new balance 6.0u bike good or bad?

I was so lucky thise marich I got a free new balance bike and started working out on it iv lost about 25lbs. Iv been reading a lot on diet n fitness and iv been coming across a lot of thigs that tell u not to do the same workout over and over cause ur body gets used to it well I started the september issue of shape magizine workout called the skinny jeans work out n I'm going to do it every other day and in between do my bike would that still trick my body cause its not the same workout or will it turn into another pattern workoutaibike workout-bike?


  • And forgot to add mfp has helped a lot also!
  • jrich1
    jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member
    I would try to do other things and mix it up, but if you enjoy doing something its not "bad" but the theory is that your body gets used to a motion and then can do it more efficiently and burns less calories.. but again if you like it keep at it it seems to be working.