Daily runs and strength training.

This is my first official post on the boards, but I've been lurking for a while. But now, I have a few questions of my own!

I'm a 5'4" female, between 120-125 pounds, and 20 years old. My highest weight was about 135, and this summer I spent a lot of time cleaning up my diet, and starting to exercise. In the past month I've fallen in love with running. Like, completely infatuated, 100% obsessed with running. My distance has been increasing, and now I run anywhere between 2-7 miles 5x a week, and then biking/elliptical on my 6th day, with one rest day. I started the 30 Day Shred and gave up the machines I was doing at the gym (3x a week, before I really liked running), and I've been seeing pretty good results with the 30 DS.

I've been reading a lot though about how much 'better' strength training is. I'm not in here to debate which is better, because I know I need both. However, I'm really, really reluctant to give up my daily run because it does a lot for me mentally and for my stress levels, and just my daily energy level. Is doing programs like the 30 DS okay, and still keeping my runs? I'm just trying to avoid turning 'skinny-fat' and flabby. The main reason I'm so afraid to try strength training is because I know I'd have to do a lot less cardio to fit in the weights, time-wise.

Any thoughts/advice would be most appreciated!


  • brandyk77
    brandyk77 Posts: 605 Member
    Yes, you can run and strength train.

    I'm not sure why you think you would have to take time away from running though. I strength train 2x per week and run every day.
  • oxymoronical
    I'd have to take time away because I only can carve about an hour a day out for exercise. It would take me about an hour to go to the gym and do weights: between the trip there, and then the actual being there and working out. Or I can run for 45 minutes to an hour, and then slip in the 30DS. Trying to strength train on a day where I also want to run would mean I'm sacrificing some other part of my life - which I can't afford.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    if you are a morning person you could run in the AM and then work out with weight inthe afternoon 3x a week. When I was combining cardio and weight training I would do weights 3x a week M W F & run 2x a week Tus Thurs and sometimes on Sunday. Now I prety muh strength train 4-5x a week and mix in some sprint training once or twice a week..
  • ixap
    ixap Posts: 675 Member
    I would trade out your elliptical time for some strength training. It's not going to help your running as much as an actual run would, but it's also not going to help cross-train you nearly as much as a strength workout would, since it's just more cardio (which you already get plenty of).

    To fit in a second session, I guess you will have to give up one run, if you truly can't fit two workouts in one day. Hard for us to say when/if you could fit it in, not knowing your life or your schedule, but maybe you can fit it in somewhere if you think creatively!

    3 strength workouts per week would probably be even better, but I only do 2 (like you, I'm not willing to sacrifice the time from running, LOL), and I see huge, huge benefits from those 2 per week. Once per week wasn't working out well for me -- too much time in between, so I felt like it was starting over each week and not making much progress.
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    You may want to look into "you are your own gym" and other body weight exercises. Typically they are quick and effective to sqwueeze in.
  • oxymoronical
    Thanks guys! I'll definitely look into messing around with my schedule once school/work starts up again...I might find I have more time than I think to squeeze 2 a week in (and give up the elliptical...I am pretty a-ok with that!) and make it work for me! Also, thanks for the resources rybo, I'll definitely check those out!

    I'm glad to know that there are people who manage to do strength training without giving up running, though!
  • PeterThompson
    well i suggest that you can do it a day after the other like you run on this day and do strength training the next day then rest something like that so you can avoid having those skin flabbs http://bestadjustabledumbbellsreviews.com/