Have you ever been in "the slump"?



  • happypath101
    YES! I know the slump! Here are some things that help me:

    * Do exactly what you're doing. Recognize it's a slump. Vent a little. (I have a weight loss/maintenance journal. Some times I just write "I am SO tired of dieting. I am SO tired of working out. I don't want to!)

    * Maybe you need a kick in the butt or maybe you need a rest. Only you can figure that out. I often find that if I keep going but at a slower kinder pace that works for me. E.g. Tonight I am not doing the 30 day shred. I am going for a walk around the lake with my cousin. I won't see results as fast. But, I'm still moving. And, I'm not burning myself out.

    * Sleep. Get lots of sleep.

    * Schedule something indulgent that's not about your weight. E.g. get a pedicure, take an afternoon off and snuggle with a book and a cup of tea, go visit your grandma. Just distract yourself with something that feeds your soul.

    * Buy a fitness magazine and just read it.

    * Check out some healthy recipe web-sites.

    Keep going. Keep being healthy. Take a little pressure off yourself and you'll be inspired to push it hard soon. :O)
  • amyhoss
    amyhoss Posts: 414 Member
    I'm in the same slump and am having trouble getting out of it. I want to eat everything in sight and even some things not yet in sight!
  • jothekid
    jothekid Posts: 230 Member
    yup!! a slump is perfectly normal! 2 weeks ago was my b-day party and last weekend I went to a bachelor party...so let's say that after those 2 things I really didn't feel like working out and eating well. But I didn't wanna lose the progress I had already made so I forced myself to do my P90X workout and once the 1st one was done, I was back into it! g'luck :)
  • lilawolf
    lilawolf Posts: 1,690 Member
    Do not give up. Here is how to avoid the slump (most of the time)

    Keep your carbs lowish, as much protein as you can (very hard to overdo), and have a medium amount of fat. This will keep you full and satisfied. Your brain is made of fat. Many vitamins are fat soluble and cannot be absorbed without it. DIETARY FAT DOES NOT EQUAL BODY FAT. It is your friend.

    Work out, even if it is just a 20 minute walk, every day. Do strength training which will keep you toned, build/maintain muscle which keeps your metabolism up, and make your skin look tighter once you have lost the weight. This will also allow you more calories.

    Keep your NET calories to AT LEAST 1200 calories. I aim for 1500, and I am losing just over a pound a week without ever feeling hungry. If you don't eat enough calories and enough protein, your muscle will get broken down for fuel. You WILL lose weight faster, but look and feel worse, and slow your metabolism which usually leads to yoyo dieting.

    Eat the things you want just with smaller serving sizes, and only 1-2 a day that you fit into your day. Cutting all of the things you want will just lead to feeling deprived and ultimately failing.

    NO GUILT. If you don't do so well one day, try to determine why, and move on. If it is stress eating, try meditation/yoga/cuddle with SO or pet etc. If it is lack of food options, work on planning lunches and bringing healthy snacks. If you were starving, look at your macros and calories from the last two days and adjust

    Drink water! This will curb your hunger. If possible, drink a glass of water before you put ANYTHING in your mouth.

    Want a second helping or a snack? Wait 20 minutes. Drink a glass of water. Take a walk. Chew on gum. Still hungry? Eat.

    Do NOT go hungry. You will only binge at the next meal or the next day. Usually on something unhealthy.

    Soup is low calorie, fast, cheap, and very filling. Today I had a protein shake for breakfast, a can of soup with an extra chicken breast for lunch, and took a walk. Now I can have the pizza I want for dinner. I added the chicken breast to make sure that I wasn't starving when I got to the pizza otherwise I would eat too much of it.

