Day 4 - depression, exhaustion and cravings - normal?

Just wondering what other folk experience? I'm on Day Four and I don't know if it is because of other things or the 'diet' but I feel awful! I'm feeling woozy, exhausted, tearful and miserable.

I'm a little under my daily recommended calories (only about 100 under, and I'm having 500 extra per day because of breastfeeding).

Anyone relate? It'll get better won't it?! i really want to binge :- (


  • kendrafallon
    kendrafallon Posts: 1,030 Member
    I can't view your diary, but my first thought is are you actually eating enough?
  • jennfisher13
    jennfisher13 Posts: 50 Member
    How old is your baby???
  • Poods71
    Poods71 Posts: 502 Member
    Hi Abbie,

    Sorry to hear you are feeling so bad but this sounds a lot like how I was feeling not so long ago and it turned out my iron was low. Go to the doctors and get some blood tests done. Hope you feel better soon :flowerforyou:
  • Poods71
    Poods71 Posts: 502 Member
    Also, make sure you are eating enough calories as when I was breastfeeding I didn't eat enough and my milk started to dry up. I am on 1,400 cals just now and I eat back my exercise calories (and I am losing about 1lb a week) and obviously if I was breastfeeding I would add another 500 on for baby. If you have not long had a baby you need to take care of yourself so you are strong enough to put up with the late nights and everything else baby will throw at you :smile:
  • Gyllain
    Gyllain Posts: 39 Member
    How many calories a day are you having? It may not be enough, especially if you are breast feeding.
    If you are feeling hungry to the point of feeling as bad as you do, then maybe eat some satisfying healthy food snacks like a piece of wholewheat toast with peanut butter or a bowl of porridge or whatever it is that you like.
    Bingeing on junk will just make you feel worse
  • sam308lbs
    sam308lbs Posts: 1,936 Member
    Its my second day on diet..i am eating around 1500 cals when i am suppose to eat 2000 according to MFP.i do feel very tired and exhausted but i am not craving anything of as now.You should open up your dairy i think
  • jennfisher13
    jennfisher13 Posts: 50 Member
    How old is your baby???
    I ask because my first thought is post partum depression. Sometimes it is not as extreme as some people make it out to be. I suffered from it. My issues were I was teary and frazzled if I wasn't holding the baby. Shaky, excessively tired(more than having a new baby) and always on the verge of tears....
  • ebony__
    ebony__ Posts: 519 Member
    This is a very normal response from your body as its adjusting, especially if your significantly reduced your processed sugar intake.
    However make sure your calories are definately high enough to support breast feeding, because it sure uses a lot.
  • Baby is 9 weeks old. MFP recommend 1500 calories based on my weight, and I added 500 for breastfeeding.

    I don't actually feel hungry really, just really want to eat!

    Just trying to figure out if this is a normal physical reaction to change in diet (first time I've dieted in a long time!), or an emotional reaction, or if I need to eat a little more.

    I'll open my diary but please be gentle!

    Thanks for all the help :-)
  • Its my second day on diet..i am eating around 1500 cals when i am suppose to eat 2000 according to MFP.i do feel very tired and exhausted but i am not craving anything of as now.You should open up your dairy i think

    sam cutting your calories by 500 a day will not have drastic effects, at that rate youll lose 1lb a week without exercise.

    if you are 308lbs i suggest a more drastic diet plan which would be lifechanging for you. a keto plan would benfit you much more and would lose over a stone in two weeks.

    avoid carbs ie bread, pasta, potatoes , keep your calories under 1000...
  • Baby is 9 weeks old. MFP recommend 1500 calories based on my weight, and I added 500 for breastfeeding.

    I don't actually feel hungry really, just really want to eat!

    Just trying to figure out if this is a normal physical reaction to change in diet (first time I've dieted in a long time!), or an emotional reaction, or if I need to eat a little more.

    I'll open my diary but please be gentle!

