21 and ready for a life change!

Hello! I'm not technically "new" to the site, but I have never posted on the message boards so...yeah hey!

I'll just give a little background about myself to distract myself from wanting to go to the fridge.
WARNING: This is where some major rambling starts~

I'm a 21 year old student that wants to lose weight in a healthy, constructive way.

When I was 19, I was nearly 170 pounds. At 5'7, I didn't look HORRIBLE or anything, but I was obviously overweight. I was simply surrounded by tons of food all the time. And not healthy food either. I'm talking cookies, chips, soda ALL the time ( the first think I would have in the morning was a coke! no joke!) Also, because we live in the south, our dinners were always either fried or slathered in butter or super creamy and just....full of all those delicious things that really pack on the pounds.

And then something happened. I moved out.
I never ate. I realized that cooking meant effort and that junk food meant money.
Then I started losing weight. My size 12 pants became size 8. Customers at work were complimenting me on how much better I looked. Guys were checking me out, girls were telling me how pretty I was.
I was hooked. I became totally obsessed with my body image. I would go days without eating barely anything.
I dropped weight so fast, that by Christmas I was already down to 135 and people were so proud of me for doing something that was really just horrible for my body and eventually my soul.
I'm not sure when it happened but I started becoming incredibly depressed and angry. I would just do things out of spite and would just lie about things that didn't matter. I ruined my relationship with my wonderful, perfect best friend because of jealousy and then just continued to burn bridge after bridge.
Because of the stress I started to over eat and drink and gained twenty pounds like nothing.

This summer was my turning point and I decided to re-boot myself. I moved back with my parents and started getting my **** together. I lost a few pounds, and moved from my 155 to a solid 148. I am certainly happier than I was but now I am determined to become not only physically healthy but also mentally. I started doing yoga, jogging and most recently weight training. I got back MFP, which I had before to just make sure I was eating as little as possible but now I use it more to give myself guidelines and to track my exercise.

I'm hoping that this time around I can do this better and make a life change. I'm tired of who I am and I am ready to put in the effort to become who I want to be.

SO! I'm really excited to get started! I really want to make sure I stick to this, so I feel like I should become more active with the actual site!
Here's to change!


  • UticaBoy51
    UticaBoy51 Posts: 344 Member
    Good luck on your Journey, I am sure you will do great.
  • DreamerZenko
    DreamerZenko Posts: 59 Member
    Hello CatThumbs. First time posting here for me too, though I've been here before as well. I totally understand what you mean by being surrounded by unhealthy food all the time- my parents always cook not that great of food. Good luck on your journey! :)