Do You Think the Red Team Cheated? BL Fans

mrsbojangles Posts: 418
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
Let's settle this once and for all. How many of us think the red team threw their weigh-in two weeks in a row? How many think the red team is telling the truth?


  • sallymurph
    sallymurph Posts: 56 Member
    As Jilian said, the red team not losing weight defies the science of food. I totally think they threw the weigh in. I hope they lose.

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  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    I don't know if the husband is hiding behind his wife or if she threw it and he is just staying quiet so he doesn't A. get in trouble from her and B. look like an unsupportive douche on tv.
    I think SHE at least threw the weigh ins and I don't care for her at. all. period. Hubby - I think he's okay and there for the right reasons but unfortunately has a wife whose focus is more on the bad tensions in the house than on weight loss and lifestyle change.
  • courtney_love2001
    courtney_love2001 Posts: 1,468 Member
    I think they (she) did. Yet, you have to think that maybe the gray team could've chosen to reverse who was weighing in, and then they would've been below the yellow line. They're being really naive and risky if they are in fact throwing the weigh-ins...Bob and Jill definitely had a point about the cals in, cals out, though. Can't ignore that!
  • TXBlockhead
    TXBlockhead Posts: 169 Member
    She totally threw her weight and the proof was by how much weight she lost this week. She should have lost that much weight the first week. I think that it's sad that she wasted those first 2 weeks. I think that people forget that the bottom line is to lose the weight.
  • lilchino4af
    lilchino4af Posts: 1,292 Member
    I KNOW she threw the weigh-ins! The first time they were immune and weighed in I saw the immediate smirk/smile on her face before she caught herself (I rewinded many times to make sure I saw what I thought I saw). To me, that means she got exactly what she was trying to do - "lose" minimal weight for a bigger number the next; only the next week they were also immune. Only reason why she didn't throw it the third week they were immune is like Jillian said: peer pressure. That and by then it'd be obvious to everyone what she was doing; she doesn't want that now, does she?

    Guess there always has to be 1 person/team per season like this for "drama" lol. At any rate, I hope they lose and fast.
  • Heck ya she threw it! Shame on NBC for offering the $ then. They need to offer the contestants something like, oh I don't know, weight loss! If you lose the most you get to be on something like, oh I don't know, the season finale! They all will get their 15 minutes no matter what...

    You will get people like her on there strictly for the purpose of winning the money. Remember on show #2 (or was it #3?) when the Dr showed them what they were losing - and what they would lose - money wise? And they backed up an armored truck? That tells me now that the producers knew that they were focused on the cash. Whether it was something they declared or hinted to when they were being selected for the show. TV does everything by design. Drama is exactly what they are banking on. Just like choosing the Green team. Husband is about to ship out during her stint on this show - lots of crying while incorporating america's love of the military. That's TV! I personally think that Miggy on the green team will be gone next week.
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    I don't know if the husband is hiding behind his wife or if she threw it and he is just staying quiet so he doesn't A. get in trouble from her and B. look like an unsupportive douche on tv.
    I think SHE at least threw the weigh ins and I don't care for her at. all. period. Hubby - I think he's okay and there for the right reasons but unfortunately has a wife whose focus is more on the bad tensions in the house than on weight loss and lifestyle change.

    He was saying "I'm not saying anything"
    IMO he knew she was in the wrong, but that is his wife. He couldn't not stand behind her on TV.
  • flbeachbuddy
    flbeachbuddy Posts: 77 Member
    I am torn. I have been on a plateau before even when doing "all the right things". She did lose a lot the first week. I don't understand them getting so upset at Bob and Jillian if they were throwing the weigh-in. Maybe she just wasn't eating enough.

    If they were cheating, then why not have him not lose also....

    Maybe I am just a patsy, but I try to think the best of people.

    On a related note, I never understand why everyone gets so upset when someone wins a challenge and then has to follow the "rules", like deciding who doesn't get to use the gym. They have to pick someone. I guess it is all a game. However, the green team needs to get a life. :-)

    That being said, who's your favorite "nice" contestants this year? No one stands out to me. Maybe the father and daughter.
  • fooja
    fooja Posts: 451 Member
    she obviously did throw it those 2 weeks. now yesterday i wasnt sure what to expect. she lost 11 but did anyone else think it was odd that hubby only lost 6??? i think he threw his a lil cuz she couldnt this week. all the focus was on her so nobody said anything bout him losing 6. hes been losing bigger than that, i think that was suspicious. that way he'll lose big next week in case she doesnt! i think the whole issue was just too much drama......but they all got past it at green team on the other hand cant seem to get over anything. i dont like green. too much attitude and whining!!!!!
  • rsimas
    rsimas Posts: 5
    I think she filled up with water before the weigh-in. Some 4-Hers would do that to their sheep to make sure they made weight. The sheep got the runs after the weigh-in. So she didn't add calories just weight. Not sure about the husband.
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member

    who's your favorite "nice" contestants this year? No one stands out to me. Maybe the father and daughter.

