Anyone have good excersize tips?

MadHatter Posts: 12
edited September 20 in Fitness and Exercise
I'm not really fit at all, but I would like to be. My goal is to lose weight, but I want to be in good physical shape in general. Are there any good excersizes I can do that don't require buying weights or the like, and don't take hours a day?


  • acureese
    acureese Posts: 169
    Hi! There are a lot of great exercises you can do at home :) If you like Db but don't want to buy them, you can use filled water bottles as Db and do exercises like bicep curls, shoulder press, tricep kickbacks, back row, and lunges with them! If you want to do body-weight exercises, too, you can do planks, tricep dips off the couch, squats, lunges, and pushups (traditional or on knees). If you want to buy an inexpensive workout tool, exercise bands are great and inexpensive and can be used for the whole body!

    To make the workouts shorter but more cardiovascular, I looove circuits! For example, you can do 10-15 reps of all the following one right after the other, then take a minute break at the end of the circuit before repeating 2-4 times: pushups, rows, squat with shoulder press, bicycle crunches, tricep dips, lunges with bicep curls, 30 second plank. You can also add jumping jacks or mountain climbers in there to give it an even bigger cardio boost. You'll definitely break a sweat, be doing great toning exercises, and you can do it all in 20-30 minutes! :) Hope this helps!
  • Thanks, that helps me a lot! :happy: I'll try and start some of those today; I have problems following a plan if I don't write things down, so I'll try and start keeping track of everything in one spot :].
  • Hi does anyone know what exercise program would be good to get in shape for wake boarding? My boyfriend loves it and I've never tried it and i don't wanna be one of those nonathletic girls who can't learn how because my arms aren't strong enough. If anyone has any advise i would greatly appreciate it!!!!!!
  • OddSquid
    OddSquid Posts: 107 Member
    Hi does anyone know what exercise program would be good to get in shape for wake boarding? My boyfriend loves it and I've never tried it and i don't wanna be one of those nonathletic girls who can't learn how because my arms aren't strong enough. If anyone has any advise i would greatly appreciate it!!!!!!

    Core exercises, definitely. You probably want to concentrate on core moves that'll increase overall strength of the core muscles so you can avoid injury and also keep your legs where they need to be while you're being dragged along by the boat :)
  • OddSquid
    OddSquid Posts: 107 Member
    I'm not really fit at all, but I would like to be. My goal is to lose weight, but I want to be in good physical shape in general. Are there any good excersizes I can do that don't require buying weights or the like, and don't take hours a day?

    Various forms of push-ups are a great place to start that require no equipment, very little space, and especially very little time.

    Standard width will work both chest and triceps, military width (close in, with hands just below shoulders) will focus on the triceps, and wide width (hands further out than standard) will focus on the chest.

    There's no shame in starting off by doing them on your knees. Just keep your upper body straight and go down as deep as possible to the floor, keeping your head straight. When pushing up, don't lead with your butt or back. If you start to do that, you're done -- take a break or stop for the day and come back at it again two days later. :)
  • Thanks WeirdFish, that helps :)
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