should I put it in?

Today my one year old was extra fussy so to get her to sleep I walked with her. It took about ten minutes to get her sleep, should add it in my exercise? This happens a couple times a week that I have to walk with her to get to go to sleep, I started it when she was a baby and still have to use it. I don't usually add it, I don't think that it would burn that many calories but wanted another opoin.


  • Lovemylife67
    Lovemylife67 Posts: 19 Member
    I think it would count. If you go to the excercise database and type in walking, there is a catagory for walking carrying an infant or child. So go ahead and count it. Every step we take puts us one step closer to where we want to be.
  • luke_863413
    That's what she said...
  • missyannb85
    I dont think I would add it, but thats just me. I am constantly running around chasing my 8 month old and I dont add it in. I think if it's a part of your everyday life than your body is used to it. I'll be curious to see what others have to say! Good Luck too you!
  • catherine1979
    catherine1979 Posts: 704 Member
    I only add exercise that is intentional.. I don't count housework, walking to and from my car at work, and chasing my very busy two year old and so on. I'm interested to know what others think...
  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,977 Member
    I think it depends on what your normal daily activity is. For me, I work a desk job, so when calculating my goals and calorie amounts, I use the light activity one. I know that when i get home, my activity is well above this. So, most of the things I do, I add. I usually add in about 20 minutes of leisure walk a day. Usually I hit this when I go to the store at lunch.

    If your whole day consists of chasing after your little one, this would likely already be included into the calorie requirements so adding it into your exercise would be too much.

    Does that make sense?
  • cdsteffy
    I would add it just for the simple fact that you are keeping track of everything you do that is out of the norm. Your body is keeping track why shouldnt you? Just my two cents. And more appropiately that's what he said.
  • cdsteffy
    double post sorry
  • JStarnes
    JStarnes Posts: 5,576 Member
    That's what she said...

    ETA - I wouldn't count it, its part of every day life. If you do it often enough that you think it will affect (or is it effect?) your calorie goal then I'd go back to your fitness profile & change your lifestyle (sedentary, lightly active, etc) :smile:
  • kingnatalie
    I work a desk job and spend a lot of time playing, chasing my 1 year old. I don't count any of this, although I wish you could not only select your job type as your outside life type, parent of infant was taken into consideration when calculating the amount of calories you are allowed daily. I consider that part of my daily routine, not an intentional workout... such as walking to your car, taking the steps to get to your office, showering, you wouldn't count every single thing you do in a day even though all of them burn calories. If you tracked every little thing just to be able to eat more calories in a day this program may not be as successful. Just my thoughts.
  • happy_heather121
    happy_heather121 Posts: 135 Member
    I totally agree. You do that all the time. I don't think you should count that. I don't count carying in groceries or walking to my car or around the mall either. That's just me though.
  • rrlucero
    You could also get a pedometer and attach it to your shoe or waistband. Start it in the morning and then see how many steps (miles) you walk in a day. I do agree with the above poster about everday household chores. Personally I don't count that in my daily exercise, only the 60 minute torture session every night :happy:

    But being and staying active will show up, whether on the scale, in your clothes or your measurements, it all counts!

    Kudos to all the Mom's out there who are busting their butts and taking care of their little ones. I don't know where y'all find the energy, but it's amazing! :flowerforyou:
  • weebles
    weebles Posts: 50
    I provide daycare for 10, sometimes 12 children. I don't count extra exercise unless it is that we go for a walk to the playground (8 blocks away) or have some out of the ordinary outside activities where I am running races, etc.
  • desutton3
    I walk 2 1/2 miles to the bus stop and back every day. I count that.
    I walk 10 minutes across post to meet with someone and back. I count that.
    I walk down the hall to get a(nother) cup of coffee. I don't count that.
    I walk 5 minutes to the PX to buy lunch. I don't count that.

    I try to incorporate a lot of exercise into my daily routines, because the day is so packed I have a difficult time setting aside more than about 30 minutes for a dedicated workout. My rule is if it's more than 10 minutes, and I walk at a brisk pace, I count it. If it's less, or I just mosey along, I don't. Since carrying a baby is a load-bearing exercise, I would count it. Bouncing a baby until they go to sleep is WORK! I've had 3, and put size on my biceps with every one :)

    I also listed my work as sedentary. Even though I try to get up every hour and at least walk around the office, my job is pretty sedentary.
  • no_worries
    no_worries Posts: 61 Member
    I personally wouldn't count it. In your case, it seems like an everyday activity for you. I think exercise should only be added when it is intentional. I don't count cleaning my house , the distance I walk from my parking spot to a store, etc. I agree that you should get a pedometer; I have never bought one before, but I wish I did so I could know how many miles I would walk at work (I was a waitress, but I am nursing an injured foot).
  • stacyoct19
    stacyoct19 Posts: 187 Member
    That's what she said...

    bahahahahahaha:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: