Herbalife Help? Share your experience.


Can you guys share your experience on here with what a typical Herbalife day looks like for you- meals and all?

I have just recently started Herbalife and I am adjusting poorly. I am hungry throughout the day so I will eat fruit, but I'm not sure if that is even allowed?

Also, my shakes seem to be very powdery and not that enjoyable.

I eat an apple for breakfast and replace lunch with a shake. Then I TRY to have a colorful, around 500 calorie dinner. I don't seem to be losing weight, but I am working out a little bit, so maybe I am just building muscle.

Maybe I am doing something wrong.

Any feedback would be appreciated. Thanks!


  • Bumdrahp
    Bumdrahp Posts: 1,314 Member
    Are you also doing Aloe water and Tea concentrate?
  • MissErinPaige
    No, am I supposed to?
    I am doing Formula 1 (two scoops) 8 oz. Skim Milk, Total Control three times a day, and 1/2 tbsp personalized protein powder...
    I bought it from a friend, and she didn't really explain it to me at all. What is the aloe water?
  • Bumdrahp
    Bumdrahp Posts: 1,314 Member
    No, am I supposed to?
    I am doing Formula 1 (two scoops) 8 oz. Skim Milk, Total Control three times a day, and 1/2 tbsp personalized protein powder...
    I bought it from a friend, and she didn't really explain it to me at all. What is the aloe water?

    This is what I am doing. I have been only doing it for a week.

    Three capfuls of Aloe concentrate with 4 oz of water FIRST thing in the AM ( supports internal cleansing, soothes healthy digestive system)
    then, I have tea concentrate with 8-12 oz of HOT water ( energy booster, using to replace coffee)
    thennnn I have A shake with 8oz of water ( 2 scoops, then teaspoon of protien powder)

    Thats everything I have for breakfast. ( between 7-9am)

    then have a snack ( fruit, 100 cal pack) ( 11am-12pm)

    Then for lunch I have a good sized meal, as it is pretty much the only meal I really eat. SO make it healthy, large, and about 300-500 calories ( 1pm)

    IF i feel hungry I then eat another small snack between lunch and dinner

    I have another shake for dinner then call it a night.

    IT HAS NOT been easy and I am STILL playing around with the meals and the shakes. I am way under in calories and very thirsty, so I am looking for ways to get more calories in so I don't go into starvation mode. Also you will notice if you dot he aloe and the tea, you will need to pee A LOT. I also drink 3-4 cups of Chinese Oolong tea, and LOTS of water.
  • Bumdrahp
    Bumdrahp Posts: 1,314 Member
    I have lost some weight this week. Looks like between 2-3 lbs as of this morning
  • MissErinPaige
    Well congrats on the weight loss. I will try your plan and see how it works for me! I'd probably eat my meal for dinner though, because I live with my boyfriend and cook every night... plus it's just easier not to eat real food at work, at my desk than it is when I get home. I don't have that willpower yet.

    I never though about using water instead of milk. That would take 80 calories out of my lunches.

  • deuce3Degotrip
    Hey ladies... I'm an Herbalife Coach and just want to encourage you! This is NOT a diet... just great Nutrition!! If you're getting hungry, HAVE ANOTHER SHAKE!! Your body will LOVE you for it!!

    If you're 150 - 200 lbs.... 2 shakes/day
    200-250 .... 3 shakes/day
    250-300 .... 4 shakes/day
    300+.... 5 shakes/day

    and these are just minimums!! Don't starve yourself!!
  • Brademert
    From a guys perspective:

    This is my day.
    Breakfast: Tea, aloe and shake.
    Mid Morning snack: Protein bar (10G of Protein or more and no more than 5G of sugar)
    Lunch: Tea, aloe and shake.
    Afternoon Snack: 6.4 oz pack of Tuna in water (no mayo, sometimes i add mustard)
    Dinner: min of 35g of protein and minimal carbs
    Evening Snack: Jif to go snack pack.

    If I get hungry during the day I have another jif PB to go pack.

    I also drink between 140 and 160 oz of water a day.

    No soft drinks and keep my carb intake relatively low.

    I would suggest that you also substitute your skim milk for 2 scoops of pdm and 8 oz of water at least for the first month.

    I only eat fruit in moderation while loosing and watch it very close while maintaining.

    I would be happy to friend anyone who is following the plan as encouragement is always needed.

    I have not been good at posting my food here but will start back up so you can see what I do.
  • plmtrprsn
    plmtrprsn Posts: 15 Member
    erinpaigeh, you are not eating enough!

    2 shakes a day, replacing two meals will help you lose weight. Make sure you are getting at least 75 grams of protein total from your meals and shakes. That will help with the hunger and also help build/keep muscle. Your non-shake meal should be more than 500 calories - more like 700 or more, depending on your snacks. Herbalife works best for me when I have a shake for breakfast, a mid-morning snack with protein and carbs (like a handfull of almonds and a piece of fruit), a shake for lunch, a mid-afternoon snack, then a healthy colorful dinner including protein, veggies, and a starch, and if still hungry and under calories, a evening snack as well.

    Make sure you are over at least 1200 calories each day or you will go into starvation mode. If you are starving, eat something light even if you are over your calories. No point in being miserable! Also make sure you are drinking plenty of water.

    If your shake is powdery, are you mixing it in a blender or with a shaker cup? Both help break up the powder in the milk. Use milk, not water with Formula 1 - you need the extra calories from the milk to make it a meal. You can also add fruit in the blender to make a smoothie - that gives some variety.

    I have used Herbalife products for 12 years and besides weight control, you will find you are healthier!

    You can friend me also if you want additional support.
  • jessejames3ball
    I just went to a place today over my lunch break and it turned out to be an Herbalife deal. They got me the aloe, tea, and shake to try out. I'm not sure what to think yet? We'll see how it holds up as it's pretty much my lunch I guess.
  • Sheriemae
    I'm on my third week of using Herbalife. I've lost 6.4 lbs so far (last weigh in 9/3, next weigh in 9/10)
    Here's my plan:

    Breakfast: 2 scoops of formula 1, 2 scoops of protein, 1 Tbsp of banana pudding powder-25 cals, 1 cup of ice, 1 cup of water, 70-75 cals of a banana

    Snack: Carrots, Celery, with light ranch (or any veggie or fruit) I usually keep snaks between 100-300 cals depends how hungry I am

    Lunch: 2 scoops of formula 1, 2 scoops of protein, 1 Tbsp of cheesecake pudding powder-25 cals, 1 cup of ice, 1 cup of water, 1 cup frozen strawberries

    Snack: grapes, almonds, string cheese

    Dinner: Usually chicken with veggies.

    Hope this helps! Also if you have a hard time blending it, I put the ice in, then the powder, fruit, then water. Mix, stop, stir it, then put the blender on smooth. Works great. I've found if I put the powder on top it just gets all over the blender.