How many of you actually eat all your calories?



  • Congratulations on your weight loss. That is an amazing accomplishment! :happy: I never eat all my calories. I go over from time to time in the proteins but I'm always under in the rest. I've only been on this program for a week and a half. I lost 5 lbs. last week and my next weigh in is on Monday. I weigh myself once a week. So I'll let you guys know how this is working for me so far. I mean I know you lose alot at the beginning and then you slow down. It tells me I have to eat 1,610 calories a day w/o exercise and then like 2,000 w/ exercise. Most of the time I eat between 1100 and 1320 calories a day.
    Well it's really nice to know that there are people that don't eat their calories and are still losing weight. I guess it depends on the body. Everyone is different in alot of ways! Take care my friends!!!!!!!!!:heart:
  • sarah0426
    sarah0426 Posts: 26
    i always eat all my calories.. before I found this site I had NO idea how many calories I should be eating.. I'm an average sized to small 5'4" 22 year old and the only thing I went by was 2000 calories a day because that's what all the food nutrition labels say.. and sometimes I went over that! well that's way off for me! on here it says I should eat 1200 calories a day... so that's a lot less than I was used to so needless to say I have no problem eating ALL of my calories each day, even when I exercise :)
  • runawaybride
    runawaybride Posts: 400 Member
    :huh: See now that is the thing that I am so confused about:huh: :huh: How can a small person be allotted 1200 calories and then me who is not small be allotted 1200 calories too?? Something is wrong there and not just because I want to eat more because with my exercise calories I do anyhow but because realistically that does not make any sense and it has to be WRONG!! I also went back and changed my activity level and how many times I work out in my profile and it still said 1200 so that does not work!!!!:grumble:
  • dulceluva
    dulceluva Posts: 728 Member
    I think as long as you are eating foods you like, healthy, clean foods...then eating 900-1200 calories is just fine. Its when you try to restrict yourself to diet foods and convincing yourself that you shouldn't eat exercise calories so you lose some more water weight is when you get into trouble.

    MFP says its starvation mode but that is just a warning. I say, if you are hungry, eat and if you rae not don't.

    But just remember eating more often increases your metabolism. :wink: And metabolism means a lot for the aging body and your future.

    you never know... in a few years you could be ravenous and eat more often and your said metabolism will be holding on to every morsel.

    congrats on your progress so far.
  • beep
    beep Posts: 1,242 Member
    I eat all my calories, and all my exercise calories, because I'm so fearful that I will go into starvation mode and stop losing weight. After realizing that all my other attempts at losing weight were stopped by that starvation mode, I am determined NOT to do that again. And I am losing weight while eating my exercise calories!
  • jdtrainer
    jdtrainer Posts: 160
    I hate to rain on your parade but 900-1200 calories is way too low. 1200 is a MINIMUM for women unless they are under a doctor's care. For men the minimum is 1600. When you lose weight as rapidly as you are, you lose muscle as well as fat. Losing muscle lowers your BMR and makes weight loss that much harder in the future. As disappointing as it may be, in weight loss, slow and steady is the only healthy way.
  • runawaybride
    runawaybride Posts: 400 Member
    I hate to rain on your parade but 900-1200 calories is way too low. 1200 is a MINIMUM for women unless they are under a doctor's care. For men the minimum is 1600. When you lose weight as rapidly as you are, you lose muscle as well as fat. Losing muscle lowers your BMR and makes weight loss that much harder in the future. As disappointing as it may be, in weight loss, slow and steady is the only healthy way.
    This is exactly what confuses me is that how can I at 202 lbs eat the same calories-1200- as a smaller individual??? If 1200 is minimum that should be something I do when I reach my goal weight to maintain right????
  • dulceluva
    dulceluva Posts: 728 Member
    I hate to rain on your parade but 900-1200 calories is way too low. 1200 is a MINIMUM for women unless they are under a doctor's care. For men the minimum is 1600. When you lose weight as rapidly as you are, you lose muscle as well as fat. Losing muscle lowers your BMR and makes weight loss that much harder in the future. As disappointing as it may be, in weight loss, slow and steady is the only healthy way.
    This is exactly what confuses me is that how can I at 202 lbs eat the same calories-1200- as a smaller individual??? If 1200 is minimum that should be something I do when I reach my goal weight to maintain right????

    you need to figure out what you expend in a day and minus 500 calories from that figure.

    do a trial week. buy a heart rate monitor and see what a typical day is for you and minus 500 calories. I am BET you will be eating more than 1200 calories and still losing.

    good luck
  • iluvsparkles
    iluvsparkles Posts: 1,730 Member
    no, the 1200 minimum is WITH a deficit. Meaning, what your body needs to maintain your current weight is about 1700-2000. But you dont want ot maintain, youwant to lose, so they subtract 500 calories per day, if you selected 1 lb per week, or 1000 calories per day if you selected 2 lbs per week. The problem here is, no matter what your size is, 1000 calories isnt enough for ANYONE to live on, so the site has a minimum of 1200 calories. If you dip below the 1200 then you are virtually starving yourself, no matter wha tyour current size. There are many posts about this topic, so keep reading and i promise you will become less and less confused!
  • runawaybride
    runawaybride Posts: 400 Member
    Thanks for the answer I have just been informed and now understand completely and I am glad you all took the time to explain it because man I was lost :sad: Thanks again .....won't be asking that question again :laugh:
  • BigCityKittyz
    BigCityKittyz Posts: 378
    no, the 1200 minimum is WITH a deficit. Meaning, what your body needs to maintain your current weight is about 1700-2000. But you dont want ot maintain, youwant to lose, so they subtract 500 calories per day, if you selected 1 lb per week, or 1000 calories per day if you selected 2 lbs per week. The problem here is, no matter what your size is, 1000 calories isnt enough for ANYONE to live on, so the site has a minimum of 1200 calories. If you dip below the 1200 then you are virtually starving yourself, no matter wha tyour current size. There are many posts about this topic, so keep reading and i promise you will become less and less confused!

    HOLY MOLee! No wonder I'm hungry! I've been working out like a mad-woman and basically cancelling out all my calories to thrive!

    ps....I checked out you PF....too CUTE....and are glowing with LOVE!:heart: But I wanna know! Do you still have your dreads! That my dear is sooooo stinkin' COOL! (If I could put the flashy cool here to make everyone go bonkers...I would!)
  • iluvsparkles
    iluvsparkles Posts: 1,730 Member
    BIngo! thats why you always see folks saying EAT YOUR EXERCISE CALORIES! because if you dont, you are going way below 1000! (that is if you are set at 1200 like alot of us) another example is, for me, i put in to lose 2 lbs per week. generally that means 1000 cal taken off of what i need to maintain per day. but i only need 1700 to maintain, so take away 1000, and you only have 700 cals a day!! so i guess losing 2 lbs a week isnt realistic for me...
    and yes, i do have my dreads...ive had them for six years and dont plan on cutting them anytime soon!
  • BigCityKittyz
    BigCityKittyz Posts: 378
    6 years! Are you kidding me.....that's hard to do! I'd have to be dead before someone could touch em' and heck even then....I'd haunt them.....

    Thanks for the cal tips! I've gotta do more research....I'm sooo hungry for excercise and nutritional info! Feed the BRAIN....
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