Just started today

Hi, I'm Leah and I just started this today after geting a bad report at the doctors yestersday. I am 44 and the way its going I am headed right down diabetic alley. My whole family is diabetic and on medications; I don't want to end up that way. I found this app on my for my phone and the saw the online for the computer. This is really a helpful tool for me as my computer is always sitting on the counter at the bar. I have figured out my total calories for the day including my dinner meal that is in the crock pot now. I am looking to loose 112 pounds total but my short term goal is to loose 20 ilbs before my next doctors appointment in Dec. Wish me luck!


  • ptjolsen
    ptjolsen Posts: 365 Member
    I wish the best of luck to you! Best advice I would give you would be "stay consistent!" :)
  • marycmeadows
    marycmeadows Posts: 1,691 Member
    feel free to add me as a friend!! I have lost 115lbs. I started at 303.4 - and I'm currently 188.8. It has taken hard work, and I made a complete lifestyle change..... On a side note, I am OFF my metformin (for diabetes), as well as cholesterol & high blood pressure medications. I now have the heart rate and blood pressure of an athelete! So anything is possible. ;) I am currently training for a half marathon.
  • Eddie274
    I'll be a friend for you on here Leah. I'm Eddie, 38 year old bloke from Nottingham in the UK. I've lost some of my weight but have another 40-45lbs to go to reach goal. I'm here to support you if you would like that. Send me a request.
  • Olive32214
    Olive32214 Posts: 543 Member
    Hi, feel free to add me too, I'm a daily logger and nearly half way there.....
  • trm5482

    Hang in there girl I am new to this change in my lifestyle as well. I have completely changed the way that I eat and in 60 days lowered my triglycerides over 110 points and overall cholesterol 50! You have to do it for yourself!!!! I wish you all the luck in the world and if you want to add me as a friend I will be more than happy and honored to give you motivation!
