Looking for a better me.

I guess I'll introduce myself here and maybe find some new friends for support! I've battled with a weight issue my entire life, but after I graduated high school and suffered a lose of my father. The shortly afterwards started dating my boyfriend of 3 years now. My weight went up 50lbs, so being a little 20lbs over weight is now 70lbs overweight. I'm looking to do anything possible. Today is my third day using MFP, and I absolutely love it. I mean it is a little hard because I'm eating a lot less then I normally would, but i'm only a little hungry. I noticed I'm making better choices. Along with starting to run (ha ha very slowly!)

So I guess I'm just looking for advice has anyone bought the fit-bit? I've heard a lot of good things about it, but I'm debating on if its worth it or not. Also does anyone have any good exercises for someone with not a lot of time?


  • pseel42
    pseel42 Posts: 82 Member

    good luck to you, feel free to add me

    always looking for more support
  • katadul87
    and good luck
  • Morfein
    Morfein Posts: 57 Member

    I lost my father 10 years ago, and can understand the spiraling out of control. If you are wanting to continue to run, you may want to check out the site http://c25k.com/ It is "couch to 5k" program that will help you get to that goal and minimize the risk of injury. I used it in the past with great success. Anyway, welcome aboard!
  • Hi Meg,

    I know exactly what you mean! When I started using MFP again (after falling off the wagon) I tracked my calories for a day before commiting to my suggested caloric intake and I realized I was eating TWICE as many calories as I should! OY! hahaha. I find it helpful to make sure I drink 8 cups of water a day. It's a great way to trick the body into thinking there's something to digest. I hope you reach all of your goals! I'll add you so we can support each other along the way.

    You've come to the right place! I love MFP and its helping my husband and I greatly!!! =) I am good with helping support others. I did notice that after the first 2 weeks it become SO easy to follow the calorie goals that now I even stuggle to not get too few calories. haha So just hang in there at least for a few weeks then decide. I also eat anything I want in moderation that I still dont have cravings and stay under my goal..If I do go over I just go for a walk or clean house....Feel free to add me! =)
  • megyuppa
    Hi Meg,

    I know exactly what you mean! When I started using MFP again (after falling off the wagon) I tracked my calories for a day before commiting to my suggested caloric intake and I realized I was eating TWICE as many calories as I should! OY! hahaha. I find it helpful to make sure I drink 8 cups of water a day. It's a great way to trick the body into thinking there's something to digest. I hope you reach all of your goals! I'll add you so we can support each other along the way.


    Thank you! I've noticed that if i go over my calories tho I'll go take the dog for a walk and try to fix it because I feel guilty.
  • megyuppa

    I lost my father 10 years ago, and can understand the spiraling out of control. If you are wanting to continue to run, you may want to check out the site http://c25k.com/ It is "couch to 5k" program that will help you get to that goal and minimize the risk of injury. I used it in the past with great success. Anyway, welcome aboard!

    I'm definitely going to check it out! My friend and I are shooting to do the dirty girl run. Which is a 5k in the mud for cancer! So this will definitely help me get started.
  • txdahl
    txdahl Posts: 107 Member
    I've sent a friend request. I know I couldn't make it without my support here on MFP. And I am starting the c25k tonight, just found it and printed it, no excuses for me now! :)
  • lizard053
    lizard053 Posts: 2,344 Member
    I have a fitbit. I love it! It works better than a pedometer, if you ask me, and it has several other bells and whistles a normal pedometer doesn't have. I like that it can track how many flights of stairs you've gone up, it can help you track your overall activity level (and help you find the right number of calories for you to lose weight and still feel good), and it can help you judge how well you sleep at night! Mine is with me 24/7, unless I leave it on the charger, by accident. There are some downsides, like it can count steps when you're driving your car, or just fidgeting in your seat. It doesn't always pick up steps on some aerobic machines, especially the ones with really smooth motion. You have to remember to turn sleep mode on and off, or you get some wonky numbers. But, overall, it's a great little gizmo that really helps with motivation!

    Good luck to you! Fighting my weight has been a full time endeavor for ~10 years now, and I'm still struggling. But, every time I gain, I learn something new about myself. And that's really important too!