Stop sugar cravings?



  • Aunt_Kiki
    Aunt_Kiki Posts: 47 Member
    I keep Dreyer's Fruit Bars in the freezer (might be Edy's where you are) - the strawberry ones are 80 calories and they taste AMAZING! You can also get them in no sugar added form, but I'm just not that good :) For chocolate, I freeze Rolo's candy and allow myself one or two a day - 28 cal/piece.
  • pwittek10
    pwittek10 Posts: 723 Member
    The only way is to not eat sugar.
    A little only makes you want more.
    I do not always follow my own advise, but I must ti keep the weight off
    Good luck
  • manda1978
    manda1978 Posts: 525 Member
    I just had a cup or strawberries with non fat yoghurt, thats about 100 calories. That hits the sugar cravings for me.

    ALso have a look at your diet overall, hig GI carbs will give you a blood sugar slump hence a sugar craving. Try to stick to low GI carbs and that helps keep your blood sugar levels stable and reduces sugar cravings.

    Also alot of it is habit and in your head (sorry!). You don't NEED it, you WANT it. You just have to stop. It only takes about a week and you'll be over it.
  • danigirl056
    I had to have sugar every night as well. I started reading how poisonous it is to your system and decided to quit. I had no sweets for a month and then went out to dinner where i had a sweet treat. The next day i felt aweful, like a hangover. I did not have any alcohol with dinner. It is my feeling it was the sugar. It was tough quitting but the cravings went away.
  • californiagirl2012
    californiagirl2012 Posts: 2,625 Member
    I learned to use Stevia and only sometimes other sweeteners (I don't like all the chemicals), but a few chemical sweetners now to help lose weight is healthier than being obese. Being obese has it's own health drawbacks. Pick one or the other.

    You can use any combinations of honey, stevia, sweetener, molasses, maple syrup, to make foods taste good.

    Agave is essentially as bad as high frutose corn syrup.

    I like vanilla stevia on greek yogurt.

    I like english toffee stevia in my coffee

    A light coating of raw honey on one slice of sour dough bread

    Any kind of fresh fruit.

    Once you get used to these things you have less cravings for sugar.
  • ebony__
    ebony__ Posts: 519 Member
    Cravings of any kind usually pass after around 20 minutes so if you can occupy yourself for that long, call a friend go for a walk that kind of thing it may help.

    Also sugar has a big affect on our bodies. Sugar is practically unavoidable in out diets but definitely try and go for natural sugars in fruits etc..

    Also just be prepared that when cutting out (or down) on processed sugars a lot of people ( and they don't even realise why) have withdrawals, it's normal to feel a bit down or headaches or irritated for the first few days while your body adjusts. Don't worry, our bodies are incredible and will adjust an it will get easier.

    Just want to point out that a lot of people on mfp state their opinions as gospel. There are always exceptions to every rule and different variables for everyone :)

    Good luck
  • rockchalk03
    Gum, gum, and more gum:)
  • Voncreepy2
    Voncreepy2 Posts: 1,450 Member
    I mostly eat dried fruit, fresh fruit and nuts as far as snacking goes but used to have a bad sweet tooth. It really does help to just stop eating the sweets until you get it under control. I also love the no sugar added icecream and mind my portion sizes. I feel like I don't do without. Just watch your portion size,
  • sharleengc
    sharleengc Posts: 792 Member
    I don't try to stop mine. I just make MUCH better choices. Even at 1200 calories, it's possible. I did it for a long time before I changed my goal.

    I save approx 150 calories per day for my sugar. I buy skinny cow candy (110 or 120 depending on type), skinny cow also has ice cream sandwiches/bars that are 140-150 each, or the individual cups (like that come with a wooden spoon) aren't bad, the brand I buy is 110 per cup. Fiber one makes brownies that are 90 calories. You could also buy frozen yogurt or slow churned dryers ice cream, those are usually under 150 per serving...however, I find it WAY easier to have things that are prepackaged, then I'm not justifying an extra scoop.

    It is way easy for me to stay within my calories (even when they are low) but buying items like this. Yeah, they may be a bit expensive but to me, it's worth it. The biggest problem I had was only having 1 bar or 1 brownie or 1 ___. Sometimes, depending on what it is, I can have 2. But, I would MUCH rather have 1 of something then none.

    So, you can do it, just research what works best for you!
  • ebony__
    ebony__ Posts: 519 Member
    I learned to use Stevia and only sometimes other sweeteners (I don't like all the chemicals), but a few chemical sweetners now to help lose weight is healthier than being obese. Being obese has it's own health drawbacks. Pick one or the other.

    You can use any combinations of honey, stevia, sweetener, molasses, maple syrup, to make foods taste good.

    Agave is essentially as bad as high frutose corn syrup.

    I like vanilla stevia on greek yogurt.

    I like english toffee stevia in my coffee

    A light coating of raw honey on one slice of sour dough bread

    Any kind of fresh fruit.

    Once you get used to these things you have less cravings for sugar.

    Stevia is not a chemical sweetener its a very natural plant. I have it growing and the most mineute amount can sweeten a whole dish and will be better for you than to much honey or mayple syrup :)
  • vidvox
    vidvox Posts: 62 Member
    I tend to reach for either almonds or watermelon when I'm having sugar cravings.
  • Sarena3
    Sarena3 Posts: 49 Member
    I can't do sugar without waking strong cravings. But I found the Vitalicious (sold on line at their website) muffins don't have the same effect on me. I bake up the Chocolate muffin mix, adding things like cranberries and walnuts. The count for one muffin with 1/4 cup per mix of the two additions comes to 110 calories. It is very satisfying and does not wake the cravings. I often save enough calories to have one with sliced strawberries. YUUUUMMMMM. They have a blueberry bran that's good too. You can experiment with all sorts of fruit and nut additions. A 1/4cup is more than enough per mix. I also have a lot of success mixing simply fruit in plain greek yogurt. Good luck.
  • linda3411
    I eat navel oranges when I need sugar, not only is it good and healthy the citrus eliminates the craving for sugar... Got to love the quick fixes. I lost 50 lbs. I had surgery so I was not as active as I usually am so I gained 18 back, OMG OMG....back to the disciplined way of eating. I beat cancer and now I will beat being fat!!!!!!!

    Hang in there, If the cravings are so bad after you have eaten your orange, drink a glass of water it will usually subside.

  • rivka_m
    rivka_m Posts: 1,007 Member
    Instead of eating 200-250 cal worth, why not have a DumDum or a mini-size piece of chocolate, something sweet but fairly small? If you're at work, you can probably convince someone else to keep them so they're not a constant temptation for you.
  • DetroitKilljoy
    Thanks everyone. All these ideas are great! I think I will slowly cut back and do what someone mentioned about setting aside 100-150 calories for a treat. Then from there, I will try to get rid of my sweets. Does anybody else handle these sugar cravings differently? (bump haha I love all these ideas!)
  • ahjenny
    ahjenny Posts: 293 Member
    I had the same problem, I was completely addicted to sugar and would go mad and binge then give up. I am now doing low carb (keto) diet and its been 2 days and I've pretty much stopped craving it already, I just had to cut it completely

    I did the Leptin Reset (Jack Kruse) followed by the Primal lifestyle, and it really worked for me. When I did need something a little sweet, I ate some dark chocolate, which didn't taste as bad as it did when I was still eating a ton of sugar and junk. I honestly lasted only two weeks on the reset, but it's all I needed. Good luck, sugar is an evil mistress.
  • dawndelion
    dawndelion Posts: 10 Member
    There's a reason it's hard to go into recovery for sugar addiction: it has the same effect on our brains as crack. True. Just look up the 60Minutes episode and do independent research.

    I'm a sugar addict too... I read somewhere that when you crave sugar, to try eating nuts. It's working for me so far! I'm a week into recovery!

    If you use sugar substitutes go with Stevia, Erythritol, Malitol, or Sorbitol.

    You can also read Jorge Cruise's book "The Belly Fat Cure"- he has his research -with sources- at the beginning of the book.

    good luck!
  • EccentricDad
    EccentricDad Posts: 875 Member
    Um. Stop eating sugar. Once you stop eating it you stop craving it. Its not that difficult.

    It is that difficult.... When you have been eating sweets all your life its hard to just walk away.

    I read on Jillian Michael's site that you tend to crave sugar more when your tired. That's why it is sooo hard at night to resist it. I have started keeping fresh cherries in the fridge. I can "pick " at them and they are way better for me.

    Sugar from NON-fruit food is causing you to be fat. You wouldn't be cutting calories and exercising if you would have stop eating NON-fruit foods a long time ago. By eating so much sugar, you are going to give yourself Type 2 Diabetes (which basically means an apple shape body).
  • ebony__
    ebony__ Posts: 519 Member
    Um. Stop eating sugar. Once you stop eating it you stop craving it. Its not that difficult.

    It is that difficult.... When you have been eating sweets all your life its hard to just walk away.

    I read on Jillian Michael's site that you tend to crave sugar more when your tired. That's why it is sooo hard at night to resist it. I have started keeping fresh cherries in the fridge. I can "pick " at them and they are way better for me.

    Sugar from NON-fruit food is causing you to be fat. You wouldn't be cutting calories and exercising if you would have stop eating NON-fruit foods a long time ago. By eating so much sugar, you are going to give yourself Type 2 Diabetes (which basically means an apple shape body).

  • maremare312
    maremare312 Posts: 1,143 Member
    Um. Stop eating sugar. Once you stop eating it you stop craving it. Its not that difficult.

    It is that difficult.... When you have been eating sweets all your life its hard to just walk away.

    I read on Jillian Michael's site that you tend to crave sugar more when your tired. That's why it is sooo hard at night to resist it. I have started keeping fresh cherries in the fridge. I can "pick " at them and they are way better for me.

    But it's a total cycle. It might be hard for the first week, but then once you don't crave it, wooohooo!