    Listen to your body! For example, if your knee is acting up do low impact or upper body workouts such as swimming or punches. Take care of yourself, but don't use it as an excuse
  • chattipatty2
    chattipatty2 Posts: 376 Member
    Wow, I could have written that post. I really don't have an answer, just happy summer almost over and not much to do in the fall/winter except get back to gym.
  • paintlisapurple
    paintlisapurple Posts: 982 Member
    Its okay to get off track a bit....now get back on!!!! Eating healthy is something I've always tried to do...since starting mfp I've been learning a lot about caloric intake and how my body uses the fuel that its fed. I've learned a lot about exercising and the effects that it has on my body. This is not an argument with my body against food or exercise, its a lifestyle that I've chosen to live. Don't give up.:flowerforyou:
  • nannanorem
    nannanorem Posts: 98 Member
    Yes! I have been in a "slump" myself. I've been trying to lose 4 lbs since the end of July and my weight just keeps bouncing from 129 to 131. I haven't exercised or walked like I was before. I just can't seem to pull myself out of it. I still log what I eat and when I do exercise though. I need to tone up badly but just don't feel like exercising to do it. :embarassed: Hang in there! I will too!
  • julimonster
    julimonster Posts: 243 Member
    I feel your pain! This last 15 is the most stubborn! I'm reminded, though, that I didn't gain the weight overnight, why should it so considerately leave my booty overnight, LOL - stick with it, we're all here for you!
  • misfit34
    misfit34 Posts: 104 Member
    I'm there now...one thing and kaboom I'm off the wagon. I have to get my mind back wrapped around it and keep myself motivated. It's hard, but don't give up, you (we) have come so far. Scheduling is a lot of my problem and this month one of my goals is to get this in check!
  • NikkiSixGuns
    NikkiSixGuns Posts: 630 Member
    Sounds like you've lost your inspiration. I think it happens to most people at one point or another.

    Maybe it's time to reassess why you started on this journey in the first place. If the reason(s) you started aren't enough to keep you motivated, then you need to figure out if you still want to make the journey. If you do, then tell yourself why. Make a list of reasons why you want to do it. Spell out what inspires you. What are you looking forward to when you achieve your goal? What is it about where you're at now that you can't wait to be done with? Write it all down. Add pictures, if that helps to inspire you. Then look at that list often to remind yourself of what your'e working toward. When it starts to lose the power to motivate you, reassess again.

    If, after some true consideration, you decide you're happy where you are and don't want to make the journey, then go forth and be happy!

    Either way, the choice is always yours, and you have the power to change your mind...
  • lindsiswatchingyou
    What is it that you don't want to do? Is it the tracking or giving up certain foods, or maybe its just gottten old. Whatever the answer, once you know what's making you want to quit you can adjust for it.

    Personally, I have a sweet tooth. I LOVE brownies and cookies and ice cream...I could go on all day! I make sure I get in something sweet everyday or I WILL fail.

    Just find what works for you (even if its not MFP) and keep pushing on.
  • russellma
    russellma Posts: 284 Member
    I have a question... Do you incorporate "cheat" days into your plan? If not, that might give you something to look forward to.

    It doesn't work for everyone, but it has definitely helped me to feel less imprisoned and more liberated.

    I have made it a practice to "cheat" one day a week, where I don't count ANYTHING. Labor Day was a good example. I ate what was there in moderation and I played volleyball for hours, but didn't count any of it.

    By "cheat", I don't mean eat anything and everything in indefinite amounts, but give yourself a little slack.

    Instead of falling completely off the wagon, you're walking beside it for a day, and then you can hop back on and ride until the next one.

    Just a thought...
  • drivenheart85
    Oh you guys all have wonderful responses! I think I know my deal. Going from 207 to 150 was a very different thing than going from 150 to 135. The first half was going from near obesity to a healthy weight. Now I want to go from a healthy weight to a lower healthy weight. I've never really been under 150 pounds and stayed there. But since I was 12, I've been dying to be skinny enough to look good in a bikini...I even own FIVE bikinis even though I've never been able to wear any even once. I carry my weight in my stomach...I've always told myself that ONE DAY I'd get there. So 207 to 150 was almost out of necessity and 150 to 135 is gonna be out of vanity and dream attainment. But since summer is over, wth is the point of getting bikini skinny? I don't know...I think what I really need to do is have a journal session with myself about where I want to take things from here. I'm just rejecting everything...eating healthy, working out...it just is all torture to me right now. lol Even when I was on track last week it was nearly painful to do. I have some deep thinking to do here. My family and friends have told me I could stop where I am and that I look good. But there's still that girl who just. wants. her. flat. stomach! But in reality, maybe that's not enough right now...maybe I should try for it next spring. Just a lot I should figure out before I keep misbehaving and then beating myself over the head for it. I SO do not want to give up on my goal, but I'm a firm believer that behavior change is greased by the oils of need and if don't feel that I NEED to lose this last 15...I'm gonna drive myself and everyone nuts.
  • chunkydunk714
    chunkydunk714 Posts: 784 Member
    Im in that dumbass slump right now. :(
  • curtnrod
    curtnrod Posts: 223 Member
    You just need to shlt or get off the pot............. hate to be blunt but the choice is yours. No, seriously.

