Weakness for Wine

spozzybear Posts: 216 Member
Anyone else out there struggling to give up the booze? I am well aware that wine is full of empty calories, yet I can't seem to cut back significantly! It's my one vice and I love nothing more than coming home from a crap day at work and having a few glasses to wind down. I always swear I will stop drinking completely during the week and only have a few on weekends, but it seems easier said than done! And before anyone asks, no I am not an alcoholic - I just enjoy a drink (or several) :drinker:

Anyone out there in the same boozy boat as me?
Any advice would be much appreciated too!


  • HRCephei
    HRCephei Posts: 85 Member
    Yeah, I feel your pain. Not only do I love wine (lived in northern Italy for four years), but I also brew my own beer. I've just come to the conclusion that I don't need to give it up entirely. I have cut back, but like everything else, all in moderation.

    On a side note, wha kinds of wines do you like? I'm kind of a wine geek. I studied to get my sommilier license while living in Italy, so it's always nice to find another wine lover on here.
  • stephaniekhani
    stephaniekhani Posts: 77 Member
    Ugh, I have the exact same problem. I have a totally stressful job and somedays the only cure is a dose of vino when I get home. It's sad really. That said I've been training for a 10k (this weekend) and have significantly cut back on the booze. I haven't had alcohol in nearly two weeks now. Though there are pub plans after the race Sunday sooooo....
  • EricNCSU
    EricNCSU Posts: 699 Member
    Wine is fairly low calorie though. Even a half bottle (two generous glasses) is only like 250-300 calories. Of course it depends on what you cal goal is, mine is 1700 rather than the min of 1200. And I do eat back a portion of my exercise calories so most days I'm up closer to 2000, so I can usually squeeze in a glass or two.. not every day but like on friday night etc. Save the cals for it and then you can have it.
  • jonnyman41
    jonnyman41 Posts: 1,032 Member
    I am with you too on this. To help I posted mini goals on my page for Aug, so open to friends only and that included not having wine more than three days a week. I more or less stuck to it but am currently having a bad week! Rather than setting yourself something you cant achieve yet why not set yourself a goal like have two nights a week with no alcohol and build from there! Also have nice soft drinks in the house or herbal/fruit teas to go to when you would normally pick up a glass. I have also found that doing something (exercise or something else) in the evening really helps. When you do give in another tip to drink less is adding lemonade or soda to your wine so that the glass is fuller and takes longer to drink! This could take you from several glasses to a couple. Final tip, other than not buying it all, if you live with others, share the wine, if you live on your own buy mini bottles/half bottles instead of standard.
  • waterwing
    waterwing Posts: 214 Member
    I hear you! A glass or three of wine at the end of the day is often a perfect ending. Most of my friends love having drinks after work and it's hard not to go along with it. I have struggled with this a lot and now try to not have drinks during the week and save it for weekends.

    My advice would be to start playing scale games.. weigh yourself the morning after you've had a couple glasses. It's ALWAYS higher. Eventually you'll learn to value low numbers over glasses of wine.
  • iLoveMyPitbull1225
    iLoveMyPitbull1225 Posts: 1,690 Member
    Just enjoy it. If you love it that much just do it. You can adjust other things in your life like actual food calories and excersise to allow for your wine. Don't give up what you love.
  • HRCephei
    HRCephei Posts: 85 Member
    Wine is fairly low calorie though. Even a half bottle (two generous glasses) is only like 250-300 calories. Of course it depends on what you cal goal is, mine is 1700 rather than the min of 1200. And I do eat back a portion of my exercise calories so most days I'm up closer to 2000, so I can usually squeeze in a glass or two.. not every day but like on friday night etc. Save the cals for it and then you can have it.

    Depends on the wine. Not all wines have the same calorie count. Gotta be careful in over generalizing.
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    I love my wine. I only drink booze out of my exercise calories, that way I'm getting all the proper nutrition I need first and it's an earned treat. I also try not to drink two days running.
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    Don't give up or you will hate your diet!!
    Two ways of drinking less:
    1/ use a smaller glass.
    2/ buy more expensive / higher quality wine.