    Thanks for all the help :-)

    what diet are we talking about here? reducing calorie intake on a normal diet shouldnt be producing these feelings considering people only cut between 500-800 calories

    however if it was a keto diet youd be entitled to complain about the first few days going into ketosis (sore head, weakness etc) but its so worth it as after a week your hunger subsides, you get energy and feel great. getting your energy from fat is much better than from carbs

    plus the boost you get from losing much more lbs a week than conventional diets is great
  • what diet are we talking about here? reducing calorie intake on a normal diet shouldnt be producing these feelings considering people only cut between 500-800 calories

    however if it was a keto diet youd be entitled to complain about the first few days going into ketosis (sore head, weakness etc) but its so worth it as after a week your hunger subsides, you get energy and feel great. getting your energy from fat is much better than from carbs

    plus the boost you get from losing much more lbs a week than conventional diets is great

    I'm just counting calories, but trying to make more sensible choices, so I'm having a lot less sugar. My diet before was appalling, 5000 calories a day or more.
  • ebony__
    ebony__ Posts: 519 Member
    what diet are we talking about here? reducing calorie intake on a normal diet shouldnt be producing these feelings considering people only cut between 500-800 calories

    however if it was a keto diet youd be entitled to complain about the first few days going into ketosis (sore head, weakness etc) but its so worth it as after a week your hunger subsides, you get energy and feel great. getting your energy from fat is much better than from carbs

    plus the boost you get from losing much more lbs a week than conventional diets is great

    I'm just counting calories, but trying to make more sensible choices, so I'm having a lot less sugar. My diet before was appalling, 5000 calories a day or more.

    Think I already mentioned but the cut of sugar alone could definately be responsible.
    It should pass.
  • ebony__
    ebony__ Posts: 519 Member
    Also what's this keto diet? I'm curious
  • 2hobbit1
    2hobbit1 Posts: 820 Member

    Hi, welcome to MFP. have you looked at the info in this thread? I would be thinking that you are not eating enough along with the stress of dealing with a newborn. It can wreck havoc on your hormones and ability to get adequate sleep.

    If you need help working out your numbers PM me with your info and I will run the numbers for you.

    Once you get your calorie intake to a good place if the depression continue I would talk to your practitioner about the possibility of Postpartum depression.
  • wrapmybaby
    wrapmybaby Posts: 1 Member
    I get very ratty and irrational when reducing calories even if 'just' 500 calories and I also get the urge to binge. I find it takes between 1-2 weeks for that to settle down for me and after that the urge to binge gets less and less.

    Of course you are entitled to complain. For me I find it helps to eat when I want to eat but limit what I can have ie right now I have a stupid amount of ricecakes in the house so I can eat myself silly with them. It kind of works as it does not take away the urge completely but makes it more manageable. I know that this does not work for everyone though :)

    Eating is linked very closely to my emotions which means that for me in order to loose weight I need to be committed emotionally as well as physically.

    Hope the urges pass soon and hooray for day 4!
  • Tell the truth I just think your body is crying out for more calories. My brother's first born suffered from colic for example, and he lost a stone just getting up and walking with his son. New born's are hard, tiring work and you may be burning off way more calories than you think taking care of your child.
  • Poods71
    Poods71 Posts: 502 Member
    Your diary looks ok and if your milk is fine they they are probably eating enough (my milk started to dry up because my cals were too low as I didn't know I was supposed to eat more to compensate). Like I say, I would definitely get your blood checked as the symptoms sound exactly like mine and my iron was low. If your blood is fine then it could be post natal depression. I would suggest a wee trip to the doctors.

    Hi, welcome to MFP. have you looked at the info in this thread? I would be thinking that you are not eating enough along with the stress of dealing with a newborn. It can wreck havoc on your hormones and ability to get adequate sleep.

    According to that I should be eating 1988 calories per day, would I then add 500 calories for breastfeeding on to that? It sounds like a high number, but I do have a lot to lose. Oh decisions!
  • mumof5
    mumof5 Posts: 328 Member
    yes yes and yes!!!! omg your baby is only 9weeks old!! give yourself a break! breast feeding and having a new baby takes a lot out of you. you should be eating 2000 cals a day - and they should be really nutritious calories ie not chips and chocolate for breakfast!! (i saw it) if your are depressed you need to talk to someone, your nurse, doctor, hubby, mum, anyone. depression can be treated and sometimes it only takes a box of tissues and a good vent! your baby is still very new, your body just spent 9mths getting used to all the new hormones and making adjustments then you went and gave birth!! now it need at least 9mths to get all the hormones back into order. you really need to look after yourself so you can look after your beautiful new baby. eat healthy, go for walks but dont "diet" just yet. RELAX AND ENJOY THAT BABY BEFORE HE IS IN UNIVERSITY!!! believe me they grow up fast!