how do you do excerise with toddlers?

as the topic says - how do you do excerise with a 2 year old always present?
my excerise of choice would be swimming but as i have no babysitter and my local pool doesn't have a creche this option is out.

i don't have a car so walk everywhere but walking is slow going because of little legs. most days she refuses to use a pushchair so can't go for hour long walks or short walks at a fast pace.

i am always active in the house doing cleaning, carrying her upa nd down flights of stairs (of which we have 3). i can't put something like a backpack on my back due to medical condition following her pregnancy.

any ideas?


  • Effpcos
    Effpcos Posts: 350 Member
    Hi, I do my exercise either first thing in the morning before my kids get up (which means getting up at 5am), or I do it in the evening after they've gone to bed.
    I'm doing the Jillian Michaels dvd 30Day Shred, I also have a stationery bike, an elliptical crosstrainer, a treadmill and a stepper. They live in our lounge (granted it's a large lounge) so I have no excuses! You could try just a stepper and a set of small handweights if space is an issue.
    Or, put on kids tv, something like Wiggles that has lots of dancing, and follow the dance routines, I'm sure your two year old would love that.
  • IveLanded
    IveLanded Posts: 797 Member
    Do it at nap time (and enforce a nap time/mommy time rule in your house so you get an uninterupted hour to yourself each day).

    Also: lots of moms say they can't afford things like babysitters or gym memberships, but will spend hundreds a month on eating out. Can you put a dollar amount on your health and feeling better about yourself? I pay $50 a month for my gym membership. Is my health worth $50 a month? YEP. Maybe a babysitter or gym membership IS within your reach if you prioritize your health differently than you do now?

    Are you single or partnered? There is your other hour of mommy only time once your partner gets home.
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    I used to bring my little one to a friends and the two of us would stretch and exercise while the kids played.

    At that age, my strength training was carrying him in a backpack for 5 miles a day. My bones are still incredibly strong - I think it saved me from a collarbone break last year.
  • heatherloveslifting
    heatherloveslifting Posts: 1,428 Member
    Yeah, I found that impossible. I would either have to physically leave or do it when they were asleep. I did spend a lot of time chasing them in walks though.
  • myfitnessnmhoy
    myfitnessnmhoy Posts: 2,105 Member
    carrying her upa nd down flights of stairs (of which we have 3).

    That sounds like great exercise to me. Do more of that. :)
  • Melonhead
    Nap time was the only time that worked for us. Now we take turns. One makes sure the boys don't kill each other, while the other works out.
  • Mookz0r
    Mookz0r Posts: 143
    Think of it as a different kind of exercise - lift them, dance with them, run around with them, push them on the swings, climb with them... Even get a bike with a toddler seat or trailer and pull them along! You can also jog while pushing the buggy (larger-wheeled ones are better).

    I've got 2 with 21 months between them. I've not been to a gym in over 5 years, but am quite possibly fitter and stronger than i ever have been - after all, i'm lifting 16-18kg (each) many, many times a day!
  • sineadramsay
    nap time has stopped in this house over the last few weeks unfortunately.

    my husband works nights so is asleep all day, up for an hour and half in evening to have dinner and shower etc and out the door to work. home in morning, gives them breakfast and back to bed. no relief for mommy time there. my mommy time is my 12 hour shifts as a nurse - i have no personal time. last time i had an hour to myself was in's so rare i can remember it lol.

    and yes i really can't afford gym membership. we don;t eat out, we don't drink (none at all) and we live month to month.

