
I've finally decided to get lipo around my stomach and "flanks" as the doctors have named my love handles. I have always had a tummy even at 120 pounds. I am ~150 now and looking to lose 30 lbs by the beginning of next year. For those of you who have had lipo, I would love to hear your comments about the procedure and what I should expect. How much weight should I expect to have taken off?


  • Gabadab
    Gabadab Posts: 3 Member
    I am very curious as well as I have the same dilema... I am the same weight and I am 5"4... if you don't mind me asking how tall are you?
  • ShmiSkywalker
    ShmiSkywalker Posts: 33 Member
    I had the procedure done in August on my abdomen, flanks, and thighs. They want you to be within 30% of the weight range for your height. The procedure itself really doesn't take much weight off as fat is less dense than muscle. I am not to my goal weight yet and am still working on it but I had to lipo to get rid of those problem areas that will just become smaller body fat but not go away.

    It was performed as an out patient procedure and had someone with me for the first 48 hours to assist. Immediately after the surgery, you will be sleepy. Day 2 I was awake but still on pain meds and feeling the pain. Day 3, I became restless and went to the state fair for about 5 hours. Believe me, I was exhausted after that day. I only missed one day of work, Friday for the surgery. After surgery, you are required to wear a compression garment around the clock for about a month with exception of showering. This helps your skin re-form to your body and increases circulation. You will have bruising, lots of bruising. Mine went away after 2 weeks. Along with bruising comes swelling. While I can see a difference in the me before and the me now, the swelling typically takes a few months to completely subside to see the final result.

    I am just thrilled with my results already and I'm only 3 weeks post-op. I can't wait to see the final result. In addition, I have continued to watch my eating and got back on the bike for exercise and have lost about 8 pounds since the surgery. I'm not sure how much of that is what they removed vs actual diet loss. Either way, I'm happy. Feel free to reach out if you have any more questions about my experience, I'm happy to share.
  • FearlessRobb
    FearlessRobb Posts: 249 Member
    Whats kinda weird to me i would think if you did have lipo or the surgery and they got rid of alot of fat. A person wouldnt be as weighed down and have more energy and u would think it would be easier for hem to work out cause of that reason.
    I dont have money to do something like that but it crosses my mind how it must help getting rid of weight fast.

    I know some people say thats taking the easy way out. but i disagree, its ur body and money do what u want. to me its not the easy way out if u do it then work hard to keep the weight off and loose more. It like a boost lol
  • Carmentex
    To ShmiSkywalker: Do you mind if I ask how much the procedure cost?
    I have lost 42 lbs so far and have 23 left to lose. Since I have taken my time in losing the weight, over a span of 7 months, I don't have any loose skin, just the normal fat in my thighs, belly, and butt.

    I'm sure I can lose the remaining 23 lbs on my own, but just in case, I wanted to find out about lipo and see if it would be worth the expense.

    If you could send me a message directly, I would appreciate it.

    Thank you!
  • bgelliott
    bgelliott Posts: 610 Member
    Please don't think I am being an aweful person for this but I am totally against lipo. I truly believe fat loss can be achieved without medical procedures. I know firsthand that it is not easy but it can be done. Surgery for skin removal is a whole different story as I do know that sometimes the skin will not shrink back to it's original state if it has been stretched out for extended periods of time (years).

    I've known several people who have had lipo and at first they were happy with the results but ultimately the fat came back because they did not change their lifestyle and eating habits. Some I am sad to say have even gained a significant amount of additional fat weight on top of the original weight they carried.

    I hope your procedure goes well and best of luck for keeping it off in the future.