Weight loss stopped...

I just started eating healthy and lowered my calories. Within the first 3 weeks I lost 20 pounds, but for the past week I have stopped losing, and have gained 1 lb. I am eating 1300-1400 calories per day, but I haven't been working out. Can someone give me some advice? I am desperate to lose weight.


  • puddies01
    The same thing is happening to me. I thought maybe I'm not consuming enough calories? I guess it's normal to plateau. I do weigh myself too much I think. And I hate gaining around my TOM. It's so frustrating.
  • elismom408
    elismom408 Posts: 12 Member
    I was wondering if that was part of my problem too. I was thinking of upping my calories to 1600. Also I know that the 1 lb I gained was from my TOM so I am not too worried about that, but I should still be losing I would think.
  • uwdawg07
    It's really common to lose a lot of weight at first and then plateau. Plateaus are normal and natural and happen to everyone. Just keep watching your calories and exercising and the weight will come off again. And yes, start exercising!

    However, you probably should be eating a bit more at your current weight.
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    Weightloss isn't linear. Check your results in 3 week periods; the chemical reactions and hormonal rebalances that take place during weightloss take time.
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    I was wondering if that was part of my problem too. I was thinking of upping my calories to 1600. Also I know that the 1 lb I gained was from my TOM so I am not too worried about that, but I should still be losing I would think.

    ^ See bold. Do not change anything.
  • kcoftx
    kcoftx Posts: 765 Member
    One week or two doesn't make a plateau. Weight loss is not linear though. Sometimes you will lose regularly, sometimes you won't. Sometimes you get what you've been waiting for in one big woosh. It's normal. Stay steady on the course.
  • basillowe66
    basillowe66 Posts: 432 Member
    I last about 30 lbs and had almost 3 weeks of no losses. I talked to my sister in law who is a nusre and lost 75 lbs and she said she to reached a plateau and went almost 3 weeks before losing again. After 3 weeks I weighed myself and lost 4 lbs. So it happens. Just dn't lose your focus on watching what you eat.
    My sister in law is on her hospital's plan and she said they told her to eat 80 grams of protein each day because protein helps in fat loss.
  • basillowe66
    basillowe66 Posts: 432 Member
    The hospital told her not to eat mose than 1200 calories in a day

  • tenaheff
    If you know you are doing what you should, then just keep at it and you will eventually see results. The more we weigh, the faster we seem to lose (at least in the beginning). As we begin to see results, it is normal to see the numbers slow down. It is my understanding that for most people, a healthy average is 1/2 to 1 pound a week. I lost 4.6 pounds this week, but I expect that to slow dramitically in the next few weeks. You have lost 20 pounds quickly. You are doing great! Just keep doing what you have been doing.

  • wants2travel
    wants2travel Posts: 32 Member
    If you opened your diary, perhaps we could gain some insight. A lot of times it isn't how much you're eating, but what you're eating. 1000 calories of processed food is not like 1000 calories of healthy food.
  • jharb2
    jharb2 Posts: 208 Member
    20lbs in 3 wks is not normal so your body told itself to slow down. 1-2 lbs / week is the goal. In the long term it will balance out - you can't look at each weeks loss/gain. Its the overall loss over time.
  • 126siany
    126siany Posts: 1,386 Member
    I just started eating healthy and lowered my calories. Within the first 3 weeks I lost 20 pounds, but for the past week I have stopped losing, and have gained 1 lb. I am eating 1300-1400 calories per day, but I haven't been working out. Can someone give me some advice? I am desperate to lose weight.

    Nothing is wrong. It's been one week!

    If I were you, I'd just keep on doing what you have been doing, as it is clearly working. It is not at all unusual to hold steady or gain a pound during TOM due to water retention. Next week, you'll probably see a big drop when the water weight goes and stops masking your losses.
  • VickyJo68
    VickyJo68 Posts: 90 Member
    It could be that your body is adjusting to this new lifestyle. I know my personal trainer said that once the shock period is over it can take a week or two to settle back into a routine, so don't let it deter you in any way. Good luck xx
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I was wondering if that was part of my problem too. I was thinking of upping my calories to 1600. Also I know that the 1 lb I gained was from my TOM so I am not too worried about that, but I should still be losing I would think.

    ^ See bold. Do not change anything.

    listen to this man, he is wise....
  • elismom408
    elismom408 Posts: 12 Member
    Thanks for all the encouragement! Tomorrow is my official weigh in day, so hopefully I will show a loss, but I am still going to keep at it even if I don't. I just did my first workout tonight, it was only 10 minutes, but it is better than nothing. I also opened my food diary to the public.
  • kr3851
    kr3851 Posts: 994 Member
    Looking at your diary for the past two days (not much, I know, but I'm in a hurry!) I would suggest that you start tracking sodium and water intake. Tracking sodium has been an eye-opener for me - the weeks I go over on sodium, I stay steady or gain. The weeks I stay under, I tend to lose.

    TOM whacks everything. Still weigh on your designated day, and record it, but ignore the number. After a few months you'll see what is a true gain and what is water weight or bloating.

    Don't expect to lose 3-4 pounds every week. 'Normal' weight loss is 0.5-1lb per week.

    Try to go for a 30 min walk 3x a week as a minimum. Take your son in his stroller. Take the dog. I'm not lucky enough to have kids or a dog so I just take myself... but make the effort to schedule it in and don't skip it. Walking is one of the easiest forms of cardio and there are a number of benefits.

    And finally... keep asking questions! Learn as much as you can from people who have been (and still are!) where you are. Try new things (for at least a month or so to see if they truly work for you) and meet new people.
  • elismom408
    elismom408 Posts: 12 Member
    Well today was my weigh in, and I am down 1 lb. Not what I was hoping for, but definately better than nothing. I am going to keep my calories the same, but slowly start working out, and hopefully that will make the change I am looking for.
  • pudgeylou
    pudgeylou Posts: 202 Member
    I had the exact same problem. I lost about 14 lbs in the first week and then I was stuck, and gained 3 lbs back over the next 3 weeks. I was devastated but I stuck to my diet, and continued to try to get 30 minutes of exercise (mostly walking) and finally the weight started coming off again. I have now been losing abou 3-5 lbs a week for the last couple weeks. I hope this trend keeps up.
    So just stick with it, I know how frustrating it can be but you will see results soon enough. Best of luck.
  • dena1663
    I had the same problem a little over a month ago and someone suggested I bump up my calories to 1600 for a few days and then go back to the 1200....it worked!
  • julimonster
    julimonster Posts: 243 Member
    I truly feel your pain, I'm there too - however, these seem to be a healthy part of losing the weight that you want to keep off, your body needs to stabilize! Drink lots of water, it helps to flush the cells, don't get discouraged! Best of luck!