Can't seem to get motivated (photo)

Hi all,
I am in need of some help. I am 5'4" and 140 lbs. I am strong and carry a lot of my weight in my legs (can hike for hours). A family member recently suggested drugs to help get my weight off, but I am extremely reluctant to go that direction. I really watch what I eat (portions, whole foods), but can't seem to stick to the 1250 calories I need to be under to lose the weight and when I do the weight just seems to stay on me anyway. I exercise 3-4 times per week (run, hike, garden). So, I thought I'd post a photo of me at my current weight to help get some motivation (very few folks will actually give you their true opinion)- how much should I aim to lose? Ideas? I feel if I have unbiased suggestions it might help with the motivation.
Thanks in advance!!



  • Amandac6772
    Amandac6772 Posts: 1,311 Member
    Are you eating enough protein? I have to have a lot of protein in the morning to keep me from being starved all day. I do an egg and an egg white wtih a bowl of oatmeal and then about three hours later I have some cottage cheese.
  • konekkobaba
    you look amazingly strong and healthy, maybe something gentle like pilates for a toning? If you carry a lot of muscle, pilates is a wonderful relaxing routine, I use Winsor pilates,there are others out there, but it works!
  • Seajolly
    Seajolly Posts: 1,435 Member
    You look great! We have very similar body types. I am 5'4 and 130 right now.

    Maybe try adding some strength training/toning in there as well, because you're pretty much only doing cardio? Bootcamp kind of classes or videos would be great I think!
  • skinnyskittles
    I think u look great. I got hulk muscle legs with lots of fat but your just right I think.

    If you really are unhappy with yourself then sit down and really scrutinise your diary.. What can you go without or even have as a treat every couple of days instead of every day.

    For me (and we have a similar body type)i find lowering my carbs n upping protein is the trick

    Edit; and what above post said- strength training at a cal deficit, you prob dont even need to go below or at 1200 anyway ?
  • Sweetsugar0424
    Sweetsugar0424 Posts: 451 Member
    I don't think you really need to lose weight, but I would also suggest lifting weights and upping the protein intake to tone things up if you're not happy with how things currently are.
  • miniberger
    miniberger Posts: 70 Member
    You are beautiful.
  • senyosmom
    senyosmom Posts: 613 Member
    I think you look pretty awesome right now -- maybe this is how your body is meant to be?? But if you are unhappy, ask a trainer how to derop a few pounds.
  • chicagocubsfan23
    you look amazingly strong and healthy, maybe something gentle like pilates for a toning? If you carry a lot of muscle, pilates is a wonderful relaxing routine, I use Winsor pilates,there are others out there, but it works!
    I agree with this. Pilates are great to help you tone up!
  • slobutmelo
    Most people think that if their calorie intake is really low they will lose weight. This is not necessarily true. When your calorie intake is too low your body thinks it's starving so it will convert all or most of the calories to fat. This fat is stored for future use. Whereas if you have the proper amount of calories and exercise you body will function as it normally should and you will lose weight. Of course your exercise should be somewhat strenous which I think hiking fits the bill. Drink lots of water. I wouldn't guess at what your true calorie intake should be but do some research and, if possible, speak with a dietician or possibly a fitness trainer.

    Good luck.
  • trurl7
    Yeah, you look just fine. Why do you think you need to lose weight?
  • Lyssa62
    Lyssa62 Posts: 930 Member
    I'm also gonna say you look nice and healthy. I wouldn't want to lose if I had your body..just maybe some toning like everybody else has said. It's funny cuz me and my best friend...exact same height, same age, 2 months ago we were the exact same weight down to the oz. BUT she carries hers in her legs (muscle) and I carry mine in my behind (not muscle)...just strange how we are all built so different at this same height.

    You look great to me!!! :)
  • Melonhead
    You want an honest opinion? You don't want mine, because I don't see what you see when you look in the mirror. I think you should lift heavy weights and do it often. Good luck!
  • susiebear29
    oh my goodness you look amazing I don't think you need to lose weight at all!!! but it's your body and you need to be happy in yourself so maybe just toning up? :smile: