Newbie - I hope this works for me!

angela2010 Posts: 3
edited September 20 in Introduce Yourself
Hi all! So I joined this today to look around and I plan on starting Saturday. Another excuse right!?!?! I thought finding time to exercise and eat right was hard before, now I have a 6 month old to throw in the mix. I guess to start I'm looking for advice from those who made excuses on why not TODAY, but you'll do it tomorrow. I think I'm queen of those :( help! I really want to do this.....i can I can I can.....


  • claire30
    claire30 Posts: 153
    welcome to MFP!
    I joined last week, and i have found the support here amazing!

    As for the excuses: i guess its all about wanting it enough. Do you have a particular goal?
    As well as wanting to lose weight and get fitter (long term) i also am bridesmaid to my friend who is getting married in July (short term).
    So, to begin with, i concentrate on my short term goal, and when that is done, i will concentrate on the long term goal.
    I HATED excercise when i first started it (november), so only went 2-3 times a week..but its funny how something grows on you!! Now, i LOVE my time at the gym, and go mon-fri for an 60-80mins.
    I think you have to find a sport/activity that you enjoy, as you are more likely to stick at it.
  • I guess one of my goals is to be comfortable in a bathing suit this summer....but even more I have a wedding to go to in October and I want to wear a cute dress and feel good. I usually have a hard time, even with goals....but this place seems great for motivation!
    Also, it's hard now because i work full time and I don't want to spend an hour at the gym, when I just want to be with my baby, but I've already started to think of things to do at home when she's playing next to's hard of course.....but I'm trying my hardest......Hopefully with a good outcome :)
  • claire30
    claire30 Posts: 153
    If you dont actually want to go out of the house, you can always get exercise DVDs.
    When my oldest was younger i used these to lose 2stones (28lbs)...then 2 weeks later, i found out i was pregnant agian, lol!!

    Anyway, back to your Q. I think that exercise DVDs are great, if you have no other option but to stay at home. BUT i find that you have to be extra motivated, and VERY strict with yourself to do them (just MY opinion, and what I found).
  • Hi Angela, I have three children and it is really hard to find and to take time away from your child for yourself (that was the hardest part for me). My children are older now so it is great because I can take them to the YMCA with me but that was not always the case. If you have someone at home who can take over for you, so you can "be a better Mom" by taking the time to take care of yourself, that is ideal. I had to look at like this "I am teaching my children that exercise is so important that Mommy has to go do it at least 5 days a week!" I considered myself teaching them a lesson about fitness. I hope they carry it with them the rest of their lives. And this was the only way in my mind that I could justify leaving them for an hour 5 days a week for some "me time." My weight and fitness level have fluctuated my entire life. I have recently lost about 25 pounds and hope to lose another 35. I have always been pretty athletic but have struggled with keeping the weight off forever. The one reason that I think it is working now is that I have tried to really limit the amount of "whites" I consume. Very little sugar and virtually no white flour. No packaged or processed foods. I started doing this in the first week of November, along with at least 40 minutes if exercise 5 days a week and the weight is slowly but surely coming off. My advice to you would be to "start with small goals." Just try to make small changes to your diet and soon it will be easy to make another change and so on.......... I am addicted to health/fitness magazines so I have learned a lot about nutrition from them. This is also what I do in the evening when I would have been watching tv and snacking. I now watch tv while I am browsing through a magazine. It stops me from wanting to snack and teaches me a lot about what changes I need to make in my life. I recently joined this site because I wanted to keep track of my calorie consumption and this was the best site that I could find and FREE!! Good luck and thanks for letting me share my experiences!
  • Claire, that is a great suggestion. Like you said, takes extra motivation to do it at home. I was never that motivated and have found that I personally have to leave my house and go to the fitness club to get it done!!
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