    Yup, either you're committed to a new lifestyle or you're not. It's not a destination, it's a journey. Achieving your ideal weight and health is hard. Being fat is hard. Choose your hard
  • californiagirl2012
    californiagirl2012 Posts: 2,625 Member
    I have had many slumps in the last three years and even the last year on maintenance.

    I got my best advice and tool from the Venus Index Forum compared to a public open forum. More tools than you could imagine. I would have been successful without it.
  • MichelleLaree13
    MichelleLaree13 Posts: 865 Member
    Keep fighting!! I went on vacation for 4 days and ate whatever mostly. I did calorie count so I didnt back track. I know my sodium intake was high and now I gained back two pounds. It is super discouraging but I know tomorrow the water weight will be normal again and the 2 lbs I magically gained will go away. You just have to keep your eye on the prize and keep pushing. I have yoyo-ed with my diet and given up too many times. I will reach my goal this time and so can you :flowerforyou:
  • 1Kristine1
    1Kristine1 Posts: 697 Member
    Yes, right now.
    I keep going between 155-158lbs. This morning said 161, like wth. I dont think my measurements have changed either. But noticing a little more muscle tone.
    I am eating my net cal goal which was working in the past.
    So frustrating.
    I can eat better foods, exercise more and drink more water to improve but I still should be losing weight because I am still creating a deficit. :grumble:
  • MichelleLaree13
    MichelleLaree13 Posts: 865 Member
    Oh you guys all have wonderful responses! I think I know my deal. Going from 207 to 150 was a very different thing than going from 150 to 135. The first half was going from near obesity to a healthy weight. Now I want to go from a healthy weight to a lower healthy weight. I've never really been under 150 pounds and stayed there. But since I was 12, I've been dying to be skinny enough to look good in a bikini...I even own FIVE bikinis even though I've never been able to wear any even once. I carry my weight in my stomach...I've always told myself that ONE DAY I'd get there. So 207 to 150 was almost out of necessity and 150 to 135 is gonna be out of vanity and dream attainment. But since summer is over, wth is the point of getting bikini skinny? I don't know...I think what I really need to do is have a journal session with myself about where I want to take things from here. I'm just rejecting everything...eating healthy, working out...it just is all torture to me right now. lol Even when I was on track last week it was nearly painful to do. I have some deep thinking to do here. My family and friends have told me I could stop where I am and that I look good. But there's still that girl who just. wants. her. flat. stomach! But in reality, maybe that's not enough right now...maybe I should try for it next spring. Just a lot I should figure out before I keep misbehaving and then beating myself over the head for it. I SO do not want to give up on my goal, but I'm a firm believer that behavior change is greased by the oils of need and if don't feel that I NEED to lose this last 15...I'm gonna drive myself and everyone nuts.
    Things that sometimes help me:
    1) Go shopping for the perfect outfit in a size too small
    2) Plan a fun swim suit trip
    3) Write down why I really want to lose the weight
    4) Write down how good I will feel about myself when I lose the weight
  • sarapie
    I was in that same slump for 7 months. Last year in October, we started a Biggest Loser competition at work. It was so motivating and I lost 25 lbs in just under 3 months. Then the holidays hit and I told myself once they were over, I would get back on track. I tried quite a few times in those first 2 months of the year but I just couldn't get out of my slump (it was really me just being tired of counting calories and exercising and wanting to be lazy).

    Since then, I have struggled to find my way back to being healthy. I put ALL 25 pounds back on (no more than that, thank goodness) and sat myself down for a serious talk. I decided to do a year's worth of monthly challenges. I had about 70 pounds to lose (from 209 to 140) so I knew giving myself a year to do it would be a fair amount of time. Every month, I'm focusing on something new I can do for my health. It doesn't have to be giving something up, it can be adding or changing something.

    For the month of August, I drank ONLY water. When the month was over, I felt SO accomplished. I loved water anyway but making that my only beverage for a month was a great way to start my challenge. It gave me the kick start I needed and helped to get me excited for the next challenge. For the month of September, I'm doing a no-white diet (no white flour, no white rice, no potatoes, no salt (over 1,200mg), and no sugar (over 24mg). I'm on day 5 and I'm so pleased with my new-found motivation. I also lost 3.3 pounds in the month of August just from drinking water only and 5.5 since the beginning of September from the no-white diet.

    Sorry that was so long winded. I just wanted to share what I did to get out of my slump (and I'm sure there will be future slumps waiting for me).