Weakness for Wine



  • mamarazzo
    I'm with you. I work full-time and have two young children. The second I walk in the door after being at work all day, it's like a whole new demanding job starts right up. I drink wine to relax and help get through the evening madness. I was buying Bota Box (it's quite good for box wine!), but realized that having a giant box o' wine on tap was no bueno for no-willpower me! Now I'm back to buying one or two bottles a week and that's it. I know if I can cut the wine calories, my weight will drop much quicker. Or I could sell my kids. :D (KIDDING.)

    I second the idea of adding club soda or a bit of flavored seltzer to white wine. I know it's totally insulting to wine, but it's a good way to cut the calories. I prefer red wine and find I drink it slower than I do white wine, but I'm not sure how to cut calories in red. It's just so damn delicious.
  • spozzybear
    spozzybear Posts: 216 Member
    Thanks everyone!

    After doing some research into Australian Drinking Standards. apparently I AM actually classified as an alcoholic!!!!!!
    I fail to understand how this is possible as if I have other kinds of booze in the house but no wine, I won't be tempted to have any at all, even if I happen to like the other drinks on offer! Surely an alcoholic would drink whatever they could get their little mitts on???

    If enjoying my wine means I'm an alcoholic, then a large percentage of the world's population must be in the same boat! :laugh:
  • magj0y
    magj0y Posts: 1,911 Member
    I have the same "problem" I just make allowances for it in my -weekly- calorie allowance.
    if you have 1500 cals a day, that's 10,500 cals a week. If I do 1350 a day, (9450/week) that gives me 1050 cals for alcohol. Or 8 "glasses" of moscato wine, my fave.

    Usually I'll do that, up the water and exercise during the time of year when there are a ton of parties. Try not to eat really unhealthy foods when drinking. Your body stops metabolizing foods and works on the alcohol, so all that gross stuff just SITS there, waiting in line.
  • clarebrad
    clarebrad Posts: 188 Member
    I prob drink a wine to two a night and have gotten to habbit, then drink more in weekend. Have lost weight and happy with where am at, but now really want to reduce it big time. Having a Semi sober sept, haven't drunk all week and feel great. Having a cup of tea instead. The next two weekend have plans, so instead to set myself to fail am allowing a few drinks, 2 for this weekend and a 4 for the following. Then will drink lime and soda in between, also plan to not allow myself to drink at home. Will then start to buy better wines and enjoye them more. Hope can do it but really feel i must.