Noob HI!

:bigsmile: My name is Lily....I started a fitness at my gym about 2 months ago and have lost almost 7 inches with that but only 5 pounds (better than nothing....) I recently started a class there where you work with a dietian (?) a therapist and a fitness expert. They want me to keep a log of what i do everyday. The dietian was the one that directed me here. My firsy goal is to get to 170. After that who knows. Add me as a friend and maybe we can share tips.


  • saram21
    saram21 Posts: 88
    Welcome to MFP! I'm sure you will love it here!:smile:
  • cvtga
    cvtga Posts: 118
    Hi Lily,my name is Kelly. Welcome! I think you will find this site to not only be a great form of motivation but also support. I just started on Jan. 2nd and find myself logging in all the time. I hope you like it and I look forward to seeing each others progress.
  • caroldavis
    Hi lily, I too am new here. You are doing better than me I haven't figured out how to post on the message board yet. I guess it all comes in time!
  • Kittany
    Kittany Posts: 31 Member
    Welcome Lily! :) It's a great site with a lot of supportive people. I hope you like it here!