My own personal weight loss tips :) :)



  • Missjilly1025
    Missjilly1025 Posts: 146 Member
    i have a fridge magnet that says 'back away fatty'

    and when i was in the supermarket once, eyeing up the ben & jerries in the freezer cabinet, my husband turned to me and said 'back away fatty'!!!

    Only a husband could get away with this comment - too funny!
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    Lol- I get the motivational tips being helpful- but honestly I think if your diet/exercise program is so difficult that you need post-its to keep you on track, you might consider a program that fits more easily within the confines of your life. Initially, all changes are going to be hard, so I can see these being good in the short term while you're learning to make better choices, but after a while it shouldn't be that difficult or the changes are not ones you're likely to stick to for life. You should be able to eat enough that you're not constantly hungry, do exercise that you enjoy and isn't torture, and have choices in the house for healthy snacks for times when you need them, rather than having notes for why you should abstain. With the right choices, you will feel healthy, be able to enjoy occasional treats, and lose weight all at the same time.

    Setting aside half your take out meal initially is a good idea. Restaurant portions are out-of-control. Personally I would rather eat out less often and enjoy the meal when I do eat out occasionally, but I understand my choices don't fit for everyone's lifestyle, so if you eat out regularly it's a great idea.
  • kiittenforever
    kiittenforever Posts: 479 Member
    Thanks for sharing :)

    I put a picture of a fit celebrity in a bathing suit on my fridge.

    My desktop on my computer is a picture of a before and fit after weight loss.
  • ldholcombe
    ldholcombe Posts: 97 Member
    LOVE THE TO GO BOX IDEA!!! I am going to do that next time I eat out.

    Thanks for the tips.
  • bethmillerwilson
    bethmillerwilson Posts: 43 Member
    Would they let you bring a container from home to put it in?
  • lynz4589
    lynz4589 Posts: 389 Member
    Some great tips there. Shame restaurants in the UK dont offer a similar to-go box service. The only one I can think of is Pizza-Hut that will box up you left overs.

    In Ireland they used to always let me do this, but in the past year or so more and more places are saying no. Is it a health and safety issue? It sucks!

    Great tips btw!! WIll try the sticky notes - last year I put up a photo of the hotel I was staying at for my big holiday that year and that motivated me enough everytime I went to the fridge :)

    In Northern Ireland most places offer this! Infact I was at a local on Sunday and Id say 90% of customers walk out with a takeaway box (mainly because they give you a free desert and most cant find the room to eat it lol)
  • magnul17
    Bring your own container. :)
  • lynne1711
    Great tips! Will definitely try some post it notes.
    Thanks :) xx
  • amandakalani
    Thanks for the comments everyone! I'm glad I could give others ideas and I was able to get some other ideas as well! I used the post-it notes for about the first year when I was just beginning my lifestyle change.
  • wrbiii
    wrbiii Posts: 151
    My workout journal has a picture of me taped to the inside cover, and has a pouch on the inside of the back cover.. with a picture of my face. I put them on the treadmill when I am working out... I am not kidding when I say I have seen other people looking one day, then the next they are doing the same thing.