8 glasses of water a day.
    For a starting point on this fact, google, or see the article: "The claim that you need eight 8-ounce glasses of water a day has been debunked. Again."

    The article also addresses if water affects weight loss, there are NO CLINICAL TRIALS that prove such a theory.
    "Drinking more water will make people feel full and curb their appetite. Proponents say this may help people maintain their weight and even help fight obesity. But studies remain inconclusive. No carefully designed clinical trials have measured the effects of water intake on weight maintenance."

    Perhaps less water than 8 glasses would be quite adequate, especially if you are able to drink the lesser amount without needing to resort to artificial sweetners and colors. Aren't 4 glasses of pure water better than 8 glasses of chemically tainted water?
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    staying on topic (arguing over a side topic should be taken offline IMHO). I don't drink crystal light myself, just because I enjoy water, but my wife does, and as such I've done quite a bit of research into it, from all I've found, there's no reason not to use it as you would water. It doesn't contain anything that one would consider a diuretic, which would be the main reason to discount a liquid.
    On occation I'll drink a bottle of water with crystal light in it just because my wife made it up and I was too lazy to walk upstairs from our home gym and get my own :tongue: .
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