


  • desirez131
    desirez131 Posts: 72 Member
    Like the others I don't feel like it is a healthy behavior. Now in saying that I will also say that I know many people including myself who have lost a lot of weight gained some back and even just worked hard at losing it that either feel that guilt or over analize every morsel of food that we take in. I tend to not eat very much on Thursdays in fear that I won't be able to work it off by friday morning before my weigh in. I probably didn't help any I am sorry.

    Actually you did help because now I don't feel so alone. I think that's another reason why I don't eat dinner sometimes because I want to see a change in the number the next morning.
  • jakidb
    jakidb Posts: 1,010 Member
    At this point, it does not APPEAR that require "special help". I think it's "normal" to question whether you've made the "healthiest" choices. Even with salads, the salads may be perfect but questions can arise such as is this dressing to fattening, did I add to much cheese, are "toppings" to much and within caloric intake and so on. I would say for now just continue to log your entries and do your research but if YOU feel that it's an issue, THEN and only then would I see "help". Relax, from what I see you're making GREAT progress.
  • desirez131
    desirez131 Posts: 72 Member
    At this point, it does not APPEAR that require "special help". I think it's "normal" to question whether you've made the "healthiest" choices. Even with salads, the salads may be perfect but questions can arise such as is this dressing to fattening, did I add to much cheese, are "toppings" to much and within caloric intake and so on. I would say for now just continue to log your entries and do your research but if YOU feel that it's an issue, THEN and only then would I see "help". Relax, from what I see you're making GREAT progress.

  • TinGirl314
    TinGirl314 Posts: 430 Member
    I would suggest getting help...
    Only because I have this problem, and I have to deal with it in therapy.
    Eventually I passed out from not eating on a day where I managed to burn 500 calories in my workout. :(

    Tonight I still have 1,000 calories to eat and I'm not even sure where they are coming from...
    Food should not induce guilt, but I get that it does.
    If you need a buddy feel free to add me <3