Just found out my scale might be 20 pounds under

In other words you weight 100 it tells you 80. So this is great...
I feel like giving up a little when I hear I might need to lose 20 more pounds?!
Argh, trying to think of ways not to feel horrible about this and test and see if this is true.


  • vanessa042
    vanessa042 Posts: 10 Member
    That's would upset me so much!! But I think I would be able to tell if it was 20 pounds off.
  • mamacassi
    mamacassi Posts: 131
    I can't tell with me, I generally can't guess weight to save my life... I barely noticed when I gained it
  • lemonllama
    lemonllama Posts: 124 Member
    why do you think its off?? if you weighed on another scale maybe that scale is 10 lbs wrong and yours is 10 lbs wrong only =) and added together made 20 lb diff!
  • lazygirllosesweight
    Don't give up. So what if it's 20 more lbs? Odds are you are going to be alive a year from now. Do you want to be skinnier then? Or do you want to be the same or even bigger? Trust me. I can't tell you how many times I've looked back and thought, "if I had only started THEN, I'd be skinny now!"

    So even if it is, keep your shoulder to that wheel, girl. :happy:
  • mamacassi
    mamacassi Posts: 131
    Well my cousin who weighs around 50 got on and it read 39 pounds. It misread my other cousin as well.
    They're children of course, so ok not 20 but this just kills me a little. On the hunt for a better scale. What happened to the simple scale?
  • ericaquin
    ericaquin Posts: 68 Member
    Do you have a dumb bell in the house? I always take a 5 lb weight, set it on the scale and then make sure the scale reads 5 lbs. If it does not then I adjust it.
  • llowry
    llowry Posts: 144 Member
    Do you have a dumb bell in the house? I always take a 5 lb weight, set it on the scale and then make sure the scale reads 5 lbs. If it does not then I adjust it.

    Smart thinking!! I never thought to do that and now I'm gonna check my scale. Hope it's right!
  • ractayjon
    ractayjon Posts: 365
    Its not the number its how you feel. who cares what the number is...you are doing great and losing weight.
    I know, I know - but its the right thing to say!
    (hugs) hang in there and hopefully your little cousins just arent right about what they thought they weighed
  • dogmeat
    dogmeat Posts: 83
    ^ as above, the actual number on your scale is irrelevant. Even if it was 20lbs off, it still measures progress. Your scale could have alphabet in it and it would still work just as well.

    Goals shouldn't be set as certain, absolute lbs values. You can look like crap at X lbs and you can look fine at X lbs, based on body fat percentage and other factors, directly related to the way you lost the weight.
  • cheri03
    cheri03 Posts: 172 Member
    We checked ours with dumbells as well. I did multiple ones just to be sure and it was always right on.
  • mamacassi
    mamacassi Posts: 131
    dumbells are a good idea
  • lucky1ns
    lucky1ns Posts: 358 Member
    If it's digital, check the battery.
  • pannellkat
    pannellkat Posts: 709 Member
    Do you have a dumb bell in the house? I always take a 5 lb weight, set it on the scale and then make sure the scale reads 5 lbs. If it does not then I adjust it.

    Your a genius! I don't think my scale is off but I will have to try that just to test it. lol
  • MTGirl
    MTGirl Posts: 1,490 Member
    Two years ago I lost 20 lbs, then found out my scale was 16 lbs off. So even though I had still lost 20 lbs, I basically had to start over. But, I adjusted my numbers and recognized that I had lost that 20 lbs and kept on going. Yes, its discouraging but there's nothing you can do to change it if it is off. I thought I was down to 204, then found out I was really 220 still. That was a blow - however I used it as motivation to get down to where I "thought" I was previously and then continue on. Then I gained it all back anyway but that's a different story!

    You are doing great and will keep on doing great! And don't jump off the wagon - trust me it's not worth it!