I'm looking for friends to help motivate me

I am one of those stories you see on the TV ads always starting diets but never finishing them so I hope to find motivation through this site by finding people to help keep me moving towards my goal. I have 166 lb to lose so any friend requests are welcomed.


  • ColoradoRobin
    ColoradoRobin Posts: 510 Member
    Welcome! I think success depends primarily on mental attitude. My belief is that we are changing how we are going to eat pretty much forever, but that there's no such thing as a forbidden food (allergies notwithstanding). It's fine to have a cookie, a piece of your birthday cake, or Aunt Katie's spaghetti and meatballs. So long as you stick with your diet most of the time, occasional special meals won't be a problem. Accept that flexibility so that you don't go crazy and say "Well that cookie just blew my diet, so let's eat 5 more of them".

    I think some people are too rigid when it comes to dieting, then give up completely when the cravings get too strong, or if they feel too deprived of good filling food. So plan special meals or treats occasionally, and don't feel guilty. But never give up! That's what has worked for me. Even when I stopped tracking for several months due to a crazy schedule, I at least didn't *gain* any weight. Besides, planned diet breaks can help your metabolism reset back to a more normal level if you've been dieting for some time. Just eat good foods.
  • WittyDragon
    I like to eat there is no doubt about that. I am going to try to focus more on exercise and moving to get the weight off. The Calorie counter is a nice addition I am not going to starve myself.

    "Just eat good foods."
    Good food is the tricky part because junk food is easy.