    A "few glasses" to wind down is a worry though. It's a slippery slope that I went down myself - changing jobs worked though :)

  • Doreen9686
    Same boat here only my vice is having a couple beers a 3-4 times a week. Mainly on the weekend, but occasionally my hubby and I will sit on the deck after work and have 1-2 beers before or while supper is being prepared. I have switched to a low calorie beer (64 calories) so that has helped. I thought I would have to give it up for my diet, but I do not drink soda or anything else like it. I have coffee in the a.m., water all day long and one small glass of milk with dinner. By the time I get home from work, I do not want any more water so I have a beer or a small glass of wine. Not everyday, but occasionally. I don't see anything wrong with it, but I know that some people think your an alcoholic if you drink more then once a week or month. To each their own is my motto! :-)
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    1/ use a smaller glass.
    ^^^ This too. I bought myself a set of cheap continental-style wine glasses from a wholesaler that are the standard "small" one-unit measure of 125ml. I get six to a bottle which usually lasts at least two nights.
  • jcrowfoot
    jcrowfoot Posts: 19 Member
    Wine - my favorite vice!! But, I have changed to weekends only, and really enjoy my weekends even more now than before. I also try to make sure that I "earn it", so that motivates me to work out harder and earn those extra "special calories". I try to do the 80/20% rule. I don't worry too much about going over on the weekends because I try to be very dedicated to my healthy eating and exercise during the week. I agree with the earlier post about mixing your wine with to drink a little less calories. But, I like reds so I have yet to find that perfect mixer. Cheers! :drinker:
  • Christieson
    Christieson Posts: 36 Member
    I suggest you drink while you are eating, or afterwards.

    Have a look at this....a realistic overview... http://www.sparkpeople.com/resource/nutrition_articles.asp?id=563
  • Tat2dDom0105
    I don't have an issue giving it up, since i don't drink it regularly. But this past weekend i indulged in some Portugese wine! :drinker:
  • amberfreund831
    I'm also na wino! I love my wine. I cut out all wine and I save it for the weekends. It gives me something to look forward too! I also tend to get in more workouts on the weekends to counter the wine I drink.
  • 5pmsomewherenow
    5pmsomewherenow Posts: 163 Member
    This is totally ME. I used to drink three glasses (really - let's call it "half a bottle,") each night, blindly without really even feeling the effects. I knew I needed to come up with a plan to blance out my healthy lifestyle.

    I still use my favorite wine glasses, but now fill it two or three times with a combo of Litpon diet citrus green tea & Polar diet green tea gingerale. Looks just like chardonnay, and sips refreshingly just like my fav wine.

    Once I started seeing the benefits and results from a healthy lifestyle (better sleep, no more snoring, losing inches, having more energy...) the choice became easier to make each night. I want the better, healthy lifestyle MORE than I want the wine.

    Now, I savor TWO 5 oz glasses per week -- usually nights when we have lamb, sirloin, or Italian -- I love me a wonderful glass of some expensive red wine we've opened. I savor it more, and find I can stop at just one glass on those nights.

    You make the decision, and then don't fret over it. If you want to "drink" 250-300 calories each night, make a plan to burn 250-300 more calories each day ON TOP of the stuff you're trying to do to create the daily burn. You make the choice and the plan for each day, and then work the plan and enjoy the wine.:drinker:
  • perfectingpatti
    perfectingpatti Posts: 1,037 Member
    I have wine every night, but never more than two 5 oz glasses, and I always factor them in my calorie goal for the day. You can enjoy your wine and still lose weight. :drinker:
  • blushingmama
    blushingmama Posts: 111 Member
    I have issues with alcohol. I'll save my calories to use for alcohol instead of food. and my weight loss journey has suffered because of it. I know all the bad things about it - just stubborn and addicted I suppose.

    I can only battle one or two addictions at a time. I'm doing a major overhaul right now, if I were to give up every vice, I'd be divorced and friendless.
  • Logsv
    Logsv Posts: 36
    I save my wine drinking for just before bed, that way by the time I finish my first glass I am way too sleepy to go for a second glass :D
  • MSeel1984
    MSeel1984 Posts: 2,297 Member
    I just budget my calories. I'm not giving up red wine (had a glass last night that was very good...usually a Merlot or Cab person, myself)...I find a way to fit it in. Skip dessert, skip snacks, do a lighter dinner...

    Red wine is not totally empty though...good for your heart in moderation.