Has anyone tried Body by VI?

Hello all!

I am just wondering how many people have tried Body by Vi and what success stories are out there? My sister, brother in law, Mom, Aunt, and a bunch of coworkers are all doing the Body by Vi challenge. Is it really worth the money??


  • I have a coworker doing it right now. I mean, I'm sure it works, but there are probably way cheaper versions of the very same thing out there. It only comes in one flavor, so you would need fruit/flavor packs/whatever to keep an sort of variety. Which, costs more money on top of what you paid. I'm not knocking the product of success rate, just that it's pricey.

    Other than that, she seems to enjoy them. Not sure what her progress is yet though, but she's doing a challange.
  • I did not participate in the whole 'challenege' concept of it... but for about 5 months I did have a 'shake' every day for lunch as a replacement for a meal. It did work, it gave me energy, filled me up and I lost about 15 lbs in 5 months... with Body by Vi being the only thing I changed.

    I then had a terrible experience with their customer service and promptly discontinued my ongoing monthly subscription for the product.

    Other than bad customer service, it did work... for me anyway. Also, I do know they offer a money back guaranttee.

    Good luck!
  • Time2Thrive
    Time2Thrive Posts: 161 Member
    I have found Body by Vi to be the product I was looking for. I am always on the go and seemed to skip meals or make fast food my choice when hungry. This has been the perfect solution. I can make breakfast and lunch and take it with me.

    The shakes work out to be less than $2 a day and true to get more than flavor options than the cake batter taste you would add some other ingredients. There are hundreds of recipes depending on your taste preference. For the nutrition though you cannot beat the price and convenience.

    The part that I love is their referral program where you can earn your shakes for FREE. We have not paid since our first month because of this program.

    In 90 days I lost 25 pounds and went down 1 shirt size and 2 pant sizes. My wife lost around 20 pounds and was able to go to Eddie Bauer and get clothes there again after many years of not being able to.

    If you have more questions feel free to message me.
  • RachelHoffman0709
    RachelHoffman0709 Posts: 101 Member
    Thank you for your response! These are the kind of sucess stories I am looking for. I have been doing a lot of research on the product because I have worked so hard to get to and maintain the weight and fitness level I am currently at and I don't want to take any steps back.

    Most of my research has brought me to the conclusion that these shakes not only work, but they are good for you. Like any "diet" or weight loss program it has to be a lifestyle change. You can't just drink the shakes for the 90 days then go back to your old habits!!
  • Jynus
    Jynus Posts: 519 Member
    they work no better or worse than eating the same calories and macros of any other food source works. you can spend craptons of cash on these shakes, or you can spend far less cash on real food, and get EXACTLY the same effect. if you choose to do it for the convienece of the meal replacements, then by all means. but if you`re thinking that they somehow work better than actual food you`re kidding yourself.
  • bwdcjk
    bwdcjk Posts: 96 Member
    I have been doing the Body by Vi shakes since March and have lost 36 lbs (with daily exercise). Have I seen the huge sucesses many on their wesbite say...no...but it really does help me 1) cut calories (180 - 220 cals depending on add ins) and 2) two meals a day on my busy work week days are no brainers (I do them for breakfast and lunch). The Shape Up Kit runs $115 a month with S&H (2 bags of shake mix - enuf for 2 shakes a day) but that comes out to less than $2 a shake/meal and I cannot buy food for that plus my time to prep it. The kits come with a few flavor packets but you can use any fruit (fresh or frozen), any sugar free pudding or jello mix, Hersey's baking cocoa, any flavored extracts, any juices (instead of milk), powered peanut butter (PB2), etc to mix it with for a large variety of flavors. There are literally 100's of recipes available through their website, Facebook pages and just Google. I also use skim milk vs almond or soy because of the cost but if you Google the differences between them - there are very few. Not enough to justify the cost. Everyone is different and everyone has their opinions but for me they work.
  • Make sure you check the protein, whey is much better for females than soy.
  • RachelHoffman0709
    RachelHoffman0709 Posts: 101 Member
    they work no better or worse than eating the same calories and macros of any other food source works. you can spend craptons of cash on these shakes, or you can spend far less cash on real food, and get EXACTLY the same effect. if you choose to do it for the convienece of the meal replacements, then by all means. but if you`re thinking that they somehow work better than actual food you`re kidding yourself.

    I appreciate your feedback; however, I do have to disagree with you on the matter of cost, when you contemplate the price of the shakes, one spends far less than going out to eat or grocery shopping for that matter. I have not purchased these shakes; I am merely looking for stories from individuals that have in fact tried the product. :happy:
  • prettyeyez55
    prettyeyez55 Posts: 45 Member
    I just started drinking the body by vi shakes and i love it! my friend has been doing the program for 61 days and has lost 28 pounds and looks amazing. I do my shake and breakfast and lunch and snack throughout the day and just eat a sensible dinner and workout. It is a great idea for busy people. I work fulltime, go to school and have 2 very active little boys!!
  • Jynus
    Jynus Posts: 519 Member
    they work no better or worse than eating the same calories and macros of any other food source works. you can spend craptons of cash on these shakes, or you can spend far less cash on real food, and get EXACTLY the same effect. if you choose to do it for the convienece of the meal replacements, then by all means. but if you`re thinking that they somehow work better than actual food you`re kidding yourself.

    I appreciate your feedback; however, I do have to disagree with you on the matter of cost, when you contemplate the price of the shakes, one spends far less than going out to eat or grocery shopping for that matter. I have not purchased these shakes; I am merely looking for stories from individuals that have in fact tried the product. :happy:
    No problem. At $2 per shake it`s not too shabby actually. but in terms of cost per calorie it`s not great either. A cup of milk is about the same calories and nutrition. And cost about $0.25 a serving. Have a cup of milk for your meal and you get the same effect for a fair bit cheaper. :)
  • amandachic79
    amandachic79 Posts: 12 Member
    I just started the "challenge" last week...i'm down 2 lbs so far! It definatley is giving me more energy and I 've been sleeping better too...good luck to all
  • I've been doing the body by vi for a week and down 4 pounds. I really enjoy the shakes, they're convenient, and delicious! As for the money, when you break it down, it's under $4/Shake. I find it's worth it. I'm never hungry on this program.
  • lizzyb0601
    lizzyb0601 Posts: 160 Member
    I tried them last year and I lost about 7lbs in the 1st month and then stalled. I did not notice any change in my energy . For the cost I could not justify it.
  • molly_grue
    molly_grue Posts: 215 Member
    I don't believe in anything for weight loss that I don't plan on doing for the rest of my life.
    I wouldn't want to drink meal replacements for the rest of my life.
  • I have tried it and it's delicious! I didn't have the $ to buy it. But there really is no need for it. It is just an easy way to keep your calories in check because it is very low in calories so you lose weight. I knew a girl that lost 80 on it. You could do the same eating normal food. It's whether you want to think about what your eating and count calories. One good thing I remember thinking when I tried it is that Vi is so sweet I probably wouldn't crave sweets from another source since I got it through the shakes:) Not worth it to me:)
  • christimw
    christimw Posts: 183 Member
    no personal experience, but i have family members that sell it, and have used it, none of them had any real results and gave up on it. but then again, they were just looking for a quick fix so that's probably why.
  • they work no better or worse than eating the same calories and macros of any other food source works. you can spend craptons of cash on these shakes, or you can spend far less cash on real food, and get EXACTLY the same effect. if you choose to do it for the convienece of the meal replacements, then by all means. but if you`re thinking that they somehow work better than actual food you`re kidding yourself.

    I appreciate your feedback; however, I do have to disagree with you on the matter of cost, when you contemplate the price of the shakes, one spends far less than going out to eat or grocery shopping for that matter. I have not purchased these shakes; I am merely looking for stories from individuals that have in fact tried the product. :happy:
    No problem. At $2 per shake it`s not too shabby actually. but in terms of cost per calorie it`s not great either. A cup of milk is about the same calories and nutrition. And cost about $0.25 a serving. Have a cup of milk for your meal and you get the same effect for a fair bit cheaper. :)
    I am not in favor of Vi but it is not the same as milk! Milk doesn't have all the nutriton Vi does.
  • Warning: I am strongly against this product for a number of reasons so this may become a bit of a rant. I may get blasted for this, but it is my opinion.

    There are a few things that I have against this product. The first two tie for highest level of concern.
    1. ONE doctor in my hometown (where this product is EXTREMELY popular) is currently treating SEVEN patients for Vit D deficiency. The only thing that all of these patients have in common is Body By Vi. I am not totally challenging the nutritional value because I know it packs some killer nutrients, but if ONE doctor has SEVEN patients with the same issue then that say something to me.

    2. It does not teach healthy eating. It teaches meal replacement. I would get sick of drinking my food after awhile and because this doesn't teach healthy eating, there is nothing to fall back on once you quit, can't afford, or get sick of the shakes. Personally, I would rather eat my food anyway. For the cost, you can spend the money on healthy food options at the supermarket.

    3. COST! This ties into above. You could likely shop at Whole Foods rather than the regular supermarket for the cost. Not only are you saving but you are learning a long term, healthy, sustainable lifestyle

  • Yes, using it now and have lost about 17 lbs. since around the end of June. I do morning and lunch and then eat a healthy meal in the evening. I usually use it with almond milk and some kind of unsweetened frozzen fruit and love how it tastes. However, it is expensive. I am switching to Herbalife because I can't tell the difference and it's about 1/2 the cost of Visalus. I have been drinking the green tea sold by Herbalife and having a lot of luck with that. Regardless, I stick to no more than 1200 calories per day. The shakes keep me full and have really helped to curb my appetite. I don't use any of the supplements. You get good nutrition from eating right and keeping your calories in check. This website really helps with that - keep checking the breakdown of the nutrients you're getting every day. When I am finished losing weight, I am going to continue to drink one shake per day for maintenance. Good luck!
  • KellyBurton1
    KellyBurton1 Posts: 529 Member
    I found them hard on my stomach and when I cancelled my order they still sent them to me and I sent them back but still havnt received my refund. Its been over 2 months now!