Pedometer ... worth it?

Hey everyone!

So, I go to school at a huge university (takes 40ish minutes from one corner to the other) and was wondering if getting a pedometer would be worth it? Like, I can't exercise as much as I did during the summer because of my crazy class/work schedule, but would it make sense getting a pedometer? And if so, what's a good one that's under 50 cause I am a college student and sort of on a budget.


  • dnish53
    dnish53 Posts: 162 Member
    I think it would be so worth it for you to get one. The reason is you could then truly see how far you are walking each day. Experts say we should strive for 10,000steps/day.
  • If you have a smartphone like iphone there are free Apps that work as pedometers. I use one on my iphone.
  • glamouritz64
    glamouritz64 Posts: 85 Member
    You can get a pedometer app for your phone. I use "Pedometer Free" on my iPhone, and I LOVE it. Just keep a charger with you, though. It eats your battery if you're walking across your campus several times per day.
  • how accurate is the app? like, that seems like an awesome app, but is it reliable enough to trust it?