Any new moms with a lot of baby weight to lose?

Hi, I'm new here! I just had a baby in July and gained 40 lbs during my pregnancy. But I also gained about 25 lbs after getting married last August and before becoming pregnant in November. So in total, I gained about 70 lbs in a year and have only lost 30 of it since having my daughter. I would ideally like to lose another 40-50. Any other mommies with a lot of weight to lose? I'd love to have some other mama buddies going through the same thing!


  • 1258936
    1258936 Posts: 115 Member
    Hello! I am 32, married 4 years, 12 month old darling girl, carrying an extra 50lbs. I just signed up and am very excited about this too. The mobil app is so easy to use, love the scanner! I am in the same boat as you, get excited but then bored. I think it would be great to have a mama buddy!
  • miranda823
    miranda823 Posts: 91 Member
    Hello! I am 23, and momma to a three year old and an 8 month old. Still need to lose the weight from both of them, which is a lot! I would love to have you on my friend's list. :)
  • EmilyWest1919
    EmilyWest1919 Posts: 25 Member
    Hi there. I'm not a new mom anymore, but I have a 5, 4 and 2 year old. They all were so close together and I nursed for about a year (which did nothing to help my weight, btw;0) so couldn't really concentrate on taking care of me. Somehow things are a bit easier now and I've decided to tackle my extra 50ish pounds. MFP helps SOOO much, I just love it. My hubby (who gracefully gained with me) and I are seeing a lot of success with it (I'm down 14 and he's down over 20 in about 6 weeks). Good luck and if you can be a good momma, you can totally get your body back;0)! Sending you a friend request...
  • banks89202
    Hey there,
    I am a 23 year old mother and my daughter will be 2 in December. I gained 35 pounds after I had her(on top of the 40lbs just being prego) , horrible I know! I have struggled with depression and a very close family member passed away almost a year ago. I am trying to get back on track now and I hope to really get all of this off!
  • GlowstickGirl
    GlowstickGirl Posts: 28 Member
    It's nice to see other moms out there struggling with the same thing. I used to be pretty thin, so it's hard to look in the mirror and see myself so overweight. I just feel like losing the weight is going to be more difficult now that I'm a mom because I feel like I never have time to feed myself the kind of nutrition my body needs, let alone exercise. The only exercise my baby ever lets me get is our 45 minute walks in the evening - but that's only if I'm wearing her!

    Hoping that maybe I can stay in touch with some of you on here. It's always nice to know you're not alone.
  • SarahAFerguson
    SarahAFerguson Posts: 250 Member
    Hi there. My youngest is 2, so I'm not exactly a new mom. I have three kiddies 9, 6, and 2. I've got weight left over from each pregnancy to get rid of.
  • Desitweety
    My daughter is 18 months so i not a new mom but i have 50 lbs to lose! :}
  • RebmaGe1sha
    RebmaGe1sha Posts: 61 Member
    It's nice to see other moms out there struggling with the same thing. I used to be pretty thin, so it's hard to look in the mirror and see myself so overweight. I just feel like losing the weight is going to be more difficult now that I'm a mom because I feel like I never have time to feed myself the kind of nutrition my body needs, let alone exercise. The only exercise my baby ever lets me get is our 45 minute walks in the evening - but that's only if I'm wearing her!

    Hoping that maybe I can stay in touch with some of you on here. It's always nice to know you're not alone.

    Unfortunately I'm not a mother yet, that's part of why I'm here. I want to lose weight pre-child bearing, but I have just started a new nanny position for a 3 year old and a 15 month old. I'll tell you, they keep me moving and I burn calories all morning.

    Anyway, I searched for some workouts for new moms and I thought a couple articles were interesting. Hope you enjoy the read and get some use out of them. Good luck!,0
  • I'm a 20 year old new mom. I had my daughter March 28th of this year. I only put on about ten pounds that i didn't imediately lose post pregnancy, but i had her my junior year of college, so i had gained a total of twenty pounds since starting school. It's not a lot of weight to lose, but being 30 pounds over my goal weight is the most that i've ever weighed before.
    It's hard for me to find fast healthy solutions, being in my senior year of college, working nearly full time, and taking care of a five month old, but i've been managing to lose weight a little at a time using mfp. I've lost five pounds since starting, and two pounds on my own before. It feels like its taking forever to get this weight off and i could really use the support of some other moms out there as well.
  • firetigeress
    I lost weight when i was pregnant with both my girls,, but am still loosing with breastfeeding you loose 400gs a day,, just eat 6 small meals a day rather than 3 big ones to build ur motabalysm and that helps heaps, take bub for a walk i the pram ect
  • jaemarie21
    jaemarie21 Posts: 7 Member
    i had my daughter almost 3 years ago. i've always been a little over-weight but getting married and then having a kid definitely added the pounds! i still have a lot (about 60lbs) of weight to lose. don't get discouraged, having a child is a wonderful thing no matter what i does to your body, we all just need to stick together and encourage one another! so keep on goin!
  • Shaunak2009
    Shaunak2009 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi I m 32 yrs old and I have 3yrs old boy. I want to lose 20 lbs and last 1year I am trying lose weight bt I am not even lose 5 lbs. I m very upsate my cal consumption 1200- 1400 cals.pls guide me .
  • GlowstickGirl
    GlowstickGirl Posts: 28 Member
    Thanks for the encouragement, Jae! Sometimes I forget how amazing it is that my body carried and gave me my sweet baby.

    Jean, I think you're pretty cool for being able to work, go to school, and care for a young baby and STILL try to lose weight. A lot of people would be crazy from a schedule like that. Keep up the good work :)