    however your right...i do dance and and push on swings and run about and lift and carry and bend and climb and walk and walk and walk so i suppose it is excerise.....just not the type i can log lol
  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    Work out videos at it during nap time or occupy child with toys or do workout first thing in th am before anyone is awake or at night after everyone is in bed.
  • srhershey
    srhershey Posts: 181 Member
    You can get a Heart Rate Monitor and when you start to do some sort of activity, like dancing, start recording your heart rate. Dancing and walking are both in the excersise tracker so you can log those. My daughter is 4 now and I remember walking every night with her in the stroller. It was hard at times because she wanted to walk, but I would turn our walk into a game to keep her in the stroller as long as possible. For instance, I'd tell her she can get out and walk when we get down the street to the stop sign. We also danced a lot together and we both love doing Kinects Just Dance together.
  • sarahbeth913
    sarahbeth913 Posts: 22 Member
    I have a 1yo and a 3yo. I workout in the morning before they wake up and often after they go to bed at night too. Usually the morning is 30 min-hour and night is only about 20 min. Good luck! ;)
  • tuneses
    tuneses Posts: 467 Member
    In the winter I do Insanity while the nap/have quiet time in their rooms. Mainly we run or bike everywhere. I run them to the park or the zoo in the jogging stroller. They have gotten use to it and will read or play in there for 16 mile runs. Granted in between we stop and play at the park for 1-2 hours. They are 3 and almost 2.

  • Ivana331
    I do at home workouts from youtube, usually when my 19month old naps, if he's awake, I just try to stay out of his way so I don't accidentally hit him or something.
  • paintlisapurple
    paintlisapurple Posts: 982 Member
    Our little one will "work out" with me sometimes. I'll be on the elliptical and he will be "lifting weights", or dancing to the music, or playing with his cars even. This works about 40% of the time though. Sigh* Most of the time I have to take time earlier in the morning before he wakes up. When I go back to work, I'll have to exercise later at night again. Yuck.
  • DJJW
    DJJW Posts: 519 Member
    You can do it when ever and however you want, it is all about schedule, yes they may not like being in a stroller, or waiting for you to finish a dvd, but after you do it for a week they are used to it. Kids are really easy to train, they LOVE routine.
  • maddymama
    maddymama Posts: 1,183 Member
    Hi Mama,
    I know that exercising with a toddler around is rough. I was lucky and got a jogging stroller free from a neighbor. At first my little one HATED riding in it, but we worked on that. I started packing a snack for her, let her bring a toy with her, and made it special for her to be in the stroller. We made friends with ALL the neighborhood dogs, and made up special cheers and songs for her to sing only in the stroller. I also ended every run at the playground so she could get out and have fun for at least a few minutes after being cooped up. Now a year and a half later, she gets VERY UPSET when she can't go for a run with me.
    Other days I've put on JM 30DS and just let her play near me while I exercise.
  • jrobinjo
    I have twin 2 year old boys. They are still napping so I do 30 day shred while they nap. BUT when they don't nap or I have other things to do during nap, I put on the TV for them and use the dvd drive on my laptop to do my workout. I also pull them in a wagon, they hate the stroller because they can't see around. They tolerate the bike trailer, but it's not their favorite. However, the bike with the trailer + hills= killer workout. It's really hard to fit it in, for sure!
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    Start training her now. Your "me time" is important. I'd suggest starting with a short 20-30 min. video. Explain that you are going to put on a video and and do your work out, and that she is going to play with her toys (read her book, whatever) while you do your workout. Then, AFTER you finish your workout, the two of you will do something fun (go to the park, play a game, etc.).

    If she interrupts you, you keep doing your workout and remind her that you need to finish before the two of you can play.

    You keep doing this; you do NOT give in and stop the video. Ignore her if you must, it will not kill her. By the 3rd time, if you are CONSISTENT, she will get it.

    You must establish this now, or you will end up one of those forlorn, run-down, excuse-making mothers whose children overrun everything they do and never, ever make it back to their original identities.

    Once of the best books on how to establish boundaries and be a parent, not a slave, to your child is still "1-2-3 MAGIC". The principles apply to everything, not just your workout time.


    Mom of 4 who works out every day.
  • rmalcolm_88
    if you get a bike and then one of those kids carriers (they have ones you fasten to the bike or little carts that you pull behind) that would be a good way to do it. or you could go to the gym after she goes to bed (hard i know) or do a small home workout when she is napping if she still naps.
  • missprincessgina
    missprincessgina Posts: 446 Member

    You can find babysitters, dog sitters, elderly sitters, whatever you need. My dog sitter is amazing and she is on so I'm sure there are some good babysitters. High school girls like to babysit as well!

    Good luck!