    I like the younger boy, from the orange team. He is sweet. He seems to want to do the work to get the weight off. The grey team is also good, very driven.
  • Carleybby
    Carleybby Posts: 158
    They should get kicked off for bad sportsman ship...

    They're ridiculous, I was actually yelling at the tv.

    they don't want to work with one of the trainers? seriously...

    People would kill to be in her spot. ugh.
  • r1chy
    r1chy Posts: 48
    Lets just stop here.

    Its a weight loss show and whether you win the money or not you want to be on the show as long as possible as this give you a good grounding to follow up the work at home. If (as all of you are syaing) she threw the weigh ins then why not?

    If I could guarentee I would have another week int he house then I would load up on water. then if I dont win immunity next week at least I am gonna be one of the biggest, if not the biggest, loser.

    If you all follow the show then you will remember that those contestants who played the "money game" rather than played "weight loss or I am gonna die whether I have money or not" put all of the weight back on in a short period of time. I give you Erik Chopin from the third series.

    Enough said from me I think!

    (Edited to correct spelling mistakes....oooops)
  • I am torn. I have been on a plateau before even when doing "all the right things". She did lose a lot the first week. I don't understand them getting so upset at Bob and Jillian if they were throwing the weigh-in. Maybe she just wasn't eating enough.

    If they were cheating, then why not have him not lose also....

    Maybe I am just a patsy, but I try to think the best of people.

    On a related note, I never understand why everyone gets so upset when someone wins a challenge and then has to follow the "rules", like deciding who doesn't get to use the gym. They have to pick someone. I guess it is all a game. However, the green team needs to get a life. :-)

    That being said, who's your favorite "nice" contestants this year? No one stands out to me. Maybe the father and daughter.

    I love love love love Sam & Koli!!!!!
  • OMG i am so torn about this. It totally seems like she threw the weigh-in, but she seemed like she was being so honest w/Jillian when they were arguing about it... I think I may be biased be/c I REALLY like her husband, Lance. he just seems like a really good guy to me, so maybe i just want to believe the best about the both of them. I definitely thought they did a good job of handing out the disadvantages

    As far as my favorite contestants::: I love Daris (orange), the dad and daughter (from ann arbor, yeah!!), and Sam and Koli rock the house! Do you guys think Sione and Felipe will come back this season as guests?? That would be awesome!! I LOVED Sunshine and Oneal (yellow) in the first episode; I am SO hoping they can come back!

    The green team gets on my nerves, although I do feel for both of them a little; I think Jillian was right about the emotional block thing, and that can be really crippling. The guy on the brown team is just ok...same thing with the purple girl. we don't get to see as much of their personalities since they lost their partners, I guess. The pink team kinda gets on my nerves as well, I'm not sure why. Micheal is hit and miss-- some days i love him and some days i don't.

    Sorry for the long post!
  • Bammie
    Bammie Posts: 8
    yep she threw it!
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    She admitted the first time that she did - she said she ate her calories and *maybe* got a 3000 calorie exercise burn, instead of the 6000 minimum they are supposed to be making. She's a lying, bottom feeding slag - did you catch that she is a lawyer too?? How dare they talk to Bob like that!!
  • clheide
    clheide Posts: 112 Member
    totally threw the weigh-in, i have no doubt in my mind. i love that jillian called them on it and didn't back down! i have disliked the red team from the beginning. seems to me that they are really in it for the $$$ and not so much about actually making the life change needed to get healthy.
  • Fieldsy
    Fieldsy Posts: 1,105 Member
    They probably did but I could understand why she did. She wanted a huge loss for when it counts. She is more about playing the game then losing the weight right now.

    She seems to be a motivated person and I think the Red team will be one of the last teams left.
  • javengreen
    javengreen Posts: 18 Member
    Yeah I definitely think she did tactics like drink a whole bunch of water right before weighing in. And I don't blame her... I would too because it would help me in the end. But also, I think for a lot of contestants, as soon as they know they are safe they ease up a bit and it just happens naturally. That mental relaxation means you won't push as hard.

    I think she was doing something funky, and I hope she stops soon, but I don't mind them as much as the green team. Stop whining and being mad all the time! Stop acting like an obstinate child.

    I also really have a problem with the way Bob and Jillian always accuse a player of playing the game every time their weight doesn't drop. Everyone's body is different. What if their body is really just freaking out? Or building a bit of muscle? Maybe the red team will actually end up healthier because they're giving their bodies some rest. Weight loss is different for everyone.
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