Need some encouragement this morning

I am 44 and started this journey a few weeks ago as a way to feel better in my own skin. I wanted to be able to feel healthy and happy :-) Being a woman, I want to be able to go shopping for things other than shoes, jewlery and cosmetics! I want to buy clothes!!! Cute clothes....not ones that hide what I don't like.

I am counting my calories, watching carb intake, drinking LOTS of water (although I do not log it) and even drink Budweiser 55 (gasp!) when I crave a beer! I also started walk/running, about 3 miles per day, every day. That is until my knees/foot said "no!"...My plan now is to dust off the old bike and hit the trails. I will show this old body who is boss!

My first weigh in was 157 and today, I am at 153. The scale has not moved, except when I kicked it accross the bathroom floor, in almost 2 weeks! Honestly today, I actually picked it up and looked it over because I thought, it just has to be broken. Maybe it hasn't been lower than this for so long that it is "stuck." Really, this went through my head.

Anyhoo....I am just a little discouraged this morning. My "brain" is telling me that it will happen...the "human" side of me is saying I want results NOW dammit!

But...It is Friday and football season has officially I got that going for me!

Any words of encouragement or a slap upside the head would be much appreaciated this morning....


  • tejasmh87
    tejasmh87 Posts: 91 Member
    *head whack* Be frustrated, its okay :) We all have been there (i'm there now too). Take it out on the bike trails! get a hydro pack and just go for some fresh air and watch out for snakes ;)
  • desirez131
    desirez131 Posts: 72 Member
    Just know that this is a journey and things don't happen overnight (still working on grasping this myself). Great habits lead to Great results! Sounds like you are on the right path :)
  • pamperedpenguin
    pamperedpenguin Posts: 95 Member
    I totally feel your pain! Working harder, watching what I eat, and nothing happens :(
    I'm just holding out hope that what everyone says is true: "It'll happen, just keep it up!"

    So my advice to you : "It'll happen, just keep it up!" :)
  • loriejay37
    loriejay37 Posts: 2 Member
    You can do it, don't give up. Do you feel better now that you are on a healthier track? Sometimes it is not about the number on the scale, but how you feel. Do your clothes fit different? Keep this in mind, you may be losing inches, but the scales don't show it yet, but it will. Just keep at it and don't give up.
  • 126siany
    126siany Posts: 1,386 Member
    I find that judging my progress only by the scale is a quick trip to Crazytown, followed by a stay in MassivelyDepressingVillage, followed closely by permanent residence in Giveupistan.

    Pictures, measurements, noticing your clothes fitting better, improvements in workouts, etc. are all less stressful ways to chart progress. Better ways, too, unless you plan to wear a sign around your neck with your weight on it! :tongue:

    If you keep making good choices, the weight will come off. :flowerforyou:
  • blackcoffeeandcherrypie
    Well done! You lived a healthy lifestyle and you maintained your weight loss. If that was so easy, none of us would be here! Rather than think of it as things you are doing to lose weight, think of it as trying to live healthily and see any weight loss as a bonus. Was your hard work really wasted because you didn't lose weight, or were there other benefits to it that are good for you regardless?
  • vikingchix
    vikingchix Posts: 105 Member
    Thank you all for the kind words!

    I think I just wanted to roll around in my little pitty party this morning.

    My clothes are fitting better and I feel better....

    This morning I just wanted to see that dang thing move....I am sure if anyone saw me at 5:00am stark nekkid....swearing like a truck driver, then actually picking up the scale and looking it over...they would have sent over the men with the pretty white coats :-)

    Thanks again....nice to know I am not the only loonatic out there!!!
  • clover5
    clover5 Posts: 1,643 Member
    *SLAP* This is not a quick loss plan. It's a slow, but effective plan of consistant exercise and food monitoring, that will produce the results you want and provide you with the tools to maintain.