Little help reviewing my exercise routine

I started my new healthy lifestyle 3 weeks ago, I've lost 5.5 lbs so far and I'm feeling good. I go to the gym 4 times a week for about an hour each time, but I'd just like to check with you guys if what I am doing is the best way to lose weight and tone my wobbly bits! ^_^

Cross ramp (elliptical) for 10 mins warm up
Arm curls 3 reps of 10 (all arms are using hand weights)
Arm extentions 3 reps of 10
Chest press 3 reps of 10
Shoulder press 3 reps of 10
Abs 3 reps of 10 (using resistance machine)
Elliptical trainer for 30 mins (alternating between resistance 6 and 12)
Hip abductor 3 x 10 reps (using resistance machine)
Hip adductor 3 x 10 reps (using resistance machine)

I did start doing a 10 minute run to warm up, but it started hurting my hip. Might try again when I've lost more weight

Comments and improvements very welcome. I just want to do what will work best :) Thanks!


  • ItsTheBeebs
    not a bad little routine you got going, however you will need to adjust it slightly as your body will get used to this and wont adapt as much.

    Try changing it up with 4 sets of 8 reps for the exercises.
    My personal trainer also suggests only warming up with stretches then cardio AFTER the weights, as the cardio can deplete the muscles capability so you wont be able to work as hard.
    So try that.

    Also throw some different abs exercises it there without the machine.
    Im a big fan of leg raises with an exercise ball between my feet, or even a dumbbell.
    there are alot of exercises to hit the abs so get them going to start to tone your muscles early
  • nz_deevaa
    nz_deevaa Posts: 12,209 Member
    I recommend you read 'The New Rules of Lifting for Women'. Lift heavy. Use free weights instead of the machines.
  • gguynes
    I'm no expert, but it looks like you've got a pretty good routine going. Great job starting with a warm-up! That's a mistake many people leave out and it can cause injury.

    One thing to consider is alternating upper and lower body work outs each day with core muscle groups workig every day. My workouts:
    Day 1, 3 - upper body (chest press, shoulder press, butterfly, lat pull-down) with ab crunch, back extension, and twist-ab pull ups every day... Usually end with 30+ minutes elliptical begin with 5 minutes steep inclined treadmill each day.
    Day 2, 4 - lower body (leg extension, leg curls, leg press, calf lift) with same core group above. Use same cardio end as above.
    Day 5, 6 - cardio only with day 6 being longer time at a slower pace - almost a "casual" work out day. Usually walk at a fast past/slow jog on day 5.
    Day 7 - rest...

    Feel free to add me if I can help in any way... no matter what, keep the faith!