Calories or low carb?????

mickiep36 Posts: 1
edited September 20 in Introduce Yourself
Hi, my name is Mickie. I am new here and find all this info very interesting. My only problem is I have done low-carb (Atkins) on and off for a very long time and Im having a hard time trying to figure out what is better for you. I know on low carb you lose weight pretty quickly, but its very hard to stay on which is why Im here!!! Anyway does anyone have any insight? I would love to here it!! Thanks


  • fiftyandfit
    fiftyandfit Posts: 349 Member
    I"m doing Tosca's Eat Clean Diet.........pretty much the common sense for the rest of your life diet!! You have to pick a food
    plan that's going to last and not make you feel deprived. Whole grains, fruits, veggies, lean protein. yep, pretty much common
    sense! Good luck in your journey!
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    Hi, my name is Mickie. I am new here and find all this info very interesting. My only problem is I have done low-carb (Atkins) on and off for a very long time and Im having a hard time trying to figure out what is better for you. I know on low carb you lose weight pretty quickly, but its very hard to stay on which is why Im here!!! Anyway does anyone have any insight? I would love to here it!! Thanks

    Hi Mickie. Welcome to this great website. I did Atkins and lost about 20 pounds but then really decided Atkins was not a diet that I could follow. I did not gain back all the weight that some do when they quit Atkins , ( only about 7) but at that time I found this website. I was not faithful with my calorie counting but have been faithful at exercising. Since January 1st I have been diligently tracking my calories and my exercise. I have not worried too much about the carbs (that was hard because after Atkins I felt like carbs were bad). I have dropped 7 pounds since Christmas. My weight is almost back to where it was when I quit Atkins. I have come to totally believe that for most people to lose weight they have to use more calories than they consume.

    I think you need to be careful about what kind of carbs....refined sugar, processed products, I try to get my carbs from whole grain or fruits and vegetables. When I was on Atkins I would not eat potatoes now I eat a baked potato for lunch a few time a week (high in potassium) and I am losing weight so carbs are not bad. Just make sure they come from healthy food!
  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    If you can't stick with Atkins then it probably isn't right for you. I personally count calories and carbs. If you are doing atkins for weight loss and not health reasons, choose a moderate amount of carbs (40%) and see how that works for you. The best plan for you is the one you can stick with.
    Good luck!
    Hi, my name is Mickie. I am new here and find all this info very interesting. My only problem is I have done low-carb (Atkins) on and off for a very long time and Im having a hard time trying to figure out what is better for you. I know on low carb you lose weight pretty quickly, but its very hard to stay on which is why Im here!!! Anyway does anyone have any insight? I would love to here it!! Thanks
  • tayner
    tayner Posts: 372
    you answered your own question... obviously if you are here and only off and on the atkins, it isnt something you can maintain for your whole life... nothing wrong with carbs, just make them complex ones.. stay away from simple sugar and white pasta/bread, and eat the rest in moderation and you should be good to go.
  • Ms_Lady
    Ms_Lady Posts: 31
    Hi, there! :flowerforyou: I'm actually doing the Atkins Nutritional Approach as we speak. One thing to keep in mind about Atkins is that the Induction Phase is the most restrictive. You can probably do the Lifetime Maintenance Phase and still lose weight, and you're going to get plenty of fruits and vegetables that are high in nutrition value and low in calories. Only during the Induction Phase, which is where I've been for going on 3 weeks, do you actually have to restrict a lot of sugary and high-carb foods. I dropped 8 pounds in the first two weeks on the plan, and I didn't obssess over calories--I ate steak :happy: , cheese :bigsmile: , grilled peppers, plenty of salad veggies, and all the regular fat dressing I wanted and I lost weight! And...I have been able to get off my high blood pressure medication! :drinker: So, it's really a personal decision. If you're really not up to restricting the carbs like you would in the Induction Phase, then skip on over to the Lifetime Phase! I wish you luck! :happy:
  • cassandra1220
    cassandra1220 Posts: 284 Member
    When I was modeling, I did the no-carb thing and as you mentioned, it is really hard to stay on for any long term period of time. You kind of answered the question yourself. This site is a tool for a "lifestyle" change, not a diet. The problem with a diet is that it is usually meant to be followed until you reach your initial goal but once you go back to your old eating habits, you gain it back (and usually a little bit more).

    For me, I stay as close to my allotted calories as I can. Some days I eat a bunch of junk, others a bunch of carbs, and yet others, I am the pinnacle of dietary perfection. You have to find out what works for you. For me, I couldn't live without certain foods- that is too restrictive for success. The idea is to find the balance of nutrients that is maintainable. Good luck.
  • ropsnik
    ropsnik Posts: 68 Member
    I would recommend that you get aligned with your Doctor's advice (lab bloodwork) and with the help of a nutrition expert. High protein consumption is very taxing on your kidneys and expecially if you have a medical condition. To me it is all about a life style change with a diet of well balanced foods that are healthy and that you enjoy eating.
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