200 lbs. to lose

Hi everyone. I'm new to this site. I have been trying to lose the same weight for 34 years without success. I hope I can get some encouragement and motivation to stay with it. So far I really like this website. And the blogs I have read are very encouraging.


  • You can friend me if you want to. I am new to this site also! I will support you!!!
  • kykimball
    kykimball Posts: 8 Member
    I am fairly new to this site also. I joined July 12, 2012. If you want to friend me you can! I will be happy to be supportive. I have about 156 or more to lose myself! I have been looking at it like it is a life style change not a diet!
  • ctgirlscout
    ctgirlscout Posts: 90 Member
    Hi...you can friend me if you want. We are about the same age and I have another 100 lbs to lose. Same thing...been struggling for 26 years with my weight.
  • I just started using this site the last day or two of August, 2012. I, too, have a long way to go. I think I'm shooting for 175 pounds. It puts me in the range of healthy on the BMI. I don't now how to friend request and such without knowing someone's e'mail. But if anyone knows how to do that, I'd love to travel the road with you. I'm not promising I'll be a good example. I am a carb and protein nut. But my first goal is to document ALL the food, even if it doesn't look good and I go over my calorie alottment. I have to be true and honest! No luck in this journey, so best of luck? no..... A wonderful successful journey to you!!!!
  • Hi All
    Ive struggled with weight all my life, decided around 6 weeks ago I needed to lose weight before my walking holiday. That date has now come.... heading off on Friday. I made my goal to lose 14 lbs .... I got there today, it was definitely down to the help I received from friends on here and being able to log down what I was actually eating and how many calories the foods cotained. It wasnt plain sailing there were days when I really went off the rails, I decided to have a sinner day each week, which helped as I never thought I was missing out on what a really fancied.

    I still have a way to go but reaching my first goal and clearlng out those clothes that are too big feels fantastic.

    If anyone would like to add me as a friend, I am glad to help them along the way.

    Keep up the motivation :-)

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • debbie389
    debbie389 Posts: 291 Member
    You can add me if you'd like.

    I have approx 100lb to lose, so we can motivate each other.

  • I will friend you! I don't have a lot to lose but I admire people who try hard to succeed at this uphill battle. It is hard to lose 10lbs, so I can appreciate what you have to do. I would focus on making small goals (like losing 2-5lbs a week), and be proud of your accomplishments. I found researching books about weight loss that "suited me" was helpful to lose weight, or live a more healthy lifestyle. I adopted a modified vegan lifestyle, but that is just my choice. I will message you the books I liked (easy read) if you are interested. Again, these books might not suit you, you have to find what "speaks" to you for success! Good Luck!
  • Lina4Lina
    Lina4Lina Posts: 712 Member
    Welcome! I was at the same spot once, now I just have a little over a hundred to lose.
  • Hi - feel free to add me. I have 100lb to lose and am looking for support and motivation.
  • wrbiii
    wrbiii Posts: 151
    I have about 180 lbs left to lose. I started with 200, and would love be friends on this journey. I"ve posted pics and will be adding a new one weekly...
  • RedHeadHotMama
    RedHeadHotMama Posts: 50 Member
    Feel free to add me. Friends who give motivation are wonderful!
  • add me if you like, I have about 130lbs to lose and recently cancelled a gastric bypass to give it one last go without any surgical invention. Let's support each other :)