Eating habits for Pre-Diabetics?

Hey all,

I have been doing MFP for awhile. Kinda fell off the wagen, now I'm back on and need to be serious this time... I was diagnosed with Congestive Heart Failure 4 years ago, at the age of 22. My last check up with my cardiologist determined that my heart was once again at a normal ejection fracture. Praise God! BUT....... The weight HAS to come off. Along with finding out that good news, I found out that my bad cholesterol was a little high, and so was my A1C... So I was put on a pre-diabetic medication and a cholesterol medication. And I still have to take my heart medication. Not only do I WANT to lose this weight, but I NEED to lose it. I want to live as long as possible.... I am 26 years old and I think I'm still young enough to get myself in shape... Last year, I lost 30lbs, and it's all back on again...

What I want/need help with is what kinds of meal plans work for you? (Especially those with diabetic issues). What work out seem to be working for you? I would appreciate any help!




  • columbus27
    columbus27 Posts: 178 Member
    You can check out my diary. It was hard for the first few months. My feet and hands stopped tingling. I use this diet . I have one cheat meal/day on Friday. I don't or seldom eat bread, carrots, corn, juices, and fruit.
  • sarahcuddle
    sarahcuddle Posts: 349 Member
    Hi Eddie. Its good that you are here and determined to take back control of your eating and exercise. MFP is a really supportive site that can really help you. I am not diabetic now but I had gestational diabetes (diabetes in pregnancy) with my last child so I am aware of the issues. The dietician advised me to avoid all foods with added sugar (obviously) and limit fruit to one portion at a time or eat it with meals. Eating beans and pulses are very good for helping to regulate blood sugars so a meal like chilli made with lean meat and beans with brown rice would be good. Just eat cleaner i.e. avoid junk food and processed food. It doesn't have to be complicated, you can just have chicken breast with salad and sweet potato or new potatoes for instance or an omelette and veggies. I know that the risk of getting diabetes is reduced by just half an hour of exercise a day too. All the best of luck to you

  • mishapookie
    A lot of diabetics who find their sugars are still too high on the higher carb diet that most dieticians recommend. Try a lower carb diet. I do a modified atkins diet. Atkins prefers 20 carbs or less daily but that is just too low. Sooo I just do anywhere from 40-100 carbs daily and still drop the weight very easily. I can't usually do this since I am prone to low sugar episodes but I have an infection causing higher sugars. I figure I might as well make the best of a situation.

    Blue Diamond Butter Toffee Almonds are awesome at easing the sugar cravings.

    one website:

    one link with a decent flax "bread" : It is not lowcalorie but Atkins doesn't need to be and it works.
  • LilysMommy2012
    LilysMommy2012 Posts: 24 Member
    I was diagnosed last month with gestational diabetes (diabetes while pregnant) and I have had to start seeing a nutritionist....among many others. They set me up on 2300 calorie meal plan she said even if I wasn't pregnant this would be pretty much what I needed to do for my size besides cutting calories a little.
    6 Meals:
    Breakfast: 30 grams 2 pieces of whole wheat toast with peanut butter or toast and eggs....whole wheat waffles and peanut butter...I would advice against syrup.
    2 hours later Snack: 30 grams carbs
    Lunch: 60 grams carbs I usually do sandwich, fruit, and milk
    2 hours later Snack: 30 grams carbs
    Dinner: 45 I try to do lean meat so chicken or turkey veggies (most green don't count) and carbs...1/2 cup mashed potatoes (15 grams, 1/3 cup if you have spaghetti you get a whole cup of noodles....without having to feel bad about it.

    Just FYI she said many people who get in this situation FREAK OUT and cut carbs almost completely and this is A HUGE mistake. Also no milk or fruit with breakfast it will make you spike in the morning, but do not cut them out of your diet completely. Also whole wheat products have lots of fiber and you can subtract those from carb count. Arnold Whole wheat Bread 21 carbs per slice - 5 fiber = 16 net carbs :) Oh and you need to try and pair your carbs with protein. My protein is always over....snack example 1 serving of crackers, 17 grapes, and 1/4 almonds.

    Hopes this helps. I was very overwhelmed at first, but just like with pre-diabetes if I don't take this seriously and change my lifestyle I will end up with diabetes. And I promise you do not want to have to check your blood sugars and use insulin not only is it expenisize and painful but its a pain in the butt!
  • tubaman58
    Biggest thing is to lose the excess weight in a rational way.....

    Balanced diet........
    Count your calories....

    On your plate 1/4 is protein (meat) 1/4 is starch and 1/2 is veggies
  • poedunk65
    poedunk65 Posts: 1,336 Member
    Gotta stop dieting and make a "lifestyle change!" i always RECOMMEND Forks over Knvies" either the book or the movie. I have adopted some of the priciples from that and I am keeping the weight off and still eating most of the good things i like.
  • Onaughmae
    Onaughmae Posts: 873 Member
    I am diabetic, feel free to add me. One thing many people do not realize is that it isnt just sugar that causes your blood sugar to spike. Carbs are also essentially sugar. Your body converts them to sugar very quickly. The more simple the carb (white rice, pasta, white potato, etc) the faster it is converted and the sharper the blood sugar spike is. That big fluffy baked potato might as well be a bowl of fluffy ice cream as far as your blood sugar is concerned. Stick to the more complex carbs (sweet potatoes, brown rice, whole grains, etc) they digest slower and give you a more level blood sugar. Look at your plate, divide it in half...that portion should be non-starchy veggies or salad, 1/4 should be your protein source and 1/4 should be your starch. Have real fruit instead of juice. Monitor your carb intake and it is going to help your blood sugar a lot. Best of luck to you!
  • determinedhealthy
    determinedhealthy Posts: 199 Member
    I have never started a group on here, but just did. It's called "South Beach/30 Day Shred/ 6 Weeks+ " Join if you would like it''s a 6 week or longer challenge to keep the motivation. I personally have recently fell off the wagon and gained 15 lbs since April. I need a "kick in the butt " so I have created this group to hold myself accountable. It is great for diabetes and pre diabetes you flush your body of all sugar in the 1st 2 weeks of phase 1 on the South Beach diet. Good luck in all you do!
  • determinedhealthy
    determinedhealthy Posts: 199 Member
    I am diabetic, feel free to add me. One thing many people do not realize is that it isnt just sugar that causes your blood sugar to spike. Carbs are also essentially sugar. Your body converts them to sugar very quickly. The more simple the carb (white rice, pasta, white potato, etc) the faster it is converted and the sharper the blood sugar spike is. That big fluffy baked potato might as well be a bowl of fluffy ice cream as far as your blood sugar is concerned. Stick to the more complex carbs (sweet potatoes, brown rice, whole grains, etc) they digest slower and give you a more level blood sugar. Look at your plate, divide it in half...that portion should be non-starchy veggies or salad, 1/4 should be your protein source and 1/4 should be your starch. Have real fruit instead of juice. Monitor your carb intake and it is going to help your blood sugar a lot. Best of luck to you!

    Great advice!
  • billiegirl17
    billiegirl17 Posts: 47 Member
    Hi... I was diagnosed as borderline diabetic about 9 or 10 years ago and lost 65 lbs. I am on MFP because I gradually put 30 of it back on and I don't want it to go any further than that. When I lost the 65 lbs, I mostly concentrated on cutting back my carbs and the rest kind of fell in place as I developed healthier eating habits. Find substitutes, like sqaush instead of potatos. Here's an idea - make a list of things you love about your life and then things you are looking forward to in the future (you are young - so there is a lot of good stuff yet to come) and tape it somewhere so that you see it every day for motivation. It sounds like you truly have the desire and that's part of the battle won.
  • edpapo86
    edpapo86 Posts: 6 Member
    Thank you all so much for your suggestions and encouragement... In the last 2 weeks I have lost 11 lbs! I have been cutting back on carbs and making sure I'm eating the right stuff... I have my days where I don't do so good, but It's part of the ride... I'll be seeing my Doc in a couple of weeks to do lab work to see how my blood sugar and cholesterol are doing... Again, thanks so much! Feel free to add me!
