I bought these DVDs (BIGGEST LOSER 30 DAY JUMP START and
BIGGEST LOSER LAST CHANCE WORKOUT VIDEO) yesterday and am starting the 30 day jumpstart tomorrow morning. I was wondering if anyone else has used them and how they worked for you. I read online somewhere that the 30day jumpstart is good for beginners. I also walk on the treadmill at my work for 30minutes every day for my lunch and I either have a protein shake while I walk or I eat lunch at my desk and then walk.



  • aam_84
    aam_84 Posts: 46
    I do the 30 day shred with Julaine Michaels from the biggest loser and I really like it. There are 3 levels and you do 10 days at each. I just started level 2 last week and it kicked my butt... great 20 minute workout :)
    Let me know what you think of your dvds!
  • Romba
    Romba Posts: 164 Member
    I dont have those but I have The Workout, The Workout 2, Cardio Max, Weightloss Yoga and LOVE them all. You will do great with them.
  • sdwelk11
    sdwelk11 Posts: 825
    I bought these DVDs (BIGGEST LOSER 30 DAY JUMP START and
    BIGGEST LOSER LAST CHANCE WORKOUT VIDEO) yesterday and am starting the 30 day jumpstart tomorrow morning. I was wondering if anyone else has used them and how they worked for you. I read online somewhere that the 30day jumpstart is good for beginners. I also walk on the treadmill at my work for 30minutes every day for my lunch and I either have a protein shake while I walk or I eat lunch at my desk and then walk.


    I used the 30 day Jump start this morning AND BOY OH BOY!!!!! I realized today just how out of shape I really am!!!!!! I barely made it thru the Cardio Level 1. I really like it and am proud of myself for getting up, doing it, and making it thru the first 10 minute cardio. WTG Me!!!!!
  • junipuni
    junipuni Posts: 264 Member
    Haven't tried these but I do the 30 day shred video and love it. I don't think it's really a beginner workout though. I am excited to try the DVDs you listed! I think I will them this weekend. Thanks for sharing!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,459 Member
    Here is my review of the Last Chance Workout, I have only done this one time and not on a consistant basis. I just tried it out, so that I new what it was like.

    Well I tried out the Last Chance workout last night, and it is pretty good. The DVD has 3 different options. Weeks 1-2: It has a 6 day schedule, and each day you are doing something different. I didn't write everything down, but basically on Mon. you would do the Last Chance Workout. Tue: Upper Body, Wed Last Chance Etc. Weeks 3&4 where the same 6 day format but then they would add onto the Last Chance Workout and upper body or lower body workout on opposite days. Weeks 5-6 again 6 day format, but this was a combination of the Last Chance, Upper Body & Lower Body for a total of 60 min. for the workout. This is the workout that I did.

    The cardio portion was really very good, it starts out with a 7 min. warm up. Believe it or not there is not one jumping jack in that. She starts out with the first circuit, and this circuit consists of different types of jumping jacks. So you do a reg. jumping jack for 30 sec, then a weight exercise (right now I don't remember those) 30 sec., crossover jack/weight, sicissor jacks/weight. That is the first circuit. The second circuit had three variations of jumprope exercises, third circuit was side kicks & front kicks, fourth circuit was different punches, fifth circuit was mountain climbers, plank jacks, and plank in & outs. The middle portion of this workout my HR went down, but that ending portion got that HR going big time. The upper body 10 min workout really had some different moves, the plank fly was really tough and you need to really use your core. The lower body was all familiar moves, and she did incorporate some upper body into those also.

    My problems with the workout: The music was not very loud, but that didn't really matter to me because I was working hard. Jillian didn't really do the workout at all, and it would have helped with the form. Some of the contestants didn't seem to know what she was talking about (at least that is what it appeared) Some of the contestants do not use good form, so for someone who has never worked out before this could cause an injury. Sometimes it seemed a little rushed, but I think once you get comfortable with the workout you will do just fine. I used 5 lb weights through the whole workout, because she only tortures you for 30 sec.

    I would put the circuit training portion of this workout on par with Shred 2 or 3
  • mtfisherwoman
    Good Luck with that ! Let us know how it works. I have the power sculpt dvd and one from the first season that includes 6 workouts and I love them both!
  • karoske
    karoske Posts: 38
    I bought these DVDs (BIGGEST LOSER 30 DAY JUMP START and
    BIGGEST LOSER LAST CHANCE WORKOUT VIDEO) yesterday and am starting the 30 day jumpstart tomorrow morning. I was wondering if anyone else has used them and how they worked for you. I read online somewhere that the 30day jumpstart is good for beginners. I also walk on the treadmill at my work for 30minutes every day for my lunch and I either have a protein shake while I walk or I eat lunch at my desk and then walk.


    I have weight loss yoga, cardio max and boot camp.. All 3 of them kick my butt when I use them. I was going to buy the 30 day jump start since that is what I am using to get myself on track with healthy eating (the book), but didn't know if the video would be worth the money. Let me know what you think and I might go buy it.
    I don't use the video's except when I don't walk (rainy, nasty, or cold days since I walk with my 4 yr. old) but I do enjoy the yoga. I worry about the impact it has on my knees. I have a huge aversion to working out that I hope to get over soon! I just hate working out!
    Keep it up!!!!!
  • sdwelk11
    sdwelk11 Posts: 825
    I bought these DVDs (BIGGEST LOSER 30 DAY JUMP START and
    BIGGEST LOSER LAST CHANCE WORKOUT VIDEO) yesterday and am starting the 30 day jumpstart tomorrow morning. I was wondering if anyone else has used them and how they worked for you. I read online somewhere that the 30day jumpstart is good for beginners. I also walk on the treadmill at my work for 30minutes every day for my lunch and I either have a protein shake while I walk or I eat lunch at my desk and then walk.


    I have weight loss yoga, cardio max and boot camp.. All 3 of them kick my butt when I use them. I was going to buy the 30 day jump start since that is what I am using to get myself on track with healthy eating (the book), but didn't know if the video would be worth the money. Let me know what you think and I might go buy it.
    I don't use the video's except when I don't walk (rainy, nasty, or cold days since I walk with my 4 yr. old) but I do enjoy the yoga. I worry about the impact it has on my knees. I have a huge aversion to working out that I hope to get over soon! I just hate working out!
    Keep it up!!!!!

    Today was my first day using the 30 day Jump start so give me a week and I will tell you how it goes... I would like to do a beginners yoga video but I am not sure what to get. Being as heavy as I am that concerns me that I wont be able to do much of the yoga video
  • karensphotography
    I have the 30 day jump start and the last chance workout. I love them!! I do the last chance work out everyday. It kicks my butt everytime!! I find my self pausing it to take a little water break. An I have to admit there are a few moves I just stop and watch while I catch my breath (I am very out of shape and have excersize asthma).

    The best part of te videos is the ppl on it were the contestants ofthe biggest losers. They are not all these skinny actor looking ppl. And the best part is that the contestints mess up In the video which makes me feel better!!
  • karoske
    karoske Posts: 38
    I have concerns about the yoga video as well.. my knees... I just take it easy when I do, do it.. :) I think you would be able to do this one, it is a "weight loss" yoga! I can't do about half of the stuff, or do some of them for half as long as them, but I do feel improvement every time I do it for more then a couple of days in a row! What I like about the biggest loser video's more then any of the others it has the heavy to fit contestants from the show.. You know that they at one time looked just like us! :)