nordic walking? what do i put it under?

it looks like a cross trainer but it isnt, i dont know wether to enter it as walking, or elliptical training!! what do you suggest?


  • kattbyrd67
    kattbyrd67 Posts: 39 Member
    Is it a ski machine? Maybe log it as cross-country skiing?
  • zaph0d
    zaph0d Posts: 1,172 Member
    Multiply number of minutes by perceived exertion level on a scale from 1-10, to get a ballpark. Or get an HRM.
  • mountain59
    mountain59 Posts: 16 Member
    I have the same trouble figuring out how to log treadmill walking. I finally found walking that burned the same amount of calories as what the treadmill says I burn and use that. Is there a way to enter new forms of exercise, like your Nordic, that's not already in the data bank?
  • californiagirl2012
    californiagirl2012 Posts: 2,625 Member
    Its more like an elliptical I think. Sometimes when I try something new I just enter it under something that works me at the same heart rate. Sometimes that is just like running at 5miles per hour. Just remember that the calorie burn is highly over rated and no amount of exercise can burn off too much food. :smile:
  • jadejo63
    jadejo63 Posts: 136 Member
    Thank you x
  • jadejo63
    jadejo63 Posts: 136 Member
    Still domt know what to do it as will elliptical be too high?