20 somethings!



  • MiCool90
    MiCool90 Posts: 460 Member
  • 26 year old guy here, pretty much in the same boat as everyone else, weight goes between 16 stone and 22 stone every few years, now down to 21 with the aim to reach 16. (may sound like a lot but im pretty slim at 16 stone)
    Feel free to add me, same goes to anyone else!

  • floridachikk
    floridachikk Posts: 41 Member
    I hear you guys! I've lost weight in the past, but a few years ago I noticed I was growing. I tried different things- adding exercise, eating healthy. But my size just continued to resist my attempt to halt its growth! until I joined this site- suddenly I can see everything I eat and know what I need to change. It's working! :)
  • HI, 25 from south africa! know exactly what you going through! friend request sent :)
  • Illona88
    Illona88 Posts: 903 Member
    I'm 24 and have been overweight all my life.

    I keep trying to get down to my ideal weight of 68kg, but every time I reach 78kg, I get lazy and the weight starts creeping up to 90kg again.
    Bit tired of it, so now I will get to 68!

    Feel free to add me :).
  • ilinx
    ilinx Posts: 34
    Hey! I'm a 23 year old student trying to out balance all those hours spent sitting on my *kitten* at uni. I'd love to have some supporting friends on here,so feel free to add me! :D
  • socialdeee
    socialdeee Posts: 87 Member
    Im 23 and desperate to lose that last 10lbs, thats why ive joined. Being 20 something should be fun and care free! So lets lose this weight and get back to being our young happy selves again. :0)
  • hi im 22, trying to lose some weight from having my second baby in as many years... really struggling as i am a cake addict and allergic to exercise :happy:
  • shineelove821
    shineelove821 Posts: 3 Member
    Hey I just joined this site, and I am 21! i am always inspired by others that have worked hard to lose weight and love listening to success stories.
  • shineelove821
    shineelove821 Posts: 3 Member
    I am the exact same way! I'm in my final year of college and all that sitting on my computer or studying is horrible for my weight!
  • Hi im 23 my mane is Lucia and i need more friends on here becouse im new on this site so please help me losses some weight get get loades of friends on here thanks for your time :smile:
  • shans91
    shans91 Posts: 22 Member
    Shinee, same here! 21 and in my final year of Uni. Looking to get down to 62kgs, where I was last year. Currently about 66, maybe 67, was 70. Not sure what that is in pounds, sorry Northern Americans! 1 pound = 454g if that helps.

    Good luck everyone :-)
  • I'm 27 and 2 weeks into this weightloss journey!

    I lost alot of weight in my early twenties only to watch it pile back on and more over the years. I'm ready to make this lifestyle change and be healthy and fit!
  • astina2727
    astina2727 Posts: 149 Member
    hey there I am Kristina...i've been fat my whole life and with the ups and downs ive been through I am ready for the weight to be gone. I am sending a friend request now (:
  • Scribble27
    Scribble27 Posts: 51 Member
    Turning 26 in a few weeks and fed up of being overweight so in the process of ditching it all healthily! friend request sent :) I've been losing weight for the last 8 weeks or so and have already dropped from 294 to 263ish :) Although i've only recently joined here i felt i needed more control over the diet which this site has helped with :)
  • Right there with ya girl! Sent you a friend request. :)
  • trevpimp
    trevpimp Posts: 170 Member
    I'm 19
    But I got Your back like you slipped on cream cheese
  • I'm 23 and female. Live in Australia.
    Summer is coming up so I'd like to look awesome prior to the horrors of bikni and summer clothing shopping starts :-/
  • Fattymagooo
    Fattymagooo Posts: 15 Member
    I'm going to be 21 soon!!! I hear you though. Thanks for posting this thread, sometimes it's easy to forget that there are other people in my age range who are struggling with their weight. Xoxo
  • rmarshalla
    rmarshalla Posts: 103 Member
    25 here and have been a chubster my whole life. Making the change and LOVING it :). I'm here to give moral support and motivation, and am lucky to get it back in return <3. Feel free to add me!

    (25/F/Seattle, 27lbs down from heaviest weight, 9lbs down since starting on MFP June 1st... Clean diet, daily exercise, open diary.)