New to Fitness* and... I have Fibromyalgia

Hi, I am 44 years old and weigh approx 165..and haven't done any kind of exercise since I was young. I have fibromyalgia and was just curious if any of you also have it. Working out is like MEDICINE for my illness & pain-racked body!!! I wish I'd started years ago! I started the 30 day shred in May..quit after a few weeks due to a flare-up..but got right on level 2 and it's tough but I LOVE doing this! I'm still struggling with my Foods..eating clean etc. I've been sedentary and lethargic for so long but I am MOTIVATED! Anything I do today is more than I USED to do. I need any and all motivation I can get..once I stop moving..the pain and stiffness intensifies! help....


  • ajslusaw
    Hi there! I'm Amanda and I too have fibromyalgia. I'm 22 and have been struggling with it since I was 17. Ever since my diagnosis, I slowly gained more and more weight. I know how you feel with having to quit due to flare ups, but I found a better way to still be active when in pain! I don't know if this is possible for you but I am going to an outpatient rehabilitation facility that has a small, wellness pool (around 90 degrees). You probably know that swimming and doing any exercise in the water is easy on your joints and can really help you lose weight. I highly recommend it. When it's really rainy outside I love getting in the warm pool. It's so tough to stick to workout routines on land because it's so rough on joints. Anyway, I am here for any support and encouragement you need!!!
  • Daydreams406
    Daydreams406 Posts: 249 Member
    Hi. I just went to see a Rheumatologist for my back...I have osteoarthritis in my spine. He said that I probably have fibromyalgia as well. Because I have pain throughout my body that is not related to my back. I was tested for all the other things, like rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, etc ...and my tests came back negative. But he is testing again to make sure. But suspects fibro. He gave me meds for it. I take several different pain medications now, and had a "flare up" as they are called (new to it) at the end of July....and I am just now thinking about getting back to my workouts. I have been in pain for almost a month. But I have had high stress, and I hear that does not help and often can trigger a flare.
    I have some sort of pain every day, but I have been feeling less tired....what is up with being so dang tired anyway? I am ready to begin my workouts and hoping that will get me feeling good and less stressed.
    I have pain mostly in my legs, and sometimes in my arms. My feet hurt at times as well. I can't stand it when my wrists, and fingers start to hurt... from the elbow down. Stiffness in the morning.
    My back hurts once I start doing things...and I am still working on trying to modify my daily activities. Dealing with both is proving to be hard, but I won't let it end me getting fit so I can stay strong and healthy for my family.
  • grammiejul
    grammiejul Posts: 68 Member
    I copied this from another FMS thread that I just replied to:

    Hi! I just found this thread through searching for "fibromyalgia". I have had it for well over 25 years. I basically the typical couch potato until about March of this year. August of 2011, I hit 260 and was horrified. I was prediabetic and had high blood pressure, doc was ready to put me on meds. I started off making small lifestyle changes, cutting out sweets, empty calories and junk food. Then, I added tight portion control. I then joined MFP in Feb 2012. Now, I track calories and find it easy to keep within.

    As you already know, adding exercise was not as easy. But I am doing it. I work with a health mentor at the Y once a week, doing weight machines, some cardio and floor exercises. I take an aqua aerobics class once a week. I would highly recommend it for anyone with fms. The water adds boyancy and allows me to do way more than I could on land. I do feel achy the next day, but it is not painful. As a matter of fact, I am slowly feeling LESS pain and fatigue. I am now adding a Pilates routine DVD once a week to work on toning too, one more day during the week.

    Like I said, I was 260 last August,. I am now 217! Yes, it is slower for us than for those without FMS, but well worth the work.

    Please feel free, anyone with FMS, to add me. I may not remember which friend has it, lol....nutrition and execise doesn't do much for fibro-fog.
  • mrsdoonan
    I also have fibromylagia. Anyone that wants to can feel free to add me as well!
  • lachivis
    lachivis Posts: 43 Member
    Hi there, I'm 42 and I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia about 6 years ago. I decided I was going to eat better and move more so I joined this site. I'm an active user (40 something days of logging). It's so hard to get a workout, when your body is in pain, but I have been pushing through it. I noticed that the pain lessons while I'm exercising, so that motivates me to do this. I love MFP! It works! I wish you all well.
    If anybody wants to add me, feel free to send me a friend request :)
  • AlexandraLynch
    Fibromyalgia, plus torn ankle ligaments and arthritis after a Lisfrancs dislocation in one foot, plus (because I needed something else) developing bunions.

    I love doing weight work, and as someone said above, anything I do today is more than I was doing! I am getting somewhere. Using yoga even on pain days has helped; it decreases the overall pain, and on the days I hurt I start into it anyway, and it helps somewhat.
  • ShellYarb
    Wow!! I didn't know you peeps had replied to me! What a pleasant surprise today when I opened always helps to know you're not alone..and we aren't :wink:
    I will accept and and all encouragement you guys want to share! And I will try to offer it for you as well. Fibro is MEAN:devil: but like a couple of you have said--any movement is more than I was doing a few months ago. Let's not get discouraged when we are having our flares..because one thing for sure about flares--they don't last FOREVER! :flowerforyou: Hallelujah! I actually do not keep track of my weight because I simply want to be healthier, not be all freaky about a number. I've heard the saying "I'd rather be fit than skinny" or something like that lol. I want to decrease my pain by diet and exercise..and knowing limitations.
    Let's all hang in there together! and KEEP moving! I can say since I started any form of fitness in May, I notice a decrease of symptoms..I do think exercise reduces stress..which in turns helps us fibromites. I also notice when I eat CRAP, I feel like CRAP.

    Gentle hugs to you